But Shen Yichun vetoed it, "No way! Anyway, I used to be a lady of the Shen family, how could I condescend to be a waiter, Mom, are you confused? I can't do it, what do those sisters who admire me think? Me? I won’t go, even if killed!”

Liu Xiang turned cold, "What do you think you are now? The Shen family has nothing to do with us. If you didn't insist on marrying Lin Yu, I would have found you a rich man based on your looks. Married, now everyone in Hangzhou knows that my Liu Xiang's daughter was returned at the wedding, no matter how beautiful you are, you are worthless, and I will be Amitabha if you can be an underground lover for the big boss, don't you think about it? Willing? I think you are sincerely trying to piss me off!"

"Then you let Xiaojie go to work. He knows how to pick up girls with money all day long and squander it everywhere. If this continues, the little savings in our hands will be wiped out by him sooner or later!"

"You stinky girl, I'm talking about you now. What are you talking about Xiaojie? Besides, can you compare with Xiaojie? He is the future head of the family. You have to go to the interview for the car sales, or not. You have to go too, if not, I will sever the mother-daughter relationship with you!"

Liu Xiang teased the words angrily, she was too poor, so she had to sacrifice Shen Yichun.

Then someone knocked on the door.

"The landlord is here, what's the matter?"

The landlord is a fat man with an obscene appearance, "Just to inform you, it's time to pay the rent!"

"Ah? Us, haven't we just handed over?"

"One pay three, do you understand? Every time you have to collect the rent for the next three months one month in advance, you can calculate the time yourself, can I still cheat you? If you don't want to rent, get out, I don't know about this house How hot it is!"

"Rent, of course we rent it, but can we give it two days?"

The landlord glanced over Liu Xiang, and aimed at Shen Yichun who was only wearing suspenders, and his eyes immediately shone golden

He couldn't help rubbing his hands and said, "That's your daughter? She looks so beautiful!"

Liu Xiang took a step across to block his sight, "Mr. Landlord, how is the day after tomorrow? Before it gets dark, I will definitely transfer the money to you!"

"Okay, okay, for the sake of your long-term lease, let's do it the day after tomorrow, and don't forget to ask your daughter to take the receipt away!"

"Then thank you very much, okay, you go slowly!"

Liu Xiang slammed the door shut, and took a deep breath.

"Toad wants to eat swan meat, it's a beautiful idea!"

"Hurry up and clean up. If the interview fails, I'll see what you do. Then you can stay at home and drink the northwest wind!"

Shen Yichun reluctantly replied, "I know, I know!"


The door of the private room opened, and He Jingyao came out with a gloomy expression, followed by Ah Shen.

"Ah Yao!"

He Zhenxuan called him from behind.

"This time I accepted it, but He's Group has so many projects in the second half of the year, I think it's not bad for this one, you can give it to Second Uncle, Second Uncle accepts your favor!"

He Jingyao smiled slowly, "Where, Second Uncle's company is full of talented people, and all the planning proposals coincide with our He's Group!"

"Really? I also think it's a coincidence." He Zhenxuan raised his eyebrows, and there was a sense of complacency rolling under the calm surface.

He Jingyao looked down at the time, "The company still has something to do, so I won't tell my second uncle any more!"

"Okay, you are busy!"

He Jingyao nodded slightly, and took Ah Shen to leave first.

He Zhenxuan's peaceful smile gradually disappeared...

"Ah Shen, what do you think about this?" He Jingyao leaned on the back seat and closed his eyes to rest, tapping his neatly trimmed fingertips on his thighs again and again.

Just now, he and He Zhenxuan met with the person in charge of the overseas company at the same time. He Jingyao came to discuss this project in person. He didn't expect that he would lose as soon as the proposal was presented.

The plan given by He Zhenxuan was actually an upgraded version of the He Group's plan.

Not to mention who plagiarized whom, as far as the content is concerned, anyone would choose He Zhenxuan's.

"Sir, there is no doubt that Second Uncle's project is plagiarized from us!" Ashen said firmly. "But this plan has been kept by you since it came out. Even the other executives in charge of this plan have never been allowed to touch it. I'm curious how it fell into the hands of the second uncle?"

He Jingyao: "I've always kept that plan in my study at home!"

Ah Shen thought for a while, "Aside from the servants, the only ones who can get in touch are you and your wife..."


He Jingyao suddenly opened his eyelids, and something unknown gradually emerged from the bottom of his eyes.

He mansion.

"It smells so good, what brand of shampoo do you use?"

Shen Zhiyi came out of the shower and was wiping her hair with a towel when He Jingyao opened the door and came in.

"This is a new product that our hotel provides to guests. I'll use it to try the effect. Does it smell good?"

"It smells good!"

"Then this is the supplier!" Shen Zhiyi immediately made a decision.

And he said that the wind is the rain, so he immediately called his assistant to express his opinion.

He Jingyao took out two wine glasses and poured red wine, and handed one of the glasses to Shen Zhiyi, "I lost the competition with my second uncle!"

Shen Zhiyi swallowed her wine and was slightly taken aback, "What's going on?"

In her eyes, He Jingyao has always been an image of being invincible and omnipotent. The word "lose" should not be used for him at all.

He Jingyao waved the goblet leisurely, as if he was talking about something trivial, "The project was stolen, and the content of the second uncle and the others is an upgraded version of the He Group. The other party took a fancy to it and immediately decided to use it." Their building materials!"


"I put it in the study, have you seen it?"

Shen Zhiyi raised her head and met He Jingyao's gaze, the questioning gaze couldn't be more obvious.

She smiled, "What do you mean? Do you suspect me? Mr. He, you pay attention to evidence when you do things. Besides, what is my motive for doing this?"

He Jingyao shook his head, "I don't know, I'm just stating the facts. After the project was completed, I took it back to my study. In just two days, it's impossible for a third person to see it. Of course, you really have no reason to do this , So, I really can't think of which link is wrong, Mrs. He, what do you think?"

"Not necessarily!" Shen Zhiyi waved his index finger, "Could it be that if it is placed in the study, it cannot be seen by a third person? Maybe Fang Yao will see it!"

He Jingyao: "..."

At the same time, Fang Yao has been in a state of fear since returning from the He mansion.

She walked back and forth in front of the coffee table a few times, and couldn't resist making a phone call.

"Hey Master He, it's me, Fang Yao, how is the matter going? I'm worried that Ah Yao will know about it!"

"Then congratulations to you, I have given you something, when will you fulfill your promise?"

"Okay, then I'll wait to see the result, and, I hope this matter... you just need to understand!"

As soon as the phone was hung up, it rang again. In the quiet living room, the abrupt ringtone was particularly loud and harsh.

Fang Yao watched the two words jumping on the screen, and swallowed guiltily.

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