Chapter 145 The Murderer Is Running Away
In the corner of the coffee shop, I don't know if Shen Yichun is deliberately showing that she can still live well after leaving Shen's house. In July, when the temperature was over 30 degrees, she actually hung a white fur outside.

I don't know if it's because she has recently gone offline for aesthetics, or if she didn't match well, she looks like a nouveau riche.

From the moment she sat here, mocking eyes kept looking over her.

But she still didn't know it, she thought it was because she was too charming, she immediately straightened her back and raised her chin even higher, she didn't know how proud she was.

If it wasn't for Shen Zhiyi's appearance to spoil the atmosphere at this time, she might have to put on a few more fashionable poses to show herself.

"A glass of American style, thank you!" Shen Zhiyi waved to the waiter, and then looked at Shen Yichun, "Speak quickly if you have something to say, if you want to fart quickly, if you dare to say a word of nonsense, I will pour coffee on your face!"

Hearing the second half of Shen Zhiyi's sentence, Shen Yichun almost unconsciously covered her face with her hands.

It's not that she doesn't know that Shen Zhiyi, a crazy woman, doesn't do this kind of thing once or twice.

"It's just that you are still Mrs. He. You have no quality at all. You are really embarrassing to our Shen family. No wonder Mrs. He looks down on you. If you don't have the identity of the eldest lady of the Shen family, how can you compare to me?"

Shen Zhiyi raised her head and flicked her eyes, Shen Yichun didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"I'm looking for you today to talk about brother Lin Yu. If you want me to leave him, it's fine. You have to give me a sum of money, 200 million, nothing less. He will leave me and my children alone!"

Shen Zhiyi was laughed angrily, "Shen Yichun, do you think you are worth so much money? No one will take your bones apart and sell them one by one. You think you are a big girl! Also, I really think you won't leave, I can't help it? Then you really don't understand me, Shen Zhiyi!"

Shen Yichun sneered coldly, "The rabbit bites people when it's in a hurry. You know that I love money. At worst, I'll find some financial backers outside. Brother Lin Yu doesn't care about me anyway. I want to give him some cuckolds. He doesn't mind either!"

"Shen Yichun, would you like to play a game?"

"Should I still try? It's not that you don't know how many financial backers my mother has arranged for me, such as Boss Zhang and Boss Wang, they care more about me than Brother Lin Yu. They want stars for stars, and moons for moons. Oh, by the way, didn't you say that the child in my belly does not belong to Brother Lin Yu? To be honest, the child does not belong to him, but I can't help it. I have to find someone to take over, right? Both the child and I need to spend money to raise it. , I like Brother Lin Yu so much, I can only find him, anyway, even if he knows about it, he doesn't dare to make it big, the Lin family can't bear this kind of joke!"

Shen Yichun said while observing Shen Zhiyi's reaction.

This is what Liu Xiang taught her, making her try her best to irritate Shen Zhiyi.

But she said all kinds of ugly things, why is Shen Zhiyi so calm?
"You said so much, you just want to provoke me, let me do something to you, and then you take advantage of the situation to frame me, Shen Yichun, go back and tell Liu Xiang, this kind of small trick is too low-level, I have no interest in playing with you !"

Shen Zhiyi got up and didn't take two steps, but suddenly turned around, "Oh, by the way, don't forget to buy the bill!"

"Shen Zhiyi, you..." Shen Yichun clenched her palms tightly.

No, the opportunity is only this time, so don't miss it.

If she can't be cruel, others will be cruel to her in the future.

"Shen Zhiyi, if you didn't speak clearly, you are not allowed to leave!"

Shen Yichun chased and pulled Shen Zhiyi, just in time to pull her injured left shoulder.

Almost subconsciously, Shen Zhiyi made a throwing motion.

In the next second, Shen Yichun took advantage of the problem, and in the process of retreating, his stomach slammed into the corner of the table beside him.


"My stomach hurts, sister, you, why are you doing this?"

"Sister, save my child, please save him..."

Shen Zhiyi looked at him coldly: "..." I didn't do anything right?

There was a circle of melon-eating people around, and some enthusiastic people helped to call the police.

"My God! She is pregnant, she is bleeding, it looks like the baby will be lost!"

"Why is this woman so cruel, even pregnant women are not spared!"

"The murderer is about to run away, everyone stop her!"

In this way, Shen Zhiyi was blocked in the coffee shop until the police arrived.

police station.

After some regular inquiries, enter the formal recording session.

Police officer: "What kind of grievances do you have with the pregnant woman Shen Yichun? Why did you kill her?"

Shen Zhiyi: "You guys are mistaken, I didn't intend to kill her, she pulled me, I dodged, she bumped into the corner of the table, what does it have to do with me? There is surveillance in the coffee shop, you can watch for yourself!"

Police officer: "Unfortunately, the surveillance system of the coffee shop was broken that day. However, there are customers at the scene who can prove that you had an argument beforehand and you pushed the victim in a fit of anger. What do you have to explain? ?"

Shen Zhiyi chuckled, "Did those guests come here not to drink coffee, but to observe me?"

The police officer brought his satchel over, and it fell face down, and the contents inside fell with a clatter.

There was only a crisp sound, and the police officer put on white gloves and picked up a dagger from a pile of things.

"Miss Shen, would you like to explain this?"

"Sorry, I'm a timid person, and I always have the habit of carrying self-defense devices with me. Does this also break the law?"

The police officer handed over the dagger to a colleague for safekeeping, "This is your own statement, and there is another statement that you may have prepared it for this intentional injury. According to our investigation, you and Ms. Shen Yichun had a deep grievance before, and according to her Confess to yourself, you have pushed her before, causing her to have a threatened miscarriage, so this premeditated behavior is not unreasonable!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

She underestimated Shen Yichun.

At this time, Liu Xiang came in crying, "A call came from the hospital, saying that the baby in my Yichun's stomach was not saved, and I had to undergo a palace surgery. It is still unknown whether I can get pregnant again in the future! My Yichun, yours Life is really hard!"

Shen Zhiyi's eyebrows twitched, "What? Shen Yichun's child is gone?"

This was beyond her expectation.

Liu Xiang raised his head, glared at her angrily, and roared hysterically, "Yeah, isn't this the result you want? Bitch, are you satisfied now? It's you, you murderer, who killed my Wei Wei Unborn grandson, I will fight with you!"

Two or three police officers came up and pulled Liu Xiang and Shen Zhiyi apart, "Okay, okay, this is the police station, be honest!"

Liu Xiang snotted and burst into tears, "Comrade policeman, what are you waiting for, she is a murderer, a woman who is so cruel that she will not let her fetus go, she will be put to death!"

"Shen Zhiyi, you will die badly, die badly!"

(End of this chapter)

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