Shen Zhiyi stuck out her tongue, "Ah, what I mean is, you are Dashu's father, so naturally you say it's more appropriate, and you don't want to see me get along with Fang Yao, do you?"

With a click, He Jingyao lit the cigarette, and the blue flame illuminated his profound and heroic features, especially the line from the corner of the jaw to the back street, which was extraordinarily clean and sexy.

He Jingyao was a little disappointed, "That's what you asked me for?"

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes several times, and said cautiously, "Otherwise?"

"Is there nothing you want to tell me?"

Want to tell him?Shen Zhiyi couldn't think of anything, but when the dog man said this, he must want to hear her say something, why don't you say it, it seems that he is too embarrassing?
After racking her brains for a while, Shen Zhiyi choked out a sentence, "Well, have you... eaten?"

"Cough cough cough..." He Jingyao choked on the smoke, gritted his teeth and said, "Shen Zhiyi, are you sincere?"

Shen Zhiyi was about to cry, "I really don't know what you want me to say."

"You woman has no heart, think, think carefully for me, when I go home at night, you must say something meaningful to me, otherwise I will let you sleep badly all night!"

Then the dog man hung up the phone.

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

What are meaningful words?
What the hell does he want to hear?
"Sister Zhiyi, go and have a look, there are two minors who want to book a room, and they say they are under the age, so they have to make a fuss and leave!"

After listening to Xiaomei's words, Shen Zhiyi collected her thoughts and rushed to the hotel lobby.

"I don't understand. Isn't your hotel just to provide accommodation convenience for others? We need it, and you happen to have it, so just open it for us. There's so much nonsense, it's really not good, I'll pay double the price Isn't it okay?"

"I'm really sorry, I'm afraid we can't give this convenience. It's not a matter of money or not. It involves legal issues. We are a hotel with our own duties!"

"Don't worry, we won't tell about this matter. Who will know then? It's still raining outside, so it's hard for you to drive us away, right?"

"Then ask your parents to come over and open a room for you, it's also possible!"

The boy who had been asking for a room was impatient, and he patted the table, "I said, what's the matter with you? I really thought that if we weren't with you, we really had nowhere else to go, right? It's just a small four-star, what are you arrogant about? Cancan, let's go, let's change to another house, I really don't believe it!"

When Shen Zhiyi came over, she happened to see the boy helping a girl to leave.

The girl broke free from him suddenly, rushed to the front of the bar, slapped the table and yelled, "Why don't you open the door for me, open it, open it for me quickly, do you know who I am? I am the He family, the famous He family knows Is it? He Jingyao is my uncle, if you guys offend me, I will... I will let my uncle find someone to level up your place, believe it or not?"

"The He family is a famous family, not a barbaric family. You really slapped the He family in the face when you say such words, do you understand?"

Shen Zhiyi held He Cancan by the back collar, and put him aside.

He Cancan rubbed his eyes and took a look, "It's you? Huh! I forgot, my uncle married a waiter's wife, it's really shameful, and no one in my uncle's family wants to see you!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled softly, "It doesn't matter if they take you or not, isn't my Mrs. He's seat still secure? It's you, who don't go home at night, hang out with male classmates outside, and want to let you in, He Cancan , have you lost your mind?"

"You're just out of your mind, don't worry about my affairs, if you really treat me as my aunt, you can open a room for me!"

Shen Zhiyi took two steps forward, approached He Cancan and smelled it, then slapped his face with his hand, "How much did you drink?"

He Cancan's body was staggering, and he barely supported the bar to stand firm, and said with his tongue out, "You, you are not my mother, why should I tell you?"

Shen Zhiyi nodded, "Okay, then I'll find someone who can take care of you!"

"How dare you!" He Cancan rushed forward to snatch Shen Zhiyi's phone.

Shen Zhiyi flicked her hand, and put her index finger on her forehead, "He Cancan, you are not yet eighteen, and you just come out to have a room with a male classmate like this. Your parents know how worried they are, and their hearts are sinister. How would you know that you met a girl?" What kind of heart do people like you care about? Girls should know how to protect themselves when they are outside, instead of creating opportunities for others like a fool!"

"Speak clearly, who is the bad guy? Cancan and I really love each other, okay? Old aunt, please don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Cancan, let's go!"

The boy said, took He Cancan's hand and left here.

Shen Zhiyi stood there for a while, with her pride, she didn't allow chasing out to do thankless things at all, but there was another villain in her mind persuading her: Shen Zhiyi, He Cancan is still a child, there is no discernment The ability of right and wrong, in case you are bullied by this boy... Do you have a good conscience?

What is conscience?Can it be eaten as a meal?Can it be spent as money?
Maybe others don't appreciate it!
Shen Zhiyi turned around and walked in, just two steps away, then suddenly turned back.

"Azhe, where are you taking me? It's too late, I have to go home, or my dad will get angry!"

"Cancan baby, you agreed to stay with me tonight, don't you have the heart to leave me alone in the hotel? Just hold on, we'll be there soon!"

The boy beckoned to stop a taxi, and just as the door was opened halfway, the other hand slammed it shut.

Immediately afterwards, He Cancan in his arms was dragged away.

Shen Zhiyi guarded He Cancan behind him, "You go as you please, He Cancan stay!"

The boy blushed angrily and said, "Cancan is my girlfriend, what are you, get the hell out of here!"

Shen Zhiyi grabbed his outstretched wrist and snapped it in the opposite direction.

The boy yelled in pain, "Let go, your hand is broken, your hand is broken!"

"If you don't go to school seriously and fall in love secretly at a young age, I'll sue your teacher, get out!"

"I'll get out, I'll get out!" The boy ran away like hell.

He Cancan struggled to shake off Shen Zhiyi's shackles, "Shen Zhiyi, who asked you to meddle in other people's business? If my boyfriend breaks up with me, I will never end with you. If my marriage is not happy, I will destroy other people's happiness. You Why are you so vicious!"

Shen Zhiyi sneered, "He Cancan, you really don't cry when you see the coffin!"

"I can't shed tears, it has nothing to do with you, who do you think you are? Go away, don't follow me anymore!" After He Cancan shouted, he walked away with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Shen Zhiyi shook her head helplessly, okay, count me as nosy, you'd better not have a day when you regret it.

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