After a while, Ah Shen came over to call her.

He Jingyao was chatting with an old gentleman, "Mr. Sewen, let me introduce you. This is my wife!"

Shen Zhiyi walked over and greeted Mr. Sewen generously. Afterwards, she gave He Jingyao a questioning look. It was all right, why did you call me over?
He Jingyao leaned over slightly and leaned close to her ear. From outsiders' perspective, the two behaved ambiguously.

"Mrs. He, you have to help me!"

Shen Zhiyi: "???"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the lady she helped just now walk over with the support of her female attendants.

"Mr. He, Mrs. He, please allow me to introduce you. This is my wife. She doesn't usually like to see guests, but I forced her here today!"

Mrs. Severn's wife?
Shen Zhiyi's eyes widened in surprise, and Mrs. Sewen also widened her eyes after hearing the introduction to Shen Zhiyi.

She whispered something in Mr. Sewen's ear, and Mr. Sewen looked at Shen Zhiyi with surprise in his eyes.

"Mrs. He, my wife said that you treated her foot just now. We are so destined. Here, please allow me to express my deep gratitude to Mrs. He!"

"Mr. Sewen, you don't have to be polite. My wife knows a little bit of medical skills. Helping others is what you should do!" Before Shen Zhiyi could speak, He Jingyao said for her.

Shen Zhiyi turned her head and glanced at him.

Why does this guy always feel like he knows something!

Several people clinked glasses and chatted. During the process, Shen Zhiyi noticed some whispers between Mr. Sewen and Mrs. Sewen in the local language.

When she secretly asked He Jingyao, she was just trying her luck, but who knew that He Jingyao really knew.

"They're talking about you!"

Shen Zhi felt strange, "Me?"

He Jingyao pulled a strand of hair behind her ears for her, "Yes, Mrs. He, you play a decisive role in the success or failure of this cooperation!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." What does it matter to her?

"Mrs. He!" Mrs. Sewen raised her glass to Shen Zhiyi, and Shen Zhiyi touched the glass to it.

"Although you helped me just now, I'm sorry, I still can't give you Daisy's Huaguo agency rights, but, to express my gratitude, I would like to invite you to my house as a guest!"

Shen Zhiyi looked at He Jingyao, who translated these words to her and answered them for her by the way.

"It doesn't matter. Maybe we haven't prepared enough. We can still look forward to the next cooperation. As for visiting the manor, I'm afraid I don't have time. I have an appointment with other guests tomorrow. By the way, you are welcome to come to China anytime to play!"

A few people chatted and laughed, and the matter of agency rights was over.

"Did you already know about the fact that I helped Mrs. Sewen's feet?" As soon as she got in the car, Shen Zhiyi couldn't help but ask out of inner curiosity.

He Jingyao didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either.

I don't know if it's because of a busy day, or because the lights are too dark, but his complexion doesn't look very good, he looks a little tired.

Shen Zhiyi felt a little distressed.

The boss looks glamorous on the outside, but no one knows the pressure he is actually under.

Just like now, He Jingyao personally obtained Li Guo from Hua Guo for Daisy's agency, but there is still no hope.

Nor is he omnipotent.

"So, you want to use this favor to win Daisy's agency?" Shen Zhiyi asked again.

He Jingyao tilted his head, lit his cigarette, and lowered the window of the car, "It's like this in the business field. Using all available conditions can be said to be a means!"

Shen Zhiyi clicked his tongue, nodded and said, "Understood, it turns out that Mr. He also plays the family card, but unfortunately you miscalculated. It can be seen that Mr. Sewen and Mrs. Sewen attach great importance to Daisy!"

"Don't you know? The tougher the bone, the more flavorful it is. I've been following this project since last year. If I don't do it, someone else will do it!"

He took a puff of cigarette, ejected the remaining half of the cigarette butt out of the car, and closed the window.

"I will not give up on this project, and I believe that Mrs. Servin will definitely come to you!"

Shen Zhiyi blinked her eyes, "Why are you more confident than me?"

He Jingyao pinched her chin and hooked her slender waist with one hand. When he was condescending, the folds of his eyelids were particularly deep, making his eyes thicker, as if stained with ink, unable to see the world inside.

"I have always been confident in my stuff!"

As the words fell, his lips pressed down, and Shen Zhiyi was caught off guard.

The baffle in the middle is slowly falling down, indicating that an ambiguous event will be fully charged.

After regaining her senses, Shen Zhiyi immediately held down the man's messy hand, "Aren't you in a bad mood?"

"Love cures all diseases, and it will be fine after it is done!"

Shen Zhiyi still pressed against his chest, "The space is small, you can't use it!"

"It's okay, you sit up!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."


Song Jiaojiao has been absent-minded these two days.

"Sister Jiaojiao, let's start!" The little assistant turned on the recording function.

"Sister Jiaojiao, sister Jiaojiao?"

A hand kept waving in front of her eyes, and Song Jiaojiao came back to her senses.

"What's wrong with you, Sister Jiaojiao, I've already started recording!"

"Ah? Recorded? Sorry, I didn't pay attention, let's start again!" Song Jiaojiao patted her face to keep herself awake.

Damn it, why did she suddenly think of that man Fang Huaizhou?

Following the little assistant's "start", Song Jiaojiao smiled and introduced a lipstick to the camera.

"Sisters, what is this?"

"Guess that's right, this is my new lipstick color, it's called Zan Nan Color, this color number is amazing, the color is softer than true red, hotter than cinnamon, and..."

The phone rang suddenly, and Song Jiaojiao was so frightened that the lipstick in her hand flew out.

Damn it, who is so blind, she finally got involved.

Smiling guiltily with a few team members, she went out with her mobile phone in her hand to pick it up.

"Who are you?"

"It's me, do you have time today? I want to talk to you!"

This voice... Song Jiaojiao would still recognize it even if others were turned into ashes.

She patted her face, forcibly suppressed the panic in her heart, and pretended to be calm, "Oh, it's Young Master Fang. Is there anything I can't say on the phone? I'm very busy!"

"How about you, tell me what time you get off work, and I'll pick you up. There are some things that are more appropriate to say in person!"

"I've already said that I'm very busy. I don't know when it will be over. You still..."

"Just tell me what time it is, don't talk too much!" Fang Huaizhou interrupted her.

After she finished reporting the time and hung up the phone, she woke up suddenly and slapped herself on the head several times.

Why did she agree to meet that guy Fang Huaizhou in a muddle?
It suddenly appeared in her mind that she woke up early in the morning and saw a naked man lying beside her.

The man had pink hair and fair skin that women would envy.

When he turned over and the whole face was completely under Song Jiaojiao's nose, Song Jiaojiao was struck by lightning, she put on her clothes and slipped away.

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