Chapter 144

The girl feeding the wine pushed Yin Xingze away and looked over, and then angrily gave Yin Xingze a few punches.

"Okay, you still say that I am the only woman, then who is she?"

Yin Xingze tilted his head to see the person clearly, he was surprised, "Sister Zhizhi?"

"Okay, she's already a younger sister, so what am I?" The girl was full of jealousy.

Yin Xingze coaxed a few words in a hurry, then walked towards Shen Zhiyi, "Sister Zhizhi came to play..."

"I'm looking for He Jingyao!"

"Ah Yao? I didn't see him!"

Shen Zhiyi frowned, "He's not at home, and he doesn't answer the phone. I'm a little worried. Where else do you often hang out?"

Yin Xingze slapped his forehead, "Almost forgot about this, Sister Zhizhi, follow me!"

He Jingyao leaned on the table, shot and shot with incomparable precision.

The last shot was too hard, the ball hit the edge of the table and flew out, almost hitting the head of Yin Xingze who just came in.

Yin Xingze was still in shock, "Ah Yao, I'm your brother! Can you do this?"

"Why did you come up here?" He Jingyao threw the club on the table and wiped his hands with a wet towel.

Yin Xingze pointed back with his thumb, "It's your wife looking for you!"

Shen Zhiyi came in one step later, raised his gaze, and met He Jingyao's eyes.

"Fortunately, this is not the scene of catching rape, otherwise I would have caused a catastrophe!" Yin Xingze realized later and patted his chest gratefully.

"Okay, you guys have fun, I arranged someone to watch, and no one will come in to disturb you, you don't need to thank me, good brothers have to be like this!" Yin Xingze blinked at He Jingyao, hummed and left.

Shen Zhiyi closed the door, then walked to the bar table, poured red wine into two empty glasses, and handed one of them to He Jingyao.

He Jingyao stared at her the whole time, his eyes dimmed.

"The China Bone Marrow Bank still has a lot of hope, you don't have to be sad, the big tree needs you!" Shen Zhiyi took a sip, her voice was slow but extremely firm.

He Jingyao froze for a moment, "Did you guess the result?"

Shen Zhiyi shrugged, "You have clearly written the answer on your face, okay? You can't hide your emotions only about the big tree!"

After a pause, she turned her head to look at him, her tone became serious, "So, what else did the specialist you met say? Is there a better treatment plan?"

"Yes!" After He Jingyao finished speaking, he raised his head and emptied his glass of wine.

[Mr. He, although it is possible to find bone marrow with a high matching point with the young master's bone marrow, the rejection rate will be high in the later stage. This situation is very dangerous. If the young master cannot pass this test, it may be...]

[I just want the best treatment plan now, and I don't want to hear another word! 】

[There is the best solution, but it may take a while to wait patiently. This solution is...]

"So, what's the best treatment plan?" Without listening to He Jingyao's words, Shen Zhiyi asked anxiously.

He Jingyao put the bar on the table, took her hand and stood up, "Can you play billiards?"

"Does it count as being able to fight at a professional level?"

He Jingyao raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "You won't know until you hit me if you're professional or not. Don't cry for a while!"

Shen Zhiyi has never cried at billiards, and she has always abused others.

Mr. He asked Mrs. He to tee off, and Mrs. He lived up to expectations and made four consecutive shots, only the last one being missed.

He Jingyao was not in a hurry, calm and unhurried, he held the club handsomely, and played the ball handsomely and neatly.

He seized the opportunity and cleared all the balls in one go.

Shen Zhiyi was dumbfounded.

He Jingyao is worthy of being a legend in Hangzhou. In some fields, he either doesn't know how to do it, and if he does, he is definitely a top-notch existence.

Such a man makes the same sex awe and jealous, and makes the opposite sex crazy.

Shen Zhiyi stomped her feet in disbelief, "If I don't make mistakes in the last shot, I will definitely beat you, it's all my fault..."

As soon as he turned his head, He Jingyao unbuttoned his shirt with one hand and stuck it on.

"He Jingyao, you are crazy, there is no bed here!"

He Jingyao grabbed her waist with one hand and the hollows of her knees with the other, and flattened her on the billiard table, "It's fine here too!"

Shen Zhiyi resisted, "No, it's uncomfortable!"

"Stimulation is enough, be good, be obedient, I promise you will be fine soon!"

The thrill of the fusion of ice and fire can make people's feelings reach a peak.

The man couldn't help letting out some released gasps, and as soon as he put his hands on Shen Zhiyi's shoulders, she trembled.

He Jingyao paused suddenly, frowning tightly, "What's wrong with you?"


"What's the matter with the shoulder?" He Jingyao pulled open her neckline and saw the gauze-wrapped area on the left.

Shen Zhiyi faltered, "Just... just getting a stick when looking for the big tree last time, it's not a big deal!"

"You don't think it's a big deal to get screamed? Shen Zhiyi, since it's so serious, why didn't you tell me?"

Shen Zhiyi was a little aggrieved, and said negatively, "I'm not Fang Yao, I'll tell you if I'm not feeling well, and you're not a doctor, so you can help me treat it? Women have to rely on themselves sometimes!"

"Bullshit, rely on yourself, I'm your husband, the husband who can shelter you from wind and rain, I'm not here as a display!"

He Jingyao stepped back, grabbed his shirt and put it on his body.

"Aren't we going to do it?"

Shen Zhiyi's sudden words really made He Jingyao amused. He squeezed her chin, "Hey, my husband will give it to you next time if you want it. Your shoulders are more important now, hold it back!"

Shen Zhiyi was so angry that she almost jumped up on the spot.

What does she want?
Obviously he himself is so greedy, bastard!
I don't know if it's because the dog man's desire is not satisfied, or because he is worried about Shen Zhiyi's injury, and his face is not very good along the way.

The next day, a more professional doctor was found to see Shen Zhiyi's injury.

The result was the same as yesterday when I saw the doctor, they said that the injured area should move less and apply ointment on time.

He Jingyao was worried and had to let the doctor arrange an operation.

Shen Zhiyi almost couldn't help rolling her eyes at him, and finally pulled him away abruptly.

Since Shen Zhiyi ran away last time, the two reconciled without knowing it.

He Jingyao seemed to have opened up the two veins of Ren and Du, and suddenly walked into the character set of a good man at home.

Important work and meetings are done at the company, and the rest is taken home.

He was also dishonest at work, so he had to carry Shen Zhiyi to the study to accompany him, or he had to let Shen Zhiyi sit on his lap.

What's more, when the man hugged her, his hands became dishonest.

Even when she was making coffee for him, this man came up from behind to ask for it once, which made Shen Zhiyi feel anxious all day long, and in desperation, she reduced her time alone with this man.


Shen Yichun, who had been quiet for two days, suddenly called Shen Zhiyi and invited Shen Zhiyi to drink coffee together.

"Shen Zhiyi, you don't dare to come, do you? Aren't you very powerful? Even I'm afraid? It's so ridiculous!"

Shen Zhiyi hehe, "You don't need to provoke me, if you want me to go so much, I'll just go, next time directly!"


(End of this chapter)

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