Chapter 184 The Customer Is God
"Then, shall I go first?"

"Manager Shen, please!" The police officer personally sent Shen Zhiyi out of the police station, and even sent a car to take her, but Shen Zhiyi refused.

How face is she, dare to ask someone from the police station to pick her up?
Shen Zhiyi took a taxi to leave, and a silver Bentley just happened to pass by the taxi she was riding in and stopped at the gate of the police station.

Ah Shen got down and opened the rear door, protecting the top with one hand.

Stepping off a pair of shiny and expensive black leather shoes, He Jingyao, tall and long-legged, walked in front with a low air pressure, and A Shen followed behind. A cold wind blows.

He Jingyao stopped in the hall, for this kind of matter, it is usually enough for Ah Shen to come forward.

There are famous people in Hangzhou, who doesn't recognize the bodyguard and assistant A Shen who is next to He Jingyao?

Seeing Ah Shen was as oppressive as meeting He Jingyao.

Unexpectedly, within a minute, Ah Shen came out.

He nodded at He Jingyao, "Sir, Madam just left a few minutes ago!"

He Jingyao raised his eyebrows, "The person released by the police station?"

"No, I've inquired about it. The person in charge here only said that the other party's identity is special, so it's inconvenient to disclose it!"

He Jingyao's dark eyes became deeper, and he turned his head to look outside.

And the other party has a special identity, who is he...

Shen Zhiyi spent so long at the police station, and spent the whole night with the guests in the hospital without sleep, this time the hotel couldn't hold on anymore and fell asleep.

She set the alarm, and as soon as she woke up and finished washing, Xiaomei knocked on the door.

Shen Zhiyi scolded while twisting her hair, "Xiaomei, when will you stop being so reckless?"

Xiaomei was out of breath as she ran, and she gestured with her hands in the air for a while, but her mouth couldn't keep up with the rhythm, "Sister Zhiyi, no, it's not that I was reckless, but a big man came just now!"

Shen Zhiyi turned back and straightened her frizzy broken hair in front of the mirror. The hotel has strict requirements for female employees, and they agree to comb their hair in a low bun, and no broken hair is allowed, otherwise they will be fined.

Shen Zhiyi sometimes likes to use some hairspray to brush her hair meticulously.

"Just tell me, what kind of handsome guy did you see again?"

"No, no, it's not a handsome guy, it's not right, it's a handsome guy, but that handsome guy is none other than your famous husband, Sister Zhiyi!"

"Ahem!" Shen Zhiyi finished brushing her teeth and was gargling water in her mouth. Hearing this, she was so shocked that she almost swallowed the mouthwash.


"Your husband, grandson of He's parents, He Jingyao! He calls for you to go over!"

Shen Zhiyi swept the tip of her tongue across the back of her teeth, and waved her big hand, "Tell him, I'm not here!"

"No, Sister Zhiyi, I told you that you are sleeping!"

Shen Zhiyi gritted her teeth, this girl is really...a teammate like a pig.

"Then tell him, I'm busy and don't have time!"

Xiaomei had a bitter look on her face, "Your husband has already thought of your countermeasures. He just said that if you don't come over within 5 minutes, he will complain to our hotel!"

Okay, He Jingyao is He Jingyao, and he has always been ruthless. After all, they are also husband and wife. Is this the sincerity of his apology?

Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes, "Okay, I'll go right away!"

Marriott Hotel, the catering department is near the window. The man is wearing a dark blue twill double-breasted suit and is very slim. Even the cuffs reveal his meticulousness.

He Jingyao's dining etiquette is extremely good, and the tableware will never collide and cause noise.

He has a dignified sitting posture and a handsome appearance. From a distance, he is as luxurious as a high-end work of art.

After just sitting here for a while, it made the hearts of several female employees speed up.

"Mr. He is so handsome, woo woo woo, I can die with no regrets to have such a close encounter today!"

"What's the use of having no regrets? You can have a good name and a flower. If you ask me, Manager Shen is really lucky to find a wealthy son-in-law like Mr. He who is hard to find with a lantern!"

"It's all right to be rich and beautiful, the key is to be so considerate, to visit Manager Shen as a guest, sisters, I believe in love again!"

He Jingyao blinked too much, as soon as Shen Zhiyi arrived in the hall, he saw him immediately.

She squinted her eyes, then stepped on his high heels step by step.

"Sir, do you need any help?"

Shen Zhiyi had to do business, so he first bent over ninety degrees as a business etiquette.

He Jingyao pointed to the table with his index finger, "Din with me!"

Shen Zhiyi raised her lips and smiled, "Sorry sir, we don't have this service here!"

He Jingyao had imprints on the corners of his lips with a napkin, and his posture was very elegant. His fingers were particularly beautiful, with smooth lines, obvious joints, and well-trimmed nails. It seemed that a flower was about to bloom from the fingertips.

Shen Zhiyi didn't control it by hand, but he couldn't help but linger on his hand for a few more seconds.

"The tenet of your hotel industry is that the customer is God. Now you can't meet this requirement of God? What's the point of service?"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

He Jingyao's language art is definitely not a joke. A few words can make people speechless, but there is no reason to refute it.

In this round, He Jingyao won.

Seeing Shen Zhiyi sitting down reluctantly, the man pursed his lips in satisfaction.

"Eat!" He ordered slightly.

Shen Zhiyi didn't talk back or resist this time.

Anyway, this dog man pays the bill, she eats a free meal, then leaves after eating, and never pays any attention to him, why not do it.

"Speak!" The man clearly noticed Shen Zhiyi's alienation and indifference, and reminded him with an impatient frown.

Shen Zhi smiled, "I'm sorry, I'm just eating with you, not chatting with you!"

He Jingyao raised his eyebrows and sneered, but he was not angry.

Shen Zhiyi ate very quickly, to put it bluntly, it was like rushing to reincarnate.

"Sir, I'm done eating, now I can go to work!"

"Stop!" He Jingyao pointed at the red wine on the table with his chin, "I haven't drunk the wine yet!"

Shen Zhiyi frowned impatiently, "You didn't say that just now!"

"But I said it now, the customer is God, right Manager Shen?"

Only Shen Zhiyi knew that there was so much provocation and playfulness hidden under He Jingyao's genial smile.

He did it on purpose, to torture her on purpose!

Okay, isn't it just drinking!

Shen Zhiyi grabbed the decanter, filled two glasses, pushed one of the glasses to He Jingyao, then raised his head, and drank the red wine in the glasses in one go.

She couldn't hold enough alcohol, she drank quickly and vigorously, she almost vomited out of this cup, and her head became dizzy for an instant.

But in order not to lose her aura, she held on to the table to stand firm, and showed He Jingyao the empty cup with its rim facing down.

"I'm done drinking!"

He Jingyao didn't even look at it, so he didn't care whether she drank or not. His black pupils stared straight at Shen Zhiyi, and the topic changed without warning, "Is it okay to live here?"

Shen Zhiyi paused for a moment, then raised his head with a perfunctory smile, "I'm sorry sir, I don't talk about personal issues outside of work!"

"How much is a day?"


"How much is your daily salary? I'll pay three times to buy it out!" He Jingyao pressed a bank card on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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