"Just say it, who doesn't know what you're planning? Don't you just want to sell cars here and meet some rich people? No wonder your ex-fiancé doesn't want you. It's so coquettish. Even a man wants to catch you. I bother!"

"You dare to say that to me, my mother must teach you how to be a man today!"

How could Shen Yichun be willing to swallow this breath, being abandoned by Lin Yu was a pain in her heart, and now she was openly made fun of, it was equivalent to touching her inverse scales.

Several women fought together in an instant.

Shen Yichun was outnumbered and was slapped on the back.

Fortunately, the supervisor came, and the crowd dispersed.

Shen Yichun got up from the ground with an unbelievably tragic appearance.

The clothes were torn, the hair was pulled several times, the nose of the pad was crooked, and the silicone buttocks on the butt fell off.

When Liu Xiang saw her, he almost didn't recognize her.

Shen Yichun cried earth-shatteringly, "Mom, I don't want to work here, and I don't want to be killed..."


Throughout the whole day, Shen Zhiyi was not idle, bought a suitable dress with local folk customs, and started a solo day trip.

Walk all the way to buy all the way, walk all the way to shoot all the way.

After a while, the circle of friends was overwhelmed with likes.

Song Jiaojiao came over with a phone call, "Zhizhi, where have you been? Have you gone abroad?"

"Well, Li Guo, was temporarily arrested by He Jingyao, by the way, I bought you a lot of gifts, you must like it!"

"Wow! I know you are the best. I heard that Li country is rich in beauties and handsome men. Are you tempted? It's hard to go there once. I strongly suggest that you have an affair or something, and face He Jingyao's lifeless man all day long." Men are so boring, you have to learn to self-regulate and comfort yourself, understand?"

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes in the air, "Do you think my life is too hard? He Jingyao found out that I have nowhere to bury my body!"

When Song Jiaojiao heard this, she giggled heartlessly.

Then, Shen Zhiyi shared some interesting stories with her, and Song Jiaojiao suddenly interjected, "Zhizhi, do you think there will be feelings between men and women?"

Caught off guard by this question, Shen Zhiyi's mind went blank for a few seconds, and then asked cautiously, "Who did you sleep with?"

"Cough! No, I am, I am more curious about you and He Jingyao!"

Shen Zhiyi squinted her eyes, "I don't think you're telling the truth, but I don't have any proof, Jiaojiao, you must keep your eyes open when looking for a man, you have already experienced a scumbag, so you must not be emotionally emotional again , or else...you and Brother Lin Yu can make do with it, we know the bottom line, you can also..."

"Shen, Zhi, Yi! What are you talking about, I, Song Jiaojiao, don't eat grass near the nest!" Song Jiaojiao gritted her teeth.

This time it was Shen Zhiyi's turn to look up to the sky and laugh.

It wasn't until evening that He Jingyao went back to the hotel to pick her up, and took her for a makeover on the way.

Shen Zhiyi has a good foundation, so he picked a dress casually, put on light makeup, and the stylist was full of praise.

Even He Jingyao, who had seen all kinds of beauties, couldn't help but brighten his eyes when he saw Shen Zhiyi's appearance.

Naturally, He Jingyao's visit to Li Country this time was for business, to win the domestic general agency of a luxury brand.

It is said that the founder of the brand is an elderly couple who are very well-known in the local area, but they are also very stubborn and always stick to their loyalty to the brand. Currently, there is no record of the brand being listed in other countries except Li.

And it was because of this that He Jingyao took a fancy to this point, so he flew to Liguo to win the agency right of the brand in China.

Shen Zhiyi couldn't help, so she held a glass of red wine and went to the terrace to join in the fun.

There are live barbecues, violin solos, and handsome men and women dancing lyrically.

Shen Zhiyi leaned against the fence, while tasting wine, while admiring the night, feeling the beautiful night of Li Guo.

When she turned sideways, she happened to see an elegant lady with a sprained foot and was limping towards the rest area.

Shen Zhiyi put down her wine glass and walked over to help her, "Are you all right, ma'am?"

Madam raised her head and gave her a thankful smile, and said a lot of local language, probably words of thanks.

Shen Zhiyi helped her to the chair, and said in English, "Let me help you see if you have any bones in your feet, otherwise, if you delay, the consequences will be serious!"

Seeing his wife raised her hand to stop her, Shen Zhiyi comforted her and said, "Don't worry, I'm a professional!"

Only then did Madam let go of her worries and accept a series of inspections by Shen Zhiyi.

At this time, a younger female entourage hurriedly came over. The female entourage separated Shen Zhiyi vigilantly and spoke in English, "Sorry, I will take our wife to the hospital, please stay away from our wife." a little!"

"But her foot is very serious, and the bones are misaligned. If there is a bump on the road, the consequences will be disastrous. Don't worry, I have some medical skills, please believe me!"

"I'm really sorry!" The female follower leaned over.

Madame called her and said something to her.

I saw the female attendant looked at Shen Zhiyi with unwilling eyes, and then came over and said, "Our wife said, let you use your national team's medical skills to treat her foot injury. If you treat it well, it will give you a lot of money." Great rewards!"

"There is no need for remuneration. There is an idiom in our country called 'rescue the dying and heal the wounded'. This is what everyone who knows medicine should do!"

The female entourage didn't understand either. In short, she would do whatever Madam asked her to do.

Shen Zhiyi first asked her to find some ice cubes and applied a simple ice compress to the injured foot of the lady. After that, she asked her attendant to bring a towel for the lady to bite on.

She supported Madam's injured ankle with one hand, and pinched her heel with the jaw of the other hand.

While gently shaking Madam's heels, she talked to Madam, "Madam, have you ever been to our country of Hua?"

Madam looked at the female entourage, and after the female entourage translated for her, she said, "I have been there several times, I like the food there very much, and..."


Before she finished speaking, Shen Zhiyi exerted force on her hand, only to hear a crisp sound.

The bones were instantly returned.

The madam and her female entourage were completely dumbfounded and did not respond for a long time.

"My God, madam, how are you doing?"

The female follower scolded Shen Zhiyi indiscriminately, "What's the matter with you? If you hurt our wife, don't even think about leaving Li Country!"

"The technique I used just now has a professional term in China. It is bone setting, painless, no medicine and no surgery, and it will be effective immediately!"

Shen Zhi gave a loud introduction, and then said to his wife, "Ma'am, move your feet now!"

The madam was dubious, moved her feet cautiously, and her expression changed, "Oh my god! It really doesn't hurt anymore!"

As he said that, he even stepped on the ground and tried it, looking like he couldn't believe it.

"It's amazing, how on earth did you do it!"

"Many doctors in China know how to do this. It's just a basic operation. I suggest that Madam apply some ointment later, so it will be better soon!"

Madam kept exclaiming, she was really surprised by Shen Zhiyi's operation, and at the same time she was shocked by Doctor Hua's skill.

In the end, she wanted to invite Shen Zhiyi to be a guest at home, but Shen Zhiyi declined.

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