After adjusting the status, she pressed the answer button.

"Hey Ayao, what's the matter so late?"

He Jingyao: "I lost a business plan in my hand, Fang Yao, you came to my office two days ago, didn't you see it?"

Although he wasn't talking about the share in the study, Fang Yao still felt guilty.

She tried her best to make her tone sound natural, "No, you have so many files, maybe they were misused? Look again!"

"That might be the case. If you haven't seen it, forget it!" After a pause, He Jingyao suddenly changed the subject, "By the way, do you know my second uncle He Zhenxuan?"

"Ah? Uh, no, I don't know, what's the matter?"

"He just came back from abroad recently, and I have been in disagreement with me. He has a deep heart and is the best at attacking people around me. If he asks you to do things for him, you can tell me not to be used by others. I don’t even know, if you suddenly threatened him, as long as he can get rid of you, he will do whatever it takes, understand?”

Fang Yao felt a chill down her spine when she heard that, but she still said stiffly, "What are you telling me these things? I really don't know him, and Ah Yao won't flirt with you anymore. I'm going to take a bath, goodbye!"

Hurriedly pinching the phone, Fang Yao collapsed on the sofa weakly, her heart rate was extremely fast.

She always felt that He Jingyao knew something, but she didn't say anything.

Who cares, as long as He Zhenxuan agrees to help her marry He Jingyao, she doesn't care if she will be used or not, even if she is used, so what?

Silent night.

Not long after Shen Zhiyi fell asleep, the phone on the bedside table buzzed non-stop.

Disturbed from her sweet dreams, she frowned, fumbled for her cell phone and pressed the answer button.


"You get dressed now, pack a few clothes and put them in the suitcase!"

Shen Zhiyi suddenly woke up from the dream, "Ah? This..."

He Jingyao pinched the phone.

Shen Zhi was confused, and didn't know which song he sang, half awake and half asleep, he fished out a few clothes from the cabinet and packed them.

"Are you a snail? You move so slowly!"

He Jingyao opened the door and came in. Without further ado, he sorted out a box of clothes for her, and then dragged her away.

"Hey, I haven't changed my clothes yet!"

"No need to change, this will do!"

"This is pajamas!"

"No one is watching!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

With such an image, she took the business class of the plane. Apart from He Jingyao, she was also accompanied by Ah Shen, and Linda, the president's secretary.

Linda kept looking over, her eyes full of indescribable expressions about Shen Zhiyi's outfit.

Shen Zhiyi felt really awkward, so she went to the bathroom and changed into normal clothes.

She was next to He Jingyao's, and quietly tugged at the corner of the man's clothes.

He Jingyao turned his face sideways and raised his eyebrows as a question.

Shen Zhiyi moved closer, covered her hands and whispered, "You are on a business trip, why do you bring me?" Am I not busy?

The little girl changed her clothes just now, and applied a bean paste-colored lipstick to her lips.

Her lip peaks are beautiful, like a little hyaluronic acid, plump and stylish, just put on a little lipstick, it looks extra pure.

Like the powder on the tip of a peach, people can't help but want to take a bite.

He Jingyao's heart itched unbearably, he thought so, and did so.

"Ah!" Shen Zhiyi, whose lip was bitten, cried out coquettishly.

Passengers around looked over one after another, she belatedly covered her mouth.

Seeing He Jingyao smiling cunningly like a fox, Shen Zhi angrily crushed the toe of his shoe.

Make you laugh, make you laugh!
He Jingyao was fearless, tilted his head and pressed her face against her face amidst all the gazes, and smoothed Shen Zhiyi's hair like coaxing a child.

"Hey, don't be angry, I'm teasing you!"

Shen Zhiyi's face was so red that it reached the tips of her ears.

Just then, an elderly couple next to them stole envious and blessed glances at them.

He Jingyao is simply too good at pretending.

When they arrived in Li Country, they were escorted by special staff and checked into a local hotel.

Shen Zhiyi shared a room with He Jingyao, Ashen had a room, and Linda had a room.

Shen Zhiyi works in a hotel, so it is inevitable to compare this place with Marriott.

After turning around, she came to a conclusion. It might be because of the style. The decoration here is more warm, while Marriott's style is more concise.

Ding Dong!

He Jingyao was taking a shower in the bathroom, Shen Zhiyi wrapped up her nightgown and went to open the door.

"who are you looking for?"

There was a blond girl standing at the door. The figures of foreign girls were quite hot. In addition, they were wearing close-fitting clothes. The visual effect could be imagined. Shen Zhiyi didn't know where to put her eyes.

"I'm looking for Mr. He, I have an appointment with him, please let me know!"

The blond girl teased her big waves and said in broken Chinese.

Shen Zhiyi frowned, "I don't care what your relationship is with Mr. He, if you come to find the hotel at night, it will disturb others' rest, so you can talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to say!"

"Wait!" The blond girl blocked the door, "What's your relationship with Mr. He?"


"Oh, I see. You must be his secretary, right? You'd better not know about my relationship with him. By the way, is Mr. He married?"

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes, "It should be, are you married?"

She wanted to see what this little girl was up to.

The blond girl raised her eyebrows, "Although it's a pity, it doesn't affect my liking for him. Men in Huaguo can have many girlfriends at the same time, right?"

The corners of Shen Zhiyi's mouth twitched, but he didn't speak.

She could tell that this blond girl was He Jingyao's admirer.

They all chased them to the hotel, which shows that the relationship between the two is not ordinary.

He Jingyao, He Jingyao, I didn't expect you to hide this trick!

The bathroom door opened, and He Jingyao came out of it, wrapped loosely in a bathrobe.

Not to mention the temptation of being wet, but the way he just finished bathing is really full of reverie.

"Hi, Mr. He!"

The blond girl jumped over Shen Zhiyi and rushed straight to He Jingyao, and before he could react, Baba gave him beautiful red lips on each of his left and right cheeks.

"I use the words of your country of Hua, if you don't see each other in a day, it's like three autumns, Mr. He, I miss you so much!"

He Jingyao looked at Shen Zhiyi, and Shen Zhiyi smiled back.

Okay, I've gotten to this point with the blonde girl, it's really okay!

"Miss Laura, it's too late today, let's talk about something tomorrow!"

"I came here to see you without eating, do you really want to drive me away? Oh, Mr. He, I'm really hurt!" The blond girl clutched her chest, although it was a bit exaggerated, it seemed to be true.

He Jingyao supported his forehead with a headache, and Shen Zhiyi hugged his shoulders and quietly watched the two of them reminiscing about the old days.

"Well, I'll treat you to dinner, you go to the lobby and find a place to wait for me!"

The blonde girl's eyes lit up, "Alright, then I'll wait for you in the past, don't make me wait too anxiously!"

Before leaving, he blew another kiss at He Jingyao.

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