He Jingyao moved very quickly, and the next day, Dashu was taken back to He's mansion.

Of course, there is also Fang Yao.

However, she has no plans to move in.

Dashu and Xiaobao, who haven't seen each other for a long time, hide in their "small base" and close the door to play. He Jingyao goes to the study to deal with business, and only Shen Zhiyi and Fang Yao are left in the living room.

"Miss Shen, I advise you not to waste your time in vain. Instead of wasting your energy on Dashu, you should think about how you can please the elders of He's family. It is well known that Aunt Qiu hates you. Although marriage is a matter between two people, An unblessed marriage is clearly unhappy, isn't it?"

Shen Zhiyi looked at Fang Yao with a faint smile, and now she has brought this matter to the surface, and it seems that she does not intend to create a character in front of her.

That being the case, it's good for everyone to talk about it.

"I still say the same thing, this is our He family's business, so don't worry about us all day, Miss Fang, by the way, will Miss Fang stay for dinner at noon? I will let Wang Ma and the others prepare it for you. , Usually, our family does not have the habit of preparing food for outsiders!"

Anyway, inside and outside the words, there is a dislike for her as an outsider.

Fang Yao moved her chin, suppressed her emotions, and smiled, "I'll go up and see the big tree!"

Shen Zhiyi let her go, checked the time, she was about to pack up and go to the hotel, but at this moment, Fang Yao rolled down the stairs.

Really, it hurts to look at it.

"what happened?"

Seeing this, He Jingyao, who heard the sound, quickly stepped down and hugged Fang Yao horizontally.

Fang Yao was wearing an ankle-length skirt, and following He Jingyao's movement, the hem of the skirt was lifted up, and the exposed ankle instantly made Shen Zhiyi terrified.

It was a prosthetic.

Shen Zhiyi once heard Fu Que say that when He Jingyao had a car accident, Fang Yao was also in the same car. If Fang Yao hadn't protected him, He Jingyao would not have lost his life, but Fang Yao himself lost a life because of it. only left foot.

Shen Zhiyi doubts Fang Yao's character, but she cannot doubt her love for He Jingyao. A woman can do this, which shows her sincerity.

It's no wonder that He Jingyao has been pampering her for a while, even though she kept targeting Shen Zhiyi, causing Shen Zhiyi to be pushed to the forefront, He Jingyao just turned a blind eye.

"I'm fine, Ah Yao. I was just careless just now. I'll be fine after a short rest. I'm sorry to have caused you trouble again!"

Fang Yao is advancing by retreating, and whoever it is, I'm afraid I can't bear to blame it.

"If you are not in good health, rest more, I will ask Lao Chen to take you back!"

"Don't worry, I seem to be with Dashu for a while! You go and do your work, don't worry about me!" Fang Yao said thoughtfully.

He Jingyao checked and saw that there was nothing wrong with her, so he put on his coat and went to the company with confidence.

"Did you see? I just sprained my ankle just now, and Ah Yao is so nervous about me. Although he is usually very strict, I believe you can understand how he cares for me at critical moments!"

As soon as He Jingyao left, Fang Yao immediately showed off.

Shen Zhiyi smiled and shook his head, "Please, you lost a foot for him, but if he talks about his conscience, he will be moved, but the touch is the touch, it's not liking, I don't know what you are proud of?"

"Hmph, I can't tell you clearly, and I don't bother to tell you!" Fang Yao stood up, limped up the stairs while holding on to the railing.

Shen Zhiyi shrugged, she didn't bother to tell her, don't think she didn't know, Fang Yao just wanted to trap He Jingyao with a prosthetic limb.

She can use it for a while, but can she use it for a lifetime?
Shen Zhiyi couldn't figure it out, the big trees were sent back, He Jingyao also went to the company, what is Fang Yao still doing here?
Strange, she doesn't look like a woman who likes children.

Shen Zhiyi waited downstairs for a while but didn't see her come down, so she also went upstairs by a strange coincidence.

It happened that Fang Yao came from the direction of the study with a nervous expression.

Looking up and seeing Shen Zhiyi, she trembled suddenly, her eyes were full of panic, as if she had done something guilty.

"Miss Fang looks so bad? Do you need my help?" Shen Zhiyi glanced over her shoulder and glanced in the direction of the study.

"No, it's too late, I should go back, I'll come and see the big tree next time!" After speaking, Fang Yao left in a hurry.

As soon as she left, Shen Zhiyi pushed open the door of the study, and the study was still as it was in the memory, without any trace of being tampered with.

Maybe she was suspicious.


"...Don't worry, our family, Yichun, will definitely go when the time comes, and we will never let you down!"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Xiang went to pat on the door of Shen Yichun's room, but no one answered after shouting outside for a long time.

In a hurry, Liu Xiang simply found the key and opened the door.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep all day, you know what time it is, and you still don't get up, huh?"

Liu Xiang yelled while drawing the curtains and opening the window.

Everywhere I looked, there was food waste, and I couldn't get to it. If I didn't know it, I thought it was turned into a garbage collection station by mistake.

Liu Xiang was so angry that his head was buzzing, he tore off the quilt at once, and slipped Shen Yichun to the vanity mirror.

"Look at your current appearance. You are not a ghost or a ghost. A man made you like this? Why did I, Liu Xiang, give birth to such a useless daughter like you?"

Shen Yichun yawned, and then lazily disliked her eyelids.

In the mirror, she was unkempt, with sallow skin, black eye bags, and lost half of the brightness of the past, as if she had been imprisoned in some dungeon for seven, seven, and 49 days.

Her pupils dilated, and she didn't react for a while, "I...how did I become like this?"

"I'm telling you Yichun, if you go on like this, I won't care about you anymore, you can just fend for yourself!"

"No! Mom, you can't leave me alone, I'm your precious daughter!" Shen Yichun hugged Liu Xiang's thigh and didn't let go.

"Hmph, do you still know it's my daughter? I don't have a daughter who is neither human nor ghost like you!" Liu Xiang pushed Shen Yichun's shoulder away, "Now I'll give you a chance to show off. Clean it up and I'll take it with you in the afternoon. You go to a car sales company for an interview!"

"What? A car sales company?"

"Don't get excited, listen to me. This car sales company sells luxury cars worth tens of millions. Think about it, people who can afford such luxury cars must have a high status. What are we waiting for? This opportunity? You stumbled with Lin Yu, you should know the virtues of men, right? Since there are no good things, why don't you choose a rich boss? We have money that can't be spent. It's fine. Is it? This is your perfect opportunity to get close to rich people, what are you thinking about, my silly daughter?"

Liu Xiang became more excited when she said that, if she hadn't gotten old, she would have considered trying her luck.

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