Chapter 163 love but not

Xie Zhenxuan made a gesture, and the idlers in the room retreated.

"I have liked this teahouse since I was young. It has been open for more than 30 years. I don't know if Ms. Fang is a tea taster, but I suggest you try their Longjing. The taste is not comparable to other places. of!"

He Zhenxuan spoke leisurely, and made a "please" gesture to Fang Yao.

Fang Yao really doesn't like drinking tea, but she has no choice now, at least until she finds out the identity of the other party.

She took a symbolic sip, but her mind was not on it, "We don't seem to know each other, sir? Could it be that you misidentified the wrong person?"

"Did I admit my mistake? You'll find out when I finish what I'm going to say!" He Zhenxuan smiled slowly, pinching the lid of the cup and flicking the tea, "No wonder the great-grandson of the He family is smart, handsome, and deeply loved by the old man." I like it, it turns out that his mother is also so good, not to mention, you and A Yao are really a good match, I don't understand why the old man and the old lady have been against it!"

Fang Yao raised her head abruptly, and sized He Zhenxuan up from childhood, "Are you... the He family?"

He Zhenxuan was wearing a black top hat and a modified Chinese-style suit as usual. Although his face was haggard and his spirits were not good, the arrogance in his bones was simply the standard of the He family, and it was unmistakable.

He Zhenxuan didn't answer, but instead asked, "I want to ask Miss Fang a question, do you want to marry into the He family?"

Fang Yao's eyes trembled, and he said vigilantly, "It has nothing to do with you, does it?"

"Of course it has nothing to do with me, but I have a small favor that I need Miss Fang to help me with. As a reward, I can help Miss Fang marry into the He family smoothly, so that we will have a relationship!"

He Zhenxuan shook the porcelain cup and drank it in a flash. He grabbed the teapot with the heat-insulating cloth and filled another cup for himself.

Fang Yao's pupils dilated, "You, what are you talking about? How can you force Ah Yao to do things he doesn't want? Stop joking!"

"Sorry, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first!"

After speaking, she got up to leave.

"Miss Fang!" He Zhenxuan called out to her in a deep voice, and then stood up. I don't know if he was too emotional just now. He swallowed the wind when he opened his mouth, coughed non-stop, his pale face turned red immediately, and his subordinates came in immediately. Pass him a pill.

He calmed down a bit after swallowing it with water.

"As far as I know, after you were left as the great-grandson of the He family, the He family not only didn't let you in, but even didn't give you a penny of compensation. If I were you, I would never be reconciled to having the identity of Mrs. He , What a sight that is, is Miss Fang really planning to give in?"

When He Zhenxuan talked about Fang Yao's heart, her hands gradually clenched into fists, and she turned around suddenly, "Then tell me, what good way can I get Ah Yao to marry me?"


Return to the bar at night.

"Second Young Master Fang is here!"

"Handsome, I haven't seen you for a few days!"

"Want to have a drink together?"

As a frequent visitor here, Fang Huaizhou stirred up the atmosphere as soon as he appeared, and several beauties greeted him. He was not in the mood, so he waved his hands hastily, and went to sit alone in the corner.

In the past, besides sleeping in bed at home, he just went to nightclubs. Day after day, only this noisy environment seemed to be able to sublimate his soul.

But he suddenly found that the previous fun was gone, the night show seemed to have lost its original allure to him, and even the wine in the glass had lost its taste.

Compared with the loneliness and silence on his side, the lights on the dance floor were flickering, the music was dynamic, and the high atmosphere almost lifted the ceiling.

Song Jiaojiao was dressed in a hot girl outfit, raised her arms and closed her eyes, shaking so emotionally and selflessly, the screams around her were wave after wave, making people even more excited.

"Look, Jiaojiao, my god, what kind of beauty is this? She looks too good-looking, doesn't she?"

"Don't get excited too early, look at the delicacy of the facial features, maybe it's a woman disguised as a man, in this age, there are all kinds of weird things!"

"Impossible, look at that Adam's apple, look at that hand, oh my mother, let's stop talking, I can't stand it anymore, sisters, open your eyes and show me how I can catch him!"

Song Jiaojiao grabbed the sister who was going to catch a handsome guy, "Go and rest, that handsome guy is my sister's boyfriend!"

Several people howled.

"Waiter, have a cup like his!"

Song Jiaojiao tapped the table top, pulled out a chair and stepped on it.

Only then did Fang Huaizhou cheer up and look over, "It's you? Are you... Shen Zhiyi's friend?"

Song Jiaojiao wiped her face, "It seems that I don't look so popular!"

Fang Huaizhou subconsciously looked behind her.

Song Jiaojiao waved her hand, "Okay, don't look, I'm not here with Zhizhi!"

Fang Huaizhou, who had seen through his mind, drank to cover it up.

Song Jiaojiao pressed the wine glass on the table, rested her chin with one hand, and stared at Fang Huaizhou with a smile on her face.

Fang Huaizhou frowned at her stare, "What are you doing? Girls, can you be more reserved?"

"Are you in a bad mood?"

"Is it obvious?"

Song Jiaojiao pointed at his face, "You're almost engraved with the words love but not!"

"Who loves it so much!" Fang Huaizhou looked away and drank silently.

"Don't be so stubborn, you like our weaving, don't think I don't know, you are a man, you dare not admit it, no wonder you just hide here and drink, brother Lin Yu is better than you, at least people dare to say Dare to do it!"

Fang Huaizhou grasped a key point, "Who is Yu Lin?"

"Zhizhi's childhood sweetheart, she is gentle and fair, like the affectionate second male in romance novels!"

"He's the second boy, what about me?"

Fang Huaizhou teased Song Jiaojiao abruptly and persistently, "You? You don't even have a confession plot, and the third male may not be able to take the turn!"

Fang Huaizhou: "..."

After working for a long time, he can't even get into the male third?
Thinking of this, he took another sip of wine.

Song Jiaojiao clicked her tongue twice, "Okay, don't be so sad, it will affect your appearance, you are so handsome, you may not be able to find a girlfriend!"

"By the way, you really like my Zhizhi so much!"

Fang Huaizhou glanced at her, "Does this have anything to do with you?"

"Of course, if so, maybe I can help you!"

Fang Huaizhou laughed, "She is already married, how can you help? Break up her marriage? Or brainwash her mentally? Are you afraid that He Jingyao will trouble you?"

Song Jiaojiao lazily shook her wine glass, "I'm the best at prying corners. As long as the hoe is swung deep, there is no corner that cannot be pried. Think about it, if He Jingyao is not good at weaving my family, this Still need me to dismantle it?"

"I said affectionate Fang Shao, do you know where you lost?"

Fang Huaizhou raised his eyebrows, waiting for Song Jiaojiao's next words.

"The only thing to blame is that Fang Yao is your sister. Zhizhi and Fang Yao are rivals in love. I hate black and black. Do you think Zhizhi might like you? It's too late for her to hate you!"

"What you said makes sense, so I don't have any expectations!" After speaking, Fang Huaizhou put a few cash on the table, got up and left.

(End of this chapter)

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