Chapter 175 I hope there won't be that day

"Sir, madam, the scenery over there is not bad, shall I take a group photo for you?"

Ah Shen didn't know which tendon was wrong, so he suddenly went on the road.

He Jingyao and Shen Zhiyi looked at each other, and Shen Zhiyi thought that this doggy man would sneer at this kind of group photo, and just about to open his mouth to find a step for himself, his hand was wrapped in a big palm.

He Jingyao took her to the place pointed by Ah Shen.

"You really want to shoot?" Shen Zhiyi couldn't believe it.

He Jingyao adjusted his clothes, "Why not?"

After finishing speaking, he put his arm through Shen Zhiyi's waist and gently embraced it.

Shen Zhiyi's body naturally half leaned against his arms, and the intimacy under the camera made Shen Zhiyi very uncomfortable for a while.

She raised her head, and what she saw was the man's delicately cut jawline.

Feeling her gaze, He Jingyao lowered his head slightly, his eyes drooping.

The eyes of the two met in the air, not as hot as fire, but as a peaceful time.


Ah Shen recorded this moment with his mobile phone.

Shen Zhiyi looked at this photo, the corners of her mouth couldn't be suppressed. She hid it in her mobile phone, and at the same time secretly hid it in her heart.

This is probably the love she wants. It doesn't need to be vigorous, but I hope that when you need him, he will be by your side.

The number of tourists gradually increased, and some performances with local folk characteristics pushed the entire Cherry Blossom Festival to a climax.

Shen Zhiyi was dispersed by the crowd, and she was pushed to the edge of an artificial lake.

There is an old woman selling doll masks next to her.

Shen Zhiyi took a fancy to a mask, and when she paid for it and was about to leave, she was hit by someone and the mask fell to the ground.

She bent down to pick it up, and her other hand was a step ahead of her.

"Thank you, this is my mask!"

Shen Zhiyi straightened up, and extended a hand to the man politely.

Strange to say, the man was wearing a traditional local costume, with a white mask on his face, and a pattern similar to a totem was outlined with colored gouache on his forehead.

At first glance, it looks a little creepy, but the eyes under the mask are dark and heavy, typical oriental pupils, which dilutes the weirdness brought by the mask.

When Shen Zhiyi looks at people, the first thing she pays attention to is the other person's eyes. She always feels that she has seen these eyes before.

"Have we... met before?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't know what was wrong with her, although she was very abrupt, she couldn't help but come out.

"Miss may have identified the wrong person!" the man said.

Shen Zhiyi's eyes widened.

He is really oriental and speaks Mandarin Chinese.

The man dusted off the mask and handed it to Shen Zhiyi, "Your!"

"Thank you!" Shen Zhiyi stretched out his hand to grab it, but the man refused to let go.

She raised her head to meet the man's eyes, wondering if it was an illusion, but she actually saw a hint of playfulness in those eyes.

"I hope to see you again next time!"

"I hope there won't be such a day!" This time the man didn't hold his hand anymore, Shen Zhiyi pulled back his mask, then stopped looking at him, turned and left.

A man wearing a black top hat and a modified Zhong Shien suit walked up to him, followed his gaze, and said, "Everyone is gone!"

The young man in the mask moved his lips, "It's okay, we will meet again soon!"

"Is it worth it for you to come here all the way just to see her?"

"There is no value in life, only no regrets!" The young man helped the mask on his face, turned around, and rejoined the performing crowd.

He Zhenxuan shook his head helplessly, "You will fall into my hands sooner or later!"

When He Jingyao found Shen Zhiyi, he breathed a sigh of relief. He nervously turned Shen Zhiyi around and checked it carefully.

"Where did you go? You disappeared in a blink of an eye!"

"There are too many tourists, and I'm crowded by the lake, so Mr. He, you have to hold on to me and lose me. I'll see how you explain to Xiaobao and Dashu!"

Shen Zhiyi joked, and didn't mention anything about meeting the man in the mask. He Jingyao was too sensitive, which saved him from worrying, since she was fine anyway.

After playing for a hundred days, at night, He Jingyao took her on a cruise ship.

The owner of the cruise ship is He Jingyao's friend, this time he heard that he was coming to Li country, so he invited him here no matter what.

The other party was a native of Li country, with deep facial features and a beard. This type is very popular among local women in Li country.

He Jingyao chatted with the bearded man, and Shen Zhiyi visited here alone.

Looking from a distance, the neon lights on the coastline are reflected on the sea, and every wave is full of colorful colors.

This kind of night is undoubtedly intoxicating. Shen Zhiyi stood on the deck, facing the sea breeze, and every nerve in his body was released.

When she was idle and bored, she tasted wine, her eyes seeming to shuttle back and forth among the lively guests.

At this time, a tall man in a black windbreaker and sunglasses caught Shen Zhiyi's attention.

Even at night in Li Guo during this time period, the temperature reached over 25 degrees, and everyone else wore very cool clothes, but he was different, wrapping himself tightly, for fear of showing his face.

What was even more suspicious was that he was carrying a black box in his hand. In comparison, he didn't look like a guest who came to a leisurely party at all, but more like with some kind of purpose.

Shen Zhiyi's alarm system was full.

Putting down the wine glass, she followed in a mysterious manner, but the man disappeared just around the corner.

Shen Zhiyi didn't leave, but chose to search from room to room.

This row is not guest rooms, most of them are warehouses.

Shen Zhiyi searched for two rooms but didn't see that person. She thought of an idea, and the next second, she went directly to the monitoring room.

Because of the language barrier, Shen Zhiyi didn't bother to waste time talking nonsense, so she simply expressed her meaning in English.

"My diamond necklace was stolen. Please help me check your surveillance, otherwise I will call the police. You don't want to be disturbed when you have a good party, do you?"

After speaking, Shen Zhiyi gave some tips.

The crew immediately followed suit, and soon, Shen Zhiyi spotted the man in the windbreaker on the screen.

From the moment he boarded the ship, his behavior was full of weirdness.

"Which room is this?" Shen Zhi asked, pointing to the room where the man in the trench coat entered last.

"That's the warehouse, and all the supplies for this party are stored in it!"

"Quick, take me there!"

Shen Zhiyi followed the crew towards the warehouse, and bumped into He Jingyao on the way.

Seeing that her expression was not right, He Jingyao grabbed her shoulder and asked, "What happened?"

"If my guess is correct, someone is going to blow up the cruise ship!"

When He Jingyao's bearded friend heard this, he stood up and denied it, "Impossible, the cruise ship has strict security checks, it is absolutely impossible for this kind of thing to happen, Mrs. He, you have to be responsible for what you said, scare me Guest, it is very impolite behavior!"

It can be seen that He Jingyao, a friend, is very dissatisfied with Shen Zhiyi.

(End of this chapter)

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