What Fang Yao said to him last time really touched him.

Some things and people are won by yourself. If you fight, you may have a chance. If you don’t fight, you will never have a chance.

So, when he saw the news on the Internet that Shen Zhiyi was attacked by the Internet for being suspected of intentional homicide that day, he was very worried, and immediately went to the Marriott Hotel to find Shen Zhiyi, hoping that he could help her solve it.

But who knows, someone has already taken care of everything for her.

His appearance was unnecessary.

Fang Huaizhou knew many women, but experienced few women. In Shen Zhiyi, he tasted a faint setback.

"Master Fang, don't leave in a hurry, wait for me..."

Song Jiaojiao immediately chased after her.

As soon as she got out of the bar, a gust of cold air rushed towards her head, and Song Jiaojiao shivered violently.

"Okay, why is it raining?"

Fang Huaizhou's sports car was parked by the side of the road, he unlocked the door with a beep, "I called a car for you, it will be there in a while!"

As soon as she opened the car door and got in, Song Jiaojiao got into the co-pilot in a second.

Fang Huaizhou: "Hiss..."

"I'm going to do something, it's not on the way!"

Song Jiaojiao tightly grabbed the seat belt, "It's raining so hard, do you have the heart to leave me here alone? If Zhizhi knows, can't she blame you?"

Fang Huaizhou wiped his face, "Go down!"

Song Jiaojiao saw that he didn't get in the oil and salt, so she teared her face apart, "Master Fang, I don't understand, what's wrong with taking your car back? I'll pay for the wasted gas. The car you called hasn't arrived yet. I'm standing in front of you." What should I do if I catch a cold in the storm? Or, are you afraid that you will not be able to help but look at me when you are alone?"

Fang Huaizhou sneered, pointed at himself, and then at Song Jiaojiao, "I've taken a fancy to you? What are you imagining?"

"Since it's not, then bring me here to prove it. What's the point of talking such nonsense... ah!"

Fang Huaizhou stepped on the accelerator, and the car flew out, and Song Jiaojiao's screams flew through the rain.


He Group.

"Miss Fang just sit here and wait, but Mr. He has just entered, you may have to wait a little longer, of course, you can choose to leave!"

"Wait!" Fang Yao stopped the secretary Linda, and she pointed to the coffee table, "As the secretary of the president of the He family, you are such a quality of hospitality? Could it be that your department head taught you this way, not even giving you a cup of tea? Is it a guest?"

Fang Yao was very angry. When she came here before, from the front desk on the first floor to the secretary of the president's office, who didn't bow to her?
Since the identity of Mrs. Shen Zhiyihe was exposed, she reappeared in the suitable group, and her treatment was completely different from before. Even the little secretary dared to show her face.

It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense.

Secretly moved his mouth, but he didn't dare to talk back to Fang Yao openly, so he asked angrily, "What does Miss Fang want to drink?"

“Hand ground coffee, no sugar!”

"Oh, then please wait a moment!" The secretary backed out with a smirk, and when the door closed, she poohed inside.

It's just an abandoned concubine who was thrown into the cold palace, I really don't know what else to be proud of.

"Miss Fang, the coffee you ordered is here. Mr. He is in a meeting, please wait patiently!"

Fang Yao is quite satisfied this time, with a haughty posture like a queen in the palace.

As soon as Linda went out, she hurriedly got up and walked to the desk.

There are several stacks of documents on it, maybe there is something she wants.

The president's office often had documents sent in from various departments. Fang Yao was so flustered that sweat dripped from his forehead, and he accidentally dropped the folder several times.

The file she wanted was not found here, and when she looked up, her gaze was on the filing cabinet next to the French window.

Might be there.

Fang Yao hurriedly searched for it. At this moment, there was a conversation outside.

"Master Dashu's type belongs to the mildest type of leukemia, easy to cure, and..."

Ah Shen stepped forward and pushed open the door of the president's office.

"Ah Yao!" Fang Yao got up from the sofa.

He Jingyao was stunned for a moment, then frowned, "Why are you here?"

"Oh, the big tree is asleep, and there is a nurse there to take care of it. I'll come out to get some fresh air and buy something, and I'll give you this by the way!"

He Jingyao took the document from her and looked at it.

This is the daily condition record sheet for Dashu during his hospitalization. The records are very detailed, so it is convenient to understand his condition well.

"Well, you are interested, is there anything else?"

Look, this is about to expel people, Fang Yao's heart hurts, but she suppresses a smile, "It's okay, then you are busy, I will go first!"

"Miss Fang, I'll take you out!" Ah Shen made a gesture of invitation.

Ah Shen kept sending her to the elevator entrance before going back. When the elevator opened, Fang Yao didn't go up, but turned around and turned back.

There was no one around, so she quietly closed the door of the president's office.

"...Mr. He, if conditions permit, I suggest that you bring Mrs. He to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. In this way..."



After Shen Zhiyi finished her rounds, she returned to the office.

Wechat message came, and I saw it belonged to Dashu.

[Aunt Zhizhi, I miss you so much, why don’t you come and see the big tree, woo woo woo! 】

Shen Zhiyi: [Don't cry, Dashu, the hotel has been a little busy these two days, so, tomorrow I'll bring you some of your favorite pineapple cakes, and I'll see you with Xiaobao, okay?If Xiaobao knew you were crying, he would definitely laugh at you! 】

Dashu: [No, I was just kidding you. Aunt Zhizhi keeps her word. If you don’t come, I will escape from the hospital! 】

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Under Xiaobao's leadership, this kid really became more and more crazy.

But I can understand it when I think about it. It is a child's nature to love to play. Suddenly shut him up in the ward like this. He faces not only doctors but also nurses every day. Let alone a child, even an adult would have collapsed long ago.

Shen Zhiyi had wanted to see the big tree for a long time, but Fang Yao stayed there all day long, and the two of them were so at odds with each other, it was inevitable to encounter a bloodbath.

She rolled her eyes, and suddenly turned her attention to He Jingyao.

So he made a phone call.

He Jingyao was immersed in processing a mountain of documents. When he was working, his personal phone was usually turned on silent.

Fortunately, Ah Shen saw the lit screen and reminded, "Sir, it's Madam!"

He Jingyao immediately stretched out a hand.

Ash handed him the phone.

Just a few minutes ago, Yin Xingze called He Jingyao to join his game, crying, making trouble, and hanged himself, but He Jingyao refused because he was busy with work.

As a result, when my husband heard that it was his wife's call, his reaction was completely different, and he immediately lost his job to answer it.

"what's up?"

Shen Zhiyi: "I heard that Dashu's first period of chemotherapy has ended, can we take him back for a few days?"

He Jingyao was silent for a few seconds, "It's not impossible, it's just..."

"That's great. It's not convenient for me to come forward. You can talk to your old friend!"

"What did you say?"

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