Chapter 183
Shen Zhiyi had never seen him face to face, so she recognized him only by feeling.

For some reason, every time she faced him, Shen Zhiyi felt that she was inferior, and subconsciously put on a low-browed and pleasing attitude.

When guest [-] passed her by, he paused, and then led them into the elevator. Shen Zhiyi only looked up when the elevator door was closed.

After Hangzhou enters the peak tourist season, all hotels are busy.

The Marriott Hotel's orders for the next three months have been fully booked, and Shen Zhi couldn't think of leaving. This is probably the best way to comfort her mother.

At three o'clock in the morning, there was a knock on the door of her lounge, "Manager Shen, something happened..."

A foreign tourist suffered from food poisoning. Shen Zhiyi and the tour guide immediately took the tourist to the hospital.

It was not until dawn that the tourists were transferred from the emergency room to the general ward.

Here comes the trouble.

The tour guide accused Shen Zhiyi, "Your hotel will deal with this matter. These tourists are all high-end tourists picked up by our travel agency. The per capita consumption alone can reach 10,000+. Now something happened in your hotel. You have to give I solved it!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled kindly, "Xiao Dong, we are old partners. It's not like you don't know the situation of our hotel. Everything in the back kitchen is strictly controlled. In the seven years since it opened, there has never been a case of food poisoning among guests. The cause of this guest's illness is unknown at present, let's wait for the identification results to come out, I will not shirk the responsibility that should be borne by our hotel, do you think so?"

"What do you mean? Are you saying that our travel agency is responsible for the five senses of your hotel? Are you kidding me? The customer just ate at your hotel last night, and he vomited and had abdominal pain in the middle of the night. Does this still need identification? The so-called shop bully , who knows if you guys will play tricks on it, the leader is still waiting for my reply, so hurry up and come up with a solution for me!"

The travel agency pointed the responsibility directly at Marriott, and Shen Zhiyi's attitude was more explicit, and he insisted on waiting for the appraisal result before responding.

When the two sides were at a stalemate, the tourist woke up, wondering if the travel agency had brainwashed him before, yelling in the ward that the person in charge of Marriott should come forward to solve the problem for him.

When Shen Zhiyi came, he only followed Xiaomei, and several tourists came, but the two sides couldn't reach an agreement, so they started fighting directly in the ward.

Someone called the police, and when the police came, they took Shen Zhiyi, the tour guide, and the tourist representatives to the police station.

The police officer said that because the tourist happened at the Marriott Hotel, even if the identification result did not come out, according to the workflow, the Marriott Hotel must be notified that we are open and accept their inspection.

Shen Zhiyi objected on the spot.

"Comrade police officer, do you have the documents to suspend our business for inspection?"

The police officer touched the tip of his nose, "Not really, but this is the decision of our leader, and it is a basic explanation to the public. After all, you are the parties involved. If there is really a problem with your hotel's catering, wouldn't it be right?" The irresponsibility of other guests?"

Shen Zhi had a clear idea and a sharp tone, "But have you ever thought that once Marriott shuts down, it means telling everyone that there is indeed a problem with our Marriott's catering, and this tourist who was hospitalized really ate our food? The series of symptoms that only appeared in Marriott’s food, even if the later identification results have nothing to do with us, we Marriott will also be branded as unqualified for eating, how much loss this will cause us, have you considered it?”


The policeman was taken aback by the stunned moment, but he couldn't find any words to refute.

Although Shen Zhiyi took the top spot in the debate, the police did not speak, she couldn't leave, and the notice of closure of Marriott's side has also come down.

Xiaomei called, and she was in a hurry on the phone. Shen Zhiyi comforted her and said that it was okay, and she would comfort the current guests first, and not accept other people.

At the same time, Song Jiaojiao, who came to find Shen Zhiyi, learned about this from the hotel staff, and without any consideration, she called He Jingyao.

What do you want such a husband for?Not now, when will it be?
At this time, He Jingyao was meeting with guests, and his calls were temporarily handled by Ah Shen.

Song Jiaojiao saved He Jingyao's phone number before, but He Jingyao didn't save hers, so there wasn't even a note.

Ah Shen frowned, and hung up the call as a nuisance.

But right away, Song Jiaojiao persistently called again, as if if she didn't answer, she would keep calling.

Ah Shen went outside and pressed the answer button, "Hello, who is it?"

"Mr. He, let me tell you, something is wrong. Something happened to your wife's hotel. Do you care about it?"

On this side, Shen Zhiyi and the police were exhausted from the verbal battle.

Police officer: "Let me tell you the truth, Manager Shen, the tourist who had the accident is the cousin of the boss of a multinational company in Hangzhou. He has such a big backer, and he wants to seal your hotel in a fit of anger. Save face, besides, it is true that people’s demands are not too much, you are not responsible for what happened in your hotel, who is responsible? Even if there is trouble at the top, we will take extra care of foreign guests, don’t you think?”

Shen Zhiyi pinched her forehead with a headache, "Then tell me, what should we do to settle this matter?"

The police officer said earnestly, "Let me tell you, find a representative from your hotel to publicly apologize to this guest, give some compensation or something, and our people will try to persuade him, and this matter will make it a big deal and a small thing. Otherwise, procrastination will do no one any good!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled, "In this way, our Marriott has taken the blame for no reason, and I don't accept it!"


The policeman was furious at Shen Zhizhi's reticent attitude. One of his subordinates knocked on the door and came in, whispering something in his ear, and the policeman suddenly got up from his chair.

"Really him?"

The men nodded affirmatively.

Afterwards, the two left Shen Zhiyi here, and hurried out with expressions on their faces.

After about ten minutes, the police officer came back.

"Manager Shen, I had a re-discussion with our leader just now, and I think what you said is very reasonable. It is really ill-considered to suspend your Marriott business before the appraisal results come out. It is also very unfair to you Marriott. So after discussion, we decided to let you go back and wait for news!"

Shen Zhiyi blinked unexpectedly, "What about our Marriott?"

"Marriott is in normal business, of course. You can't affect your company's reputation just because of suspicion. Our people in the appraiser will keep an eye on it. Once the results come out, we will be the first to notify you!"

The 360-degree change in attitude of the police officers before and after this really made Shen Zhiyi a little indigestion.

(End of this chapter)

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