Chapter 146 Mrs. He, I'll Take You Home
The police officer waved at his subordinates with a headache, and comforted Liu Xiang, "Okay, Ms. Liu, calm down, we will start investigating this case, you go back and wait for our news! Little Liu Xiaowang, send Ms. Liu out! "

"Comrade police officer, this woman likes to talk sweet words and tell stories. Don't be fooled by her. This kind of person has to lock her up so that she won't go out and harm others. You..."

"Ms. Li, please!" The subordinate forcibly "please" her out.

Because Shen Zhiyi had many suspicious points, and Shen Yichun's child was indeed lost in this strife, her life was at stake, so the police station temporarily detained her.

Shen Zhiyi asked the police officer to contact He Jingyao for him, but a woman answered the call and said she made a wrong call.

Shen Zhi felt chilled, He Jingyao was with Fang Yao, and Fang Yao could answer his calls casually.

But she was imprisoned in the police station without freedom. In such a comparison, Shen Zhiyi had a ball of cotton stuffed in her throat, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Shen Zhiyi's detention room was dark and cold. She sat on a hard wooden bench, huddled herself in a corner, and hugged her knees with her arms.

An hour of waiting seemed like a century to her.

"Shen Zhiyi, someone is here to see you!" The police officer opened the door and announced loudly.

Shen Zhiyi looked up, "Hey..."

In the next second, joy froze on his face.

"Zhizhi!" Lin Yu was almost dying of anxiety, and walked quickly, hugging Shen Zhiyi in his arms, "I'm sorry Zhizhi, I'm late, I made you wronged, I'm sorry..."

Shen Zhiyi couldn't tell what mood she was in at the moment, after a few seconds, she pushed him away, "Brother Lin Yu, why are you..."

"I came here as soon as I heard the news, don't worry, I'm here, nothing will happen to you, trust me!"

Shen Zhiyi looked into his eyes and pursed her lips, "If I told you that Shen Yichun wasn't pushed by me, but she bumped into the corner of the table, would you believe me?"

"I believe, as long as it is what you say, I will believe it!" Lin Yu was extremely firm without even thinking about it.

Shen Zhiyi was stunned for a moment, and a warm current flowed through her heart. She didn't expect Lin Yu to trust her so much.

How to say something?
Maybe he is a part of you, but you are all of him.

Shen Zhiyi could feel that she was Lin Yu's everything.

Unfortunately, she couldn't give him the whole world.

In love, the order of appearance is not necessarily the most important, everything is arranged by hit.

Shen Zhiyi briefly told Lin Yu about the process of the coffee shop incident, and Lin Yu's brow creases became deeper and deeper.

He reassured her, asked her to give him some time, and would do his best to get her out of here as soon as possible.

Because this case involved human life, and the witnesses and evidence all point to Shen Zhi's intent to hurt him, so, as a major suspect, the police station cannot release him.

"Zhizhi, believe me, I will find a way to get you out safely!"

Before Lin Yu left, he smiled and said something to Shen Zhiyi.

It was precisely this sentence that made Shen Zhiyi feel extremely uneasy.

I always feel that Lin Yu will do something irrational, I hope he has a sense of proportion!

Time flies, and the night begins.

Without sunlight, the detention room was dark, like a dark hell.

In the corridor at night, a sudden sound of chaotic footsteps broke the silence at the moment.

Shen Zhiyi woke up from the dream and subconsciously pricked up her ears.

"Mr. He, this way please!"

As the words fell, there was the sound of metal clashing, and then the door of the detention room was pushed open.

The lights in the corridor scrambled in, Shen Zhiyi couldn't get used to it, and subconsciously raised his hands to cover his eyes.

Between her fingers, she saw the man's long straight legs, tall and handsome figure, and deep facial features.

His deep clothes and trousers made him look more dignified and elegant, and his hair was all combed back, and he was meticulously styled.

The whole person stood there with the backlight, and his whole body seemed to be coated with a light golden halo, like a filter, it was too dazzling.

Compared with Shen Zhiyi, who had disheveled hair and disheveled face, she was as embarrassed as He Jingyao was.

It made her want to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was the second time he had come to the police station to get her.

I don't know, but I thought Shen Zhiyi was so worthless, so she came to the police station to report every now and then.

"Mrs. He, I'll take you home!" He Jingyao stretched out a hand to her.

Shen Zhiyi raised her head and bumped into his thick black eyes.

There was a reflection of her somewhat bewildered face.

She always felt that this man's eyes were too sharp and cold, but at this moment, she felt as if she was soaked in the sun, with the warmth of early spring.

It was such a beautiful feeling, but Shen Zhiyi's nose was sore and her eyes were red.

A certain part of the heart was also hit hard.

[I'll take you home! 】

Just six words are worth a thousand words. It is a vow to be cherished and cared about.

The moment Shen Zhiyi handed over his hand, he wrapped it tightly.

His palm was hot and warm, which instantly calmed her fear and irritability.

In this way, He Jingyao led Shen Zhiyi's hand all the way into the car.

Shen Zhiyi looked at him sideways, and frowned a few times, "How do you know I'm here? Also, do you know what crime I'm charged with? Brother Lin Yu failed to bail me out, how did you do it? Yes, you shouldn't... um..."

The next words were blocked back by He Jingyao's kiss.

He didn't play much, and pulled away after sticking it for a while, and smoothed the hair covering her cheek with his hand.

"I ran all afternoon to solve your problem, so stay quietly by my side and let me rest for a while?"

He Jingyao didn't like such a gentle tone, and Shen Zhiyi didn't like nodding numbly.

At the end, he stroked the back of her head, said "You are so good", and then leaned his head on the back of the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

Shen Zhiyi: "..." Why do you think the dog man has changed?

Back at He's Mansion, she took a hot shower, changed into a set of clean clothes, and ate a bowl of small wontons made for her by Mrs. Wang, so that she felt better physically and mentally.

Suddenly remembered something, she called Lin Yu and told her that she was taken out of the police station by He Jingyao.

It took Lin Yu a while to speak, "That's good, that's good, as expected, Mr. He has a way!"

Putting away the phone, he leaned his back against the wall and looked up in a daze, thinking of something, a bitter and self-deprecating smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

"Xiao Lin, you didn't take care of Yichun inside, why did you come here?" Liu Xiang didn't see Lin Yu in the ward, and thought that he had repented and ran away, so she was so scared that she hurried out to chase.

Lin Yu looked cold, "Aren't there nurses? They are more professional than me!"

"How can the nurse be as caring as you are? The person Yichun needs most right now is you. Don't forget that Shen Zhiyi pushed Yichun because of you. You are also responsible for this matter, and that is also your child, so At this time, you can't leave her, otherwise you will be too unmanly!"

"I know, so in order to make up for her, I decided to marry her!" Lin Yu stood up straight, and suddenly announced solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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