After being forced to marry as a surrogate, she amazed the world with her small milk bag

Chapter 188 Men are all the same, love the new and dislike the old

"How did you come?"

Fang Yao opened the door and saw that the person standing at the door was Fu Que, and couldn't help frowning.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked in without showing any good looks on him.

But Fu didn't care, and put the big and small pockets in his hand on the coffee table.

"Knowing that you don't cook alone, I brought some convenience food, including your favorite fried dumplings and steak!"

"You don't have to do this next time, I can just order takeaway!" Fang Yao pinched the remote control to turn on the TV, changing programs for the purpose of strolling.

"Eating takeaway often is not good for your health. I will gradually get rid of the bad living habits you developed abroad. You haven't eaten lunch yet? I'll make you whatever you want!"

As Fu Que said that, his hands were not idle. He took off his coat on the hanger, rolled up his cuffs and began to tidy up.

Fang Yao hasn't gone out for the past few days, the takeaway boxes are piled up on the table, and some of them have a peculiar smell.

She was very irritable, He Zhenxuan kept saying to help her get rid of Shen Zhiyi, but what happened?
They are all using her to achieve their own goals!
But Fu didn't dislike it at all, and cleaned up bit by bit with bare hands, "Let me find you a part-time job, so you can do it yourself to save hygiene!"

Fang Yao said flatly, "You know I don't like having strangers in my family!"

But Fu couldn't do anything about her, so after tidying up, he went into the kitchen to make lunch, which was very simple noodles in clear soup.

Fang Yao slept all morning, if it wasn't for Fu Quelai, she might not wake up yet, she was really hungry, holding a bowl of noodles was delicious.

Seeing this, Fu felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

"Fu Que, what are you doing?"

"Clean up the bedroom for you!" While speaking, Fu Que had already pushed open the bedroom door.

Fang Yao nervously went to stop him, "No need, I can clean it up myself, you go out first!"

"Have you been drinking?" Fu Que shook an empty wine bottle in front of her, his face tensed.

Fang Yao unnaturally brushed her broken hair behind her ears, "It's been a while since I've had a drink!"

Fu pointed to the scattered empty wine bottles lying on the ground, "Did you drink a little?"

When his eyes fell on the ashtray on the bedside table, he became even more angry, "Have you learned to smoke yet? Yaoyao, why are you different from before? You shouldn't be like this?"

Fang Yao no longer evaded, looked up to Shang Fu's caring and helpless eyes, "Yeah, what you see now is the real me, drinking, smoking, and even hysterical like a lunatic when I'm depressed , I am so unbearable, so pitiful, are you disappointed? So get away from me as soon as possible, the farther the better!"

Fang Yao satirized herself while pushing Fu Que.

Fu took advantage of the situation to hold her two wrists, "Yaoyao, calm down, I didn't mean that!"

"You lied to me, you just look down on me and think I'm disgusting, don't you? You men are all the same, you like the new and dislike the old, I hate you, get out!"

Fang Yao broke free from him violently, turned around and ran out.

But Fu hesitated for a moment, and chased after worriedly, "Yaoyao, listen to me..."

He slapped his pupils violently, "Yaoyao, what are you going to do, calm down, don't be impulsive!"

Fang Yao shook his head in a daze, holding a handful of fruit and pressing it against the aorta in the other hand, "You men are all the same, it doesn't matter if you don't like me, I will... never appear in front of you again , then you will be happy, right?"

Seeing that she was about to cut it off, Fu yelled, "No Yaoyao!"

Before he had time to think too much, he rushed over and intercepted with his bare hands.

The blade struck his tiger's mouth, and blood gushed out instantly.

I don't know if Fang Yao was stimulated by the bright red color. After a shock, he suddenly woke up.


The fruit knife fell to the ground, and she stared straight at Fu Que's bleeding hand, holding her head with a tangled and painful expression.

"Yes... sorry, I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it!"

There were big beads of sweat on Fu Que's forehead, "Is there a medicine box at home, give it to me quickly!"

"Oh, yes, I'll get it!" Fang Yao quickly dug out a medicine box from a drawer in the room.

She was stunned by the hideous wound on Fu Que's hand, and she stood there in a daze, at a loss for what to do.

"Help me!" Jing Fu reminded him, and Fang Yao hurriedly bandaged him.

The wound was too deep, and a lot of gauze and hemostatic drugs were wasted but failed to stop the bleeding.

Fang Yao's hands were full of Fu Que's blood, she lowered her head, staring blankly at the dazzling color, a bitter guilt rolled out of her throat.


What did she do?
In the end, Fu Que just bandaged him casually, and Fang Yao told him to leave the hospital, but he refused to listen.

"My company still has something to deal with, so I won't accompany you. If you need it, you can call me anytime!"

But Fu put on his coat and left, the door opened, he turned and looked at Fang Yao again, "Yao Yao, no matter what happens, I will never let you go, in fact, when you are free, you can come out more to see the sun, the world It's not as bad as you think!"

door closed.

Fang Yao fell down and sat down as if her strength had been drained...


On the day He Jingyao checked out from Marriott, he sent Ashen to pick up Shen Zhiyi.

Ah Shen said, "Madam, don't embarrass me. You know how bad your husband is. If I don't take you back to the He Mansion today, I'll come tomorrow. If I can't, I'll come back the day after tomorrow until I take you home." live!"

The corners of Shen Zhiyi's mouth twitched wildly, "Ah Shen, you are a good assistant!"

A Shenli nodded, still with a handsome face, "Thank you, madam, for the compliment!"

He talked all about this, and Shen Zhiyi couldn't do without compromise.

What kind of master there is, there will be what kind of subordinates, He Jingyao's style of doing things is also reflected in Ah Shen.

Little Treasure Dashu greeted Shen Zhiyi's return.

Seeing the excited faces of these two little guys, Shen Zhiyi felt guilty.

She shouldn't have abandoned them because of her emotions.

That night, she personally made a dinner to express her apology.

It was so unpalatable, but Dashu ate deliciously. The little guy started to lose his hair due to chemotherapy. Shen Zhiyi heard from Mrs. Wang that Dashu asked her curiously why she lost her hair. Mrs. Wang lied and said that it was because of him. I have eaten too little recently, and this is caused by malnutrition. As long as I add more nutrition, my hair will grow back soon.

Children are only curious about things that adults understand, which makes them feel sorry for this child even more.

Shen Zhiyi held his face and watched Dashu eat, his eyes became red and his nose became sore.

"Hey, Aunt Zhizhi, why are you crying?" Dashu found her and asked with his head tilted.

"Recently the hotel is too busy. I added it for several nights in a row, and my eyes hurt. Let's not talk about it. I'll go upstairs and get some eye drops!"

Shen Zhiyi didn't dare to stay any longer, she was afraid she couldn't hold back the tears, and the moment she turned her back, her eyes felt warm.

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