Chapter 174 Tired and Happy
Shen Zhi generously showed it to the private doctor.

As if the private doctor had never seen the market before, he and his assistant began to study seriously, admiring while studying.

What else to say, take the time to go to Huaguo to learn this skill.

"Mrs. He, you helped my foot reset, and now you have cured my headache. To express my gratitude, I give this to you. I hope you will like it!"

Mrs. Severn took the box from the servant, opened it, and there was a gorgeous ruby ​​lying inside.

Shen Zhiyi doesn't like these things, but she heard from He Jingyao that this Mrs. Sewen has a hobby of collecting all kinds of necklaces, and each one she collects is very valuable.

Just looking at the ruby ​​inlaid on this side, I know that this necklace is not cheap.

This Mrs. Sewen is really generous.

But Shen Zhiyi pushed it back, "The necklace is very beautiful, but I think only Mrs. Sewen can bring out its nobility!"

"But you helped me, I must thank you! Or, if you say what you want, I can promise you anything as a thank you!"

To be honest, Shen Zhiyi was waiting for her words.

At this time, as long as she brought up Daisy's agency, maybe she would agree, and He Jingyao's trip would not be in vain.

But Shen Zhiyi didn't do that.

"My medical skills are used to save people and help people. I don't need any repayment from you. Well, it's getting late. My husband and I have other things to do, so don't bother. If you feel uncomfortable, You can then contact my husband!"

Seeing that she was so stubborn, Mrs. Sewen couldn't say anything more, so she and Mr. Sewen personally sent her to the car.

"How is it?" He Jingyao asked as soon as she came up.

Shen Zhiyi made an ok gesture, "As you expected, Mrs. Sewen really gave me a ruby ​​necklace!"

"Just confiscate it. Just wait. If my guess is right, Mrs. Sewen will still look for you within two days!"

Shen Zhiyi frowned, "Ah? Still looking for me?"

The corner of He Jingyao's lips curled into a smile, and then he put his hands together, and easily hugged Shen Zhiyi to his lap, "If you can make a contribution this time, I can promise you anything!"

Shen Zhiyi was taken aback for a moment, then smirked, "Are you serious?"

"A gentleman's word!"

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

Shen Zhiyi lamented that He Jingyao's foresight is so good. He said Mrs. Sewen would come back within two days, but he didn't expect that the two of them would receive a call from Mrs. Sewen as soon as they arrived at the hotel.

"What did Mrs. Sewen say that you are so happy?" Shen Zhiyi was like a curious baby, and as soon as He Jingyao put away his phone, he raised his neck and asked impatiently.

He Jingyao hugged her horizontally, "Mrs. He, you have done a good job. Mrs. Sewen will bring her assistant to sign the contract with me tomorrow!"

Depend on!Do you want to reverse it like this?Shen Zhiyi blinked her eyes, completely surprised.

When she came back to her senses, she was already pressed onto the bed by the dog man.

When he came back to his senses, the dog man's clothes were gone, and his shirtless arms rested on Shen Zhiyi's sides.

Under the weight, the muscles on the arms are in a tight state, the veins are clearly visible, full of a strong sense of strength.

"I came here yesterday, let me go today, okay?"

Seeing Shen Zhiyi's innocent eyes shining like a wronged kitten, He Jingyao burst out laughing.

He bent his body, his shoulder blades stretched out with the movement, like a trapped beast dormant in the dark night, full of danger and wildness.

"It's okay, just lie down and I'll do it!"

Shen Zhiyi's cheeks flushed, "You, aren't you tired?"

"Tired, but happy!"

"But I..."

"Don't let it go, this is your reward, good boy!"

Shen Zhi wanted to cry without tears, but she didn't want such a reward, her old waist was still sore.

The next day, He's Group successfully signed a contract with Mr. Sewen and won the sole agency right of the Daisy brand in China.

Afterwards, He Jingyao took Shen Zhiyi to play with Li Guo.

Just in time for the Cherry Blossom Festival to be held in Liguo, the busiest downtown street is crowded with people, and both sides of the street are full of cherry blossom trees.

The wind blew gently, and the sky rained pale pink petals. It was so romantic, the ground was covered with a thin layer of petals, and the breath was filled with the faint fragrance of cherry blossoms. The world in the eyes was extremely beautiful.

Shen Zhiyi is like a child who has never seen the market, standing under the cherry blossom tree, with the palm facing up to catch the petals.

Today, she wore a Korean-style floral chiffon skirt that fit the occasion. The hem of the skirt was a big ruffle, which swayed in the air with her movements.

Standing under the cherry tree, she is as beautiful as the person in the painting.

He Jingyao stood in the distance with his hands behind his back, and he could not take his eyes off for a long time.

Suddenly something flashed in the corner of my eye!
He Jingyao scanned around vigilantly, but found nothing.

"What's the matter, sir?" Sensing something strange about his boss, Ah Shen stepped forward and asked.

He Jingyao narrowed his eyes, "It's okay, maybe I'm too sensitive!"

"Hey, He Jingyao!" Shen Zhiyi stuffed his mobile phone to He Jingyao, "Take a picture of me!"

He Jingyao pinched his phone and frowned slightly.

Seeing his expression, Shen Zhiyi instantly became worried, "Don't tell me that you don't know how to take pictures!"

"Is there something I don't know? Are you kidding me!" He Jingyao straightened his back, and he was quite confident in what he said, so Shen Zhiyi believed it.

Three-year-olds can do things like taking pictures, as long as they have a correct attitude, anyone can do it.

Shen Zhiyi sometimes leaned back against the tree trunk, sometimes sat on the ground and hugged her knees, and sometimes artificially sprinkled flowers, poses one after another, completely immersed in her own world.

"Have you photographed everything?" Shen Zhiyi happily looked at the results of the shooting.

He Jingyao handed her the phone.

Shen Zhiyi flipped through the photos one by one, her expression gradually getting worse.

Her expression is so natural, and her movements are so swaying to the end, it turns out that all the photos are taken with what.

Either she was winking, or she was completely blurred, or the angle was wrong, leaving her neckless.

"Where's me in this one?" Shen Zhiyi clicked on one of them.

He Jingyao pointed in a certain direction solemnly, "Didn't you see it? It's here! This view is not bad!"

Shen Zhiyi searched hard for a long time, and sure enough, he caught a faint figure behind the cherry blossom tree, without even showing his face.

The corner of her mouth twitched violently.

And claiming to take pictures, is that all?this one?this one?
What a waste of her expressions and emotions!

"Excuse me, could you take a group photo for us?"

A girl came over with a camera and asked Shen Zhiyi for help.

Shen Zhiyi enthusiastically took several group photos for her and her boyfriend. The girl expressed her gratitude with satisfaction, and happily walked away with her boyfriend on her arm.

(End of this chapter)

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