Chapter 185 Need to Talk to You

Shen Zhiyi couldn't hold back this sinking, and the anger that had been suppressed for a long time began to blaze out.

"Sir, if you are here to have fun, then I regret to tell you that you have found the wrong place. We are a regular hotel, not an entertainment club!"

"You're right, but I wonder if it would be more convenient if I bought Marriott!"

"You..." Shen Zhiyi was so angry that her face turned red, she was really rich and powerful.

This time, whether she was offended or complained, she will not accompany this doggy man.

Pulling away the chair angrily, Shen Zhiyi stopped looking at him, shook her head and left.

Dog man, looking for trouble when there is nothing to do, it really hurts to be idle!
Shen Zhiyi's office is on the third floor. As soon as she stepped out of the lobby and walked towards the elevator, she heard a strong sound of leather shoes hitting the floor behind her.

Every once in a while, it feels like stepping on the other person's heart, with a strong sense of oppression.

Shen Zhiyi knew that it was the dog man who followed.

Without looking back, she raised her hand and pressed the up button.

Suddenly a force clamped her wrist, and by the time Shen Zhiyi realized it, she had been dragged into the stairwell.

He Jingyao closed the door with his toes, turned around and imprisoned Shen Zhiyi between himself and the wall.

"Why did you go back to China without saying goodbye? Huh?"

This question was five days late. He called Shen Zhiyi five days ago, and when he knew she was at the airport, he wished he could fly over and catch her back.

But he didn't do that. He thought that no matter what the woman was unhappy about, as long as he gave her a few days, she could recover.

But he found out he was wrong.

Maybe, she already knew about that.

He finally couldn't help looking for her, wanting to talk to her, even apologize to her.

But she didn't give him this chance.

Shen Zhiyi turned away her face, her voice lacked any warmth, "I miss Xiaobao and Dashu!"

"I do not believe!"

"I don't need you to believe me, I have my freedom, and I don't have to report everything to you!"

What Shen Zhiyi said was obviously angry, He Jingyao stared at her, his eyes darkened.

He clamped her chin with his tiger's jaw, and turned her face so that her pupils had his own reflection.

"I need to talk to you now!"

Shen Zhiyi wiped his hand away, and put a distance between the two of them, "I'm at work, Mr. He, please don't disturb my work, please, I'm just a laborer, I can't compare with your big boss!"

Just as Shen Zhiyi put her hand on the handle of the fire door, her body suddenly flew into the air, and she yelled "ah".

"He Jingyao, what are you doing? Let me down and let the employees see me?"

"Let them go, have you ever seen a husband hugging his wife?"

Shen Zhiyi gritted her teeth and secretly scolded him for being thicker than a city wall.

He Jingyao ignored her, turned a deaf ear, and carried her into the elevator.

The man's arms are very powerful, and he is also very good at using force. No matter how Shen Zhiyi pushes and kicks, he just can't break free.

He Jingyao turned his wrist and twitched her buttocks, "Be honest!"

Shen Zhiyi's eyes widened, "He Jingyao, you are crazy, there are cameras here, do you want to be surrounded by people?"

He Jingyao raised his head and fixed his eyes on the monitoring equipment at a 45-degree angle diagonally above.

The employees across the monitoring screen were stunned by his stern eyes, and they all looked away with chills.

They saw nothing, saw nothing!
He Jingyao carried Shen Zhiyi to the sixth floor, and opened a door with a ding.

"You actually booked a room?" Shen Zhiyi was surprised.

The man threw her on the bed, threw away her coat and tie, and then unbuttoned her shirt one by one, "In order to find a wife, I will naturally have to spend some time, don't worry, I didn't give you a discount in your name!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." Is this the point?
She kicked her feet and retreated step by step. The moment He Jingyao took off her shirt, she got up and jumped down.

The man took a step ahead of her, grabbed her ankles, pulled her back, and then his heavy body fell on top of her.

Shen Zhiyi pressed his hands firmly against his chest, "He Jingyao, I don't want it today!"

The man's figure froze, and then he buried his head in her neck and smiled softly.

Shen Zhiyi was puzzled.

She was bullied like this by him, and he still had the heart to laugh?

Throwing the man aside at once, she bounced far away, keeping a safe distance from him.

He Jingyao didn't move in the lying position, with one leg curled up, staring at the ceiling.

"I didn't come to ask you to do it, but to ask you... to apologize!"


Wait, did you hear me right?Shen Zhiyi rubbed her ears, "What did you say?"

The man turned his face and looked at her from bottom to top. His pupils were darker than ordinary people's. When there was no lighting, they looked as deep as thick ink, like a winding path that could not be seen. will sink.

"You already know, right? The medicine given to you by Dr. Li Guo is..."

"Fare-slip medicine!" Shen Zhiyi said the three most heart-wrenching words in an ordinary tone.

Until now, every time Shen Zhiyi recalled the scene of those blood clots and granulation being expelled from the stomach, her heart would throb with pain.

It was a scar that she could never heal.

He Jingyao propped up his body and wrapped the woman's small hands under his own, as if conveying some kind of comfort.

"I need to explain this matter, the child at that time..."

"I know that after jumping into the sea, I'm afraid that child will not be able to keep it. You did this because you were concerned about my health. Don't worry, I won't blame you. It's my own bad luck."

When Shen Zhiyi said these words, she was full of bitterness and self-deprecation, but at the same time she seemed relieved.

He Jingyao saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. In the end, the decision of that child's departure was made from his mouth, and he killed the child with his own hands.

"You really don't blame me?"

Shen Zhiyi met his gaze, with a faint smile, "Why should I blame you? Even if this child is fine, I won't keep him!"

"What do you mean?" He Jingyao's eyes darkened, like an undercurrent.

Shen Zhiyi pulled out her hand, "It means that Mr. He and I are not in the same way. Didn't we agree? We will divorce when the agreement expires, and we will go back to the road from now on. This is what Mr. He himself said Yes, could it be that you forgot so soon?" He Jingyao's cheeks moved, his eyes were calm.

He didn't expect that the two of them slept together in the same bed for so long, but this little woman was still thinking about divorce.

"Oh, you said that agreement, I tore it up a long time ago!"

Shen Zhi looked at him intently, "What did you say? Tore it up? How could you tear it up? That's our cooperation!"

He Jingyao spread his hands, "Then what should we do? Now that the agreement is gone and the cooperation is invalid, I'm afraid you can't leave this marriage!"


"Shh! Let me finish!" He Jingyao pressed his index finger on Shen Zhiyi's lips, his eyes were facing hers, and the tip of his nose was facing hers.

(End of this chapter)

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