Chapter 162 Forgive Her
Lin Yu sighed deeply, propping his forehead with his mouth, looking very tired.

"You know that I don't like Shen Yichun, this kind of result is the most correct, you were still persuading me before, weren't you?"

"I don't believe it!" Shen Zhiyi followed every word, firmly.

She walked around in front of Lin Yu and chased his eyes, but he avoided looking directly.

"What happened to the statement you asked Shen Yichun to sign?"

"Actually, you knew from the very beginning that Shen Yichun was playing tricks, right?"

"Back when you agreed to marry Shen Yichun, a very important reason was because of me, right?"

Facing Shen Zhiyi's repeated questions, Lin Yu just remained silent.

Shen Zhiyi paused, and continued to question his soul, "You left the wedding at noon, and handed over the statement signed with Shen Yichun's name to the police immediately, right?"

"...Yes!" After hesitating for a moment, Lin Yu finally nodded.

Shen Zhiyi let out a foul breath, at this moment, she didn't know what to say.

How can this person...

Lin Yu scratched the back of his head and laughed at himself, "I've inquired about it, and your case hasn't been closed yet. Look, I finally won over Mr. He and rescued you before his lawyer made a move. Not so useless!"

Shen Zhiyi looked at him with joy, feeling unspeakable guilt and emotion in her heart.

It turned out that her brother Lin Yu had done so much, all he wanted was to be able to save her personally.

"Brother Lin Yu, do you know that what you sacrificed was your own marriage. Marriage is different. How can you be so impulsive?"

Lin Yu shook his head, he looked at Shen Zhiyi firmly, his eyes were extremely bright, "Compared with yours, my marriage is nothing worth mentioning, if you give me another chance, I will still do it!"

Shen Zhiyi bit her lip, moved and annoyed at the same time, her brother stopped shouting, "Lin Yu, you are so serious..."

"Don't be stressed! I didn't think about it. I just wanted to protect you like I did when I was a child. Didn't you say that? I will always be your brother Lin Yu. If my sister is in trouble, the brother will naturally come forward. You said Woolen cloth?"

In order to conceal his poor acting skills, Lin Yu brushed Shen Zhiyi's hair with a smile on his face.

Shen Zhiyi stopped talking, her eyes were red.

Big fool, what a big fool!

Heaven and Earth Clubhouse.

"Fuck! Mistake, mistake!"

Yin Xingze covered his forehead, extremely annoyed.

He Jingyao buried him, "Which time do you not make mistakes?"

"It's real this time, just now the pole slipped because of the shaking of the hand, otherwise I might win you in this round!" Yin Xingze said while gesticulating, as if it was real.

He Jingyao lit the cigarette in his mouth, and threw the lighter aside, "Well, let's have another game, and the loser will give [-]% of the shares in the property under his name to the winner, how about it?"

"Cough, cough, cough! What are you talking about? If my brothers say you are the second in golf skills, no one dares to be the first. Is it worth comparing? Oh, stop playing and stop playing, it will hurt your self-esteem!"

Yin Xingze put down his cue and sat down to drink.

He just talked about it just now, who knows that this guy just blocked him with one sentence, he is still a good friend whether he sees it through or not, does this friend still do it?
He Jingyao handed the cigarette case to Yin Xingze, who turned around with a moan.

"Almost done, are you really angry?" He Jingyao kicked Yin Xingze's foot.

Yin Xingze climbed up the pole, "It's okay if I don't get angry, a few girls will come over later, you have to put some water on me, let me win two rounds to support my face?"

"That's it?"

"That's it!"

"Success!" He Jingyao readily agreed.

As soon as the words were finished, Ah Shen came in and whispered in front of him.

I saw He Jingyao's heroic eyebrows raised, and he took the cigarette between his lips and teeth to dust off the ash, "I underestimated Lin Yu before, but he is still a man!"

"Young Master Yin!"

The door of the entertainment room was pushed open again, and several tall, bright-looking girls came in.

When the girls saw He Jingyao, their faces showed surprise.

Those who often hang out with Yin Xingze know that He Jingyao is also a frequent visitor in the heaven and earth, but it is even more difficult to get close to him.

The girls never dreamed that today they would be lucky to run into He Jingyao here, and looking at the posture, maybe they could play together, it's not too wonderful.

The girls are ready to make a show.

"That's enough, all of you are about to lose their eyeballs. Mr. He has long been famous, but you ordinary people can't compare with it. You guys, you should die!" Yin Xingze I just love to do these cold-water jobs.

Where did the girls know that Mr. He was married?But what about married?Which of the men nowadays doesn't come out to steal?

Especially for a man with money and good looks like He Jingyao, not to mention benefiting from him, even if it is reversed, there will be people who will continue to follow him.

The sharp-eyed Yin Xingze suddenly spotted a familiar face, "Yo, what a coincidence, isn't this Miss Jiang?"

Isn't Jiang Xueer the one following at the end?
She smiled awkwardly, and before she could speak, she was robbed by the girl who took the lead, "Star Jiang is now my personal image consultant, if Yin Shao feels disturbed, I will let her go now!"

"No, no, no, there are so many people!" Yin Xingze smoothed things over with a smile, and glanced at He Jingyao.

Jiang Xue'er fell from the first-tier actress to the eighteenth-tier, and this guy cannot do without this credit.

He couldn't help feeling sympathetic when he saw what the girl had become.

The leading girl looked back at Jiang Xueer, waved her hand, and said impatiently, "I hired you to serve me. What are you doing behind the main station? Come and help me hang up my clothes. You have no professionalism at all. Really poor!"

"Oh, here we come!" Amid the mischievous eyes of the girls, Jiang Xueer walked over boldly, took the bag and coat from the leading girl, and put them in order.

"I made Yin Shaojian laugh. These big stars just like to pretend to be noble. After a few times on TV, they are so proud that they don't know who they are. If I didn't see her good vision, I wouldn't find her a past star To be my image consultant, this kind of person is uneducated!"

The leading girl felt that she had a lot of face in this matter, and she was very proud when she talked about it.

Yin Xingze frowned when he heard that, he just felt that his former goddess had fallen into a deep pool and was ruined badly by a group of mobs, and he needed to be rescued by a handsome man like him.

"You can't say that, Miss Jiang, she..."

"There is a trade show that needs image endorsement. If Ms. Jiang is interested, you can find my assistant."

Jiang Xueer paused suddenly, and when she looked up at He Jingyao, he had already taken Ah Shen away from her eyes.

What do you mean?
He Jingyao... forgave her?
And still willing to help her?
Isn't she dreaming?
(End of this chapter)

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