Chapter 139
Fang Yao's eyeballs rolled quickly.

In just a few seconds, she came to a conclusion that the owner of this card is Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi was the woman who had sex with He Jingyao that night, and the woman whom Fang Yao had replaced for five years.

When the genuine product comes back, how long can this fake of her sit in this position?

Fang Yao stared at Shen Zhiyi's face, and for a moment, thousands of thoughts raced in her heart.

No, she was determined not to allow her position to be taken away.

"Ah! You said that this hairpin was picked up by a friend of mine. I thought it was pretty, so I asked for it. Could it be that Miss Shen also has a similar one?"

"It's more than similar, it's exactly the same!" Shen Zhiyi turned over the hairpin and showed it to Fang Yao, "Look clearly at the English letters on it, my name, so Fang Yao, this hairpin is mine!"

Fang Yao pretended to be surprised and covered her mouth, "It can't be such a coincidence, can it? How could this happen?"

Shen Zhiyi stared at her in doubt, "I want to ask you, what's your friend's name? Can you give me her contact information, I have a few questions I want to ask her!"

That night after she had a turmoil with that man, the bow hairpin was lost. At that time, she suspected that it was left in that room, and maybe it was picked up by that man.

But the result now is different from what she thought.

and many more!

Hotels, card issuance, party rumors...

Could it be a rumor...

Fang Yao is also a smart person. When he noticed something wrong with Shen Zhiyi's expression, he immediately said, "Oh, you said my friend, I heard that she has gone abroad now, and her phone number has changed. Anyway, you have found the card issuer. Find her It doesn't make sense either."

Shen Zhiyi recalled the thoughts just now, put the hairpin back in his pocket, and waited until the can of fruit juice had gone into his belly before slowly saying, "We came to find Dashu, where did you hide him?"

Fang Yao laughed, "Ms. Shen's words are really humorous. I am his mother, do I still need to hide it? He was taken out by my assistant to play. Children like to play, but as long as he is happy, I will Give him more time!"

"Oh? Going out to play?" Shen Zhiyi glanced at another room, "Didn't you lock him up?"

Saying that, she suddenly got up and walked towards that room.

Fang Yao rushed over to stop her in shock, "What do you want to do?"

"Let me just take a look, Miss Fang, why are you nervous?" Shen Zhiyi smiled and pushed her away.

When Fang Yao chased after her again, Shen Zhiyi had already pushed open the door.

"Big tree? Big tree..."

"Aunt Zhizhi!"

The curtains were opened, and Dashu came out from behind and ran towards Shen Zhiyi.

Shen Zhiyi squatted down and stretched out her arms to catch him.

"Little treasure!"

"Big tree!"

The two children who hadn't seen each other for a long time hugged each other with tears in their eyes.

Fang Yao watched indifferently, a kind of jealousy crazily grew deep in her body.

"Miss Fang, don't you explain?" Shen Zhiyi turned around and asked.

Dashu told her before that Fang Yao usually didn't like to take her out to play, and would just keep him at home, so when Fang Yao said that the assistant took Dashu out, she felt suspicious.

I didn't expect the child to be locked up here.

As a mother, how could she do this?

Fang Yao lowered her head and smiled, her smile was a bit cold and disdainful, "This is my family business, I think you are obliged to explain it to you? Don't think that you really treat yourself as her mother after staying with our big tree for two days Now, there is only one mother of Dashu, and that is me, Fang Yao, no matter how hard you try, you are just a fake!"

After finishing speaking, she stretched out a hand to Dashu, "Dashu, come here!"

What she didn't expect was that Dashu shook his head, "Mom, I really miss Aunt Zhizhi and Xiaobao, and I want to be with them today!"

When Shen Zhiyi lowered her head, she happened to bump into the help-seeking eyes cast by the big tree, as if saying, Aunt Zhizhi, take me away quickly!
"Dashu, think about it, I'm your mother, don't you want to watch me sad? Come here!"

The big tree shook his head, and the little hand was already on Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao's, "Aunt Zhizhi, Xiaobao, let's go out and play!"

When passing by Fang Yao, Shen Zhiyi told her, "I will bring the big tree back safely, goodbye, Miss Fang!"

"He Junshu, come back to me..." Fang Yao clenched his fingers and screamed, his eyes seemed to be rolling with rich magma.

In the backlight, her eyes were colorless, like a living dead, extremely cold and strange.

After going out, Dashu talked about how he and Fang Yao were together in the past few days.

Sure enough, as he said before, Fang Yao didn't allow him to go out, and could only stay at home all day long, and she herself rarely went out except for necessary purchases.

The reason why Dashu stayed silent in the room just now was because Fang Yao told him before that if Shen Zhiyi and the others came, he would obediently stay in the room and not come out, let alone go with Shen Zhiyi and the others.

Otherwise, Fang Yao would no longer be his mother, let alone see him again.

The little guy believed it, and didn't want to lose his mother who just came back, so he was obedient.

But he missed Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao too much, and finally chose to hurt Fang Yao's heart.

After Shen Zhiyi listened, she held the little guy in her arms, and gently stroked the back of his head, "Don't be afraid, I will personally apologize to your mother when I get back, she won't be angry with you, trust Aunt Zhizhi!"

"Hmm!" The little guy nodded vigorously twice.

Shen Zhiyi took them to the zoo, and the two little friends ran around chasing them like wild animals that had just been released from their cages.

He's old house.

"...what I said is true, people should not be judged by appearances, that Shen Zhiyi is very good at pretending, especially in front of He's family elders, she is so hateful that she even wants to use her own daughter, tell me, how can this kind of person Can I still stay with A Yao? I am ashamed for our He family!"

Qiu Wanqing talked at length for a long time, but Mrs. He only grasped one important point, "What did you say? My great-granddaughter can also pinch fingers to divination? Can she still read facial expressions? My God! It's terrible, it's really terrible, I have to let her Little girl, watch one for me too!"

Qiu Wanqing: "..." Was the old lady listening to her?
"Sister-in-law, you're amazing!" He Yingxue shouted and ran down the stairs excitedly. "Guess what? I drank the vanilla tea given by Ayao's wife last night. I slept comfortably all night without even dreaming. I woke up refreshed and felt great. !"

"What did you say? It really works?" Qiu Wanqing resolutely refused to believe it, and confirmed again.

The old lady rolled her eyes, "Yingxue said yes, then you can't go wrong, what's the matter with you mother? Why do you expect your daughter-in-law to be bad? Look at the current situation, your daughter-in-law is very skilled in medicine, and your granddaughter Can be pinched and counted, the blessings that our He family has cultivated for several generations, no one can envy it!"

After finishing speaking, the old lady turned to He Yingxue with a smile, "Yingxue, do you still have your vanilla tea? Let me try it too!"

He Yingxue quickly waved her hand, "It's gone, it's gone, if you want to drink, you can find your granddaughter-in-law to go!" She didn't even have enough for herself.

"Oh, by the way, Mom, Ayao's wife also said that she would give me some homemade flower petal masks to nourish my skin. When are you free these two days, come with me!"

The mother and daughter walked further and further away, Qiu Wanqing remained speechless.

This... the old lady hasn't helped out yet, so she's on the other side's team?
(End of this chapter)

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