Shen Yichun slapped the table, stared at Song Jiaojiao and reprimanded in a low voice, "Hey, if you don't know how to speak human words, then don't speak, your mouth is so dirty, do you want me to pay you to wash it for you?"

"My teeth cost 2 yuan. You are sure you can afford my dental cleaning fee. I don't mind, [-] yuan. Bring it, cash or credit card!" Song Jiaojiao retorted.

Shen Yichun was so angry that Liu Xiangla couldn't help it.

"Song Jiaojiao, what are you doing there with a broken shoe that no one wants? I see you, you are the dog next to Shen Zhiyi!"

Song Jiaojiao also had a hot personality, so she stood up at that time, approached Shen Yichun, and pointed at her, "Who are you calling a dog? Say it again?"

"scold you!"

Song Jiaojiao: "What are you scolding me for?"

"Call you a dog!"

Song Jiaojiao: "Who is the dog scolding?"

"The dog scolds you, the dog scolds you!"

"Hahaha!" There was a burst of laughter from around.

Liu Xiang was so anxious that he pulled Shen Yichun hard, Shen Yichun realized it later, covered his mouth suddenly, stomped his feet angrily, "Well, you Song Jiaojiao, you actually tricked me!"

Song Jiaojiao nodded her head, "You are the one who has no brains, so who is to blame?!"

"You..." Shen Yichun gasped in anger.

Shen Zhiyi still sipped his coffee calmly, quietly being a melon-eating crowd.

Anyway, with Song Jiaojiao, give her a chance to practice.

"Song Jiaojiao, you, don't bully people too much!"

Turning from embarrassment into anger, Shen Yichun threw the table in front of him on impulse.

Not to mention the crackling and shattering of the porcelain, even the crystal vase embedded in the partition was knocked and fell off.

Everyone was dumbfounded, including Liu Xiang.

Shen Yichun was upset and irritable, she glared at the crowd watching, "What are you looking at, what's there to see?"

"Shen Yichun, you have such a temper! If you have the ability, you can take off the roof!" Song Jiaojiao probably provoked her.

Shen Yichun was just like a firecracker, and was about to rush over to fight Song Jiaojiao for a few more rounds, when Liu Xiang stopped him, "You can do it, didn't you see that this damn girl is trying to provoke you on purpose? Can you be a little smarter?" , is it an honor to let others see a joke?"

Shen Yichun bit her lip as if awakened from a dream, then gave Shen Zhiyi and Song Jiaojiao a vicious look, "I, Shen Yichun, are not easy to provoke, let's wait and see!"

A service eye immediately stopped her, "Sorry miss, look..."

Shen Yichun snorted contemptuously, "It's just that your cafe is too small, so you can get behind your ass for such a small amount of money. Next time, if you invite me in a big sedan chair, I won't come!"

She took out a few red tickets from her wallet, raised her chin and said, "Here, you don't need to look for them, I'll give you the extra as a tip!"

"Miss, your compensation... is not enough. This crystal vase was bought by our boss at the auction reception. It is the only one in Hangzhou, and now it is broken..."

"Just tell me how much it is. Don't you just want money? There are too many profiteers like you who take advantage of the fire. I'm unlucky today!"

The waiter said a number, "Our boss said, just pay according to the auction price at that time, 11!"

"What? 11? You really dare to open your mouth like a lion, don't you really think I've been taken advantage of?" Shen Yichun raised her voice and almost jumped up on the spot.

Liu Xiang also disdainfully said, "A broken glass vase can be bought on the street for hundreds of yuan, 11. You think we are fools to cheat, don't you? Call your boss out, I want to confront him, If you dare to lie to me, I will cause your cafe to close down!"

"Hey, I said, you can't afford to pay, right? Yes, 11 is not a small amount. Now the three of you don't even have a job, and you just wait to sit and eat. If it were me, I would have to pretend to be crazy, Don't give me any money!"

Song Jiaojiao spoke sarcastic remarks on the side, and each sentence was more ugly than the other.

Shen Yichun gritted her teeth and gouged her out, "Nonsense, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, no matter how poor I am, Shen Yichun, I am a hundred times stronger than you, a junk that no one wants, what are you talking about!"

At this time, another waiter handed an invoice to the waiter who spoke just now.

The waiter showed the invoice to Shen Yichun's mother and daughter, "Miss, Ma'am, please take a look, this is the invoice for this glass vase that our boss took at that time. If you have any questions, you can call the Hangzhou Auction Association, but today's Compensation, do you pay by card or cash?"

Liu Xiang snatched the invoice and studied the pros and cons several times, but now he was completely dumbfounded, and turned his head to stare at Shen Yichun fiercely.

Shen Yichun was so guilty and remorseful that she wanted to stick her head into her neck.

Where does she have 11?I don't even have 3 yuan, and I recently bought clothes and skin care products, all of which I paid with my credit card.

If the money is not given, the two of them will be even more ashamed. In the end, it was Liu Xiang who swiped the card.

Hearing the reminder that the credit card was successfully swiped with a beep, the two of them were as distressed as if their own flesh had been cut.

Song Jiaojiao laughed so hard that her stomach ached, "Zhizhi, look at their mothers, they are really in a mess, hmph, they deserve it, the villain will come to him, this sentence is true!"

"Shen Yichun is very vindictive, you should be careful!" Shen Zhiyi deliberately joked to scare her.

Song Jiaojiao straightened her rocker, "Am I afraid of her? I'm not the soft and weak Song Jiaojiao I used to be!"

He didn't drink the coffee, but lost 11 in vain. As soon as he got out of the cafe, Liu Xiang scolded Shen Yichun head and face.

"You, you, let me say something, as long as you have a thoughtful mind in doing things, you won't be in such a miserable situation. 11, you just dropped it, and the money disappeared like that. You I don’t think I need to give you the monthly allowance!”

"Mom, you can't blame me, it's all because of the collusion of those two sluts. Besides, if I knew that the vase was so expensive, I wouldn't be so impulsive. Mom, I should buy skin care products and clothes this month. If you How can I live without my pocket money!"

As Shen Yichun spoke, tears fell down patter.

Liu Xiang shot her a look, "It's fine, it's fine, don't act with me, it's not bad to save your acting skills for interviews!"

Speaking of this, Shen Yichun suddenly remembered something, "Ah, mom, we made an appointment with Director Liu at two o'clock, now..."

"Director Liu's assistant called just now, saying that Director Liu has something to do temporarily and make an appointment at another day!"

Shen Yichun patted her chest, "Then I can rest assured, Mom, you don't know how nervous I am!"

Liu Xiang looked up at the sky, and said with emotion, "Yichun, it is the last way to send you into the entertainment industry this time. If you can't catch me anymore, I can't help it. It's too much for the current boss to find a woman." Picky, they play female stars, if you don't pack yourself well, don't even think about marrying into a wealthy family, understand?"

Shen Yichun nodded vigorously, "I know mom, I will definitely not let you down!"

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