Chapter 143 Disabled Wife
Just as he was talking, Fang Huaizhou grabbed Xue Qingnian by the collar and pushed him far away.

"Next time I find you pestering them, I'll break your neck, get lost!"

"Stinky boy, you have the guts, just wait for me!" Xue Qingnian didn't forget to bluff and say harsh words before leaving.

"Handsome guy, hello men! Leave a cell phone number!" Song Jiaojiao clasped her fists in both hands, intentionally squeezed her delicate voice and said, looking like a nympho.

"I'm sorry, I'm a famous woman!" Fang Huaizhou winked at Shen Zhiyi with a wave!

Shen Zhiyi: Does this have anything to do with me?

Song Jiaojiao looked disappointed and yelled for the handsome guy to take them home.

Fang Huaizhou also had the same intentions. Now that's all right, if my best friend proposes, she will not refuse even if she is serious.

He started to play around, and put his arms on Shen Zhiyi's shoulders.


"What's wrong?" Seeing Shen Zhiyi's brows twisted into a twist, Fang Huaizhou subconsciously swept her shoulders.

Shen Zhiyi quickly turned her back, "It's okay!"

"It's nothing to blame, let me see!"

Fang Langdang is not a gentleman, he can do whatever he thinks of, and he can do whatever he wants.

"Hey! Why are you picking up other people's clothes indiscriminately? Thanks to me just now..." Song Jiaojiao said halfway, when she saw Shen Zhiyi's exposed shoulder, she stopped abruptly, then covered her mouth, her eyes widened in horror .

"My god! Zhizhi, what happened to your shoulder?"

Shen Zhiyi forced a smile, "I accidentally touched it!"

"Can you do this by accident? Shen Zhiyi, you are lying to a three-year-old kid, go to the hospital!" Fang Huaizhou took Shen Zhiyi's uninjured arm and stuffed him into the car.

"Don't make a fuss, I can take care of this little injury myself!" Shen Zhiyi protested.

Fang Huaizhou started the car, stepped on the gas pedal, and the car flew out with a whoosh. After driving onto the main road, he took the time to say, "When your arm is crippled and you are abandoned by He Jingyao, I won't regret it after seeing you!"

Shen Zhiyi originally wanted to scold him, but why did his words sound so ugly, who knew that Song Jiaojiao was very cooperative with him, "That's right, Zhizhi, men are very realistic, no one would want a disabled wife, right?"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." You can shut your crow's mouth.

When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor asked me to take a film.

The inspection results came out: the left shoulder was slightly shattered.

"If you come one step too late, the consequences will be unimaginable, ranging from surgery to amputation. In this month, do not make any major movements, force, or touch the arm!" After watching the film, the doctor gave advice.

In the end, Shen Zhiyi's shoulder received a series of treatment methods such as smearing ointment and bandaging, and when everything was over, it was already dark outside.

"You call this all right? Shen Zhiyi, I think you are really desperate, why are you so irresponsible to your body, if you didn't meet me today..."

Shen Zhiyi took Fang Huaizhou's words, "If I hadn't met you today, my shoulder might be finished. You are my god of luck. Do you want to say this?"

"Hmph, it's good that you know, I, Fang Huaizhou, don't take care of everyone's business, do the math, how many times have I saved you?" Fang Huaizhou groaned.

Shen Zhiyi waved his hand, "Stop talking, I'll pay for dinner tonight!"

Fang Huaizhou raised his head, that's it?That's it?
What does he want more than this?

"Hey Zhizhi, you're all right. I'm so hungry. Let's go eat some delicious food!" Song Jiaojiao, who had finished talking on the phone, came over and habitually held Shen Zhiyi's arm, which was still the injured side. .

Shen Zhi couldn't help but groaned.

Fang Huaizhou pulled Song Jiaojiao away and scolded, "You hurt her, do you have any brains?"

Song Jiaojiao realized later, "I'm sorry Zhizhi, alas, how did I forget about this, look at my brain, does it hurt?"

"Her left shoulder bone is shattered. Do you think it hurts? You are not qualified to be a best friend. Be careful next time!"

Shen Zhiyi poked Fang Huaizhou's lower abdomen with his elbow, "Jiaojiao is a girl, can you speak softly?"

Fang Huaizhou was thick-skinned, "My tenderness is only for you, no one else!"

The two walked out of the outpatient building with one word at a time, and Song Jiaojiao stood there like an abandoned light bulb.

What happened to the unexpected feeling that the picture of these two people getting along is very harmonious?

Fang Huaizhou first sent Song Jiaojiao back to the apartment, and then sent Shen Zhiyi downstairs to the He mansion.

He remembered the last time he sent Shen Zhiyi, she was only sent to the intersection near the street because she was worried that the identities of himself and his wife would be exposed.

To be honest, when he saw He Jingyao's statement on the Internet, his heart was empty, and he felt a sense of resentment for being deceived.

But after thinking about it, Shen Zhiyi didn't promise anything to him, and he didn't even have the qualifications to criticize and question.

How many times he wanted to give up, but his brain didn't allow him to do so. He couldn't stop participating in things related to her.

So what, it didn't affect the surprise this woman gave him.

Shen Zhiyi was about to unbuckle her seat belt when her hand was held down.

"I come!"

Fang Huaizhou tilted his body and extended his arms to operate.

The two were almost glued face to face, but this person had to look directly into her eyes.

The peach-blossom eyes are shining brightly, like a galaxy of stars, so beautiful that it is outrageous.

As long as Shen Zhiyi's will is not firm, he has long been indiscriminate and lustful, and he will be attacked.

The air was quiet, and there was a loud bang in the carriage, and I didn't know whose heartbeat it was.

"Hey, can you stop being so close to me, those who don't know think you want to kiss me!"

Fang Huaizhou deliberately teased her, "Then what if I really want to do this?"

"Then hold it back!" Shen Zhiyi couldn't stand the awkward atmosphere, so she pushed him violently.

Fang Huaizhou lost his balance, and the back of his head hit the front windshield.

"Shen Zhiyi, you will avenge your kindness!"

Shen Zhiyi suppressed a smile, "Who asked you to tease me? Be careful next time!"

Fang Huaizhou: "..." Is this still a woman?

Shen Zhiyi returned home, but did not see He Jingyao.

Mrs. Wang brought her a glass of honey water, "Mr. saw the specialist who treated the young master this afternoon. He came back from the hospital with a very ugly face. He went out without a break and hasn't come back yet. Madam, please spend more time with Mr. , the young master has such an illness, I'm afraid he won't be able to accept it for a while!"

Shen Zhiyi called He Jingyao, but no one answered, so she called Ah Shen, who said that she would go on a business trip with him in the afternoon, and asked her to visit Yin Xingze's clubhouse.

Ever since, Shen Zhiyi asked Lao Chen to send her to Yin Xingze's "Heaven and Earth".

As soon as the door was opened, there was a mist.

Shen Zhiyi slapped her face.

There were three or five men and women sitting in the private room, several of them were playing games, and a couple of men and women were feeding wine mouth to mouth.

The person playing the game of excitement is none other than Young Master Yin.

The corners of Shen Zhiyi's eyes twitched a few times, but she didn't notice that rich people are good at playing.

A few people were so involved that they didn't pay attention when someone came in, so Shen Zhiyi coughed forcefully.

(End of this chapter)

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