Chapter 197 She Can't Act at All
Master Cheng slowly flicked the Vajra Bodhi on his wrist, squinted his eyes, and chanted sutras indistinctly.

He Zhenxuan got up, "Then I won't disturb Master Cheng's rest, I will deliver the two hundred cargo ships agreed before, and I will leave on time!"

"Second Master, do you really want to present two hundred cargo ships as a gift to Master Cheng?" the personal attendant opened the car door for He Zhenxuan and asked incomprehensibly.

He Zhenxuan wrapped up his clothes, "Hmph! This old fox is very cunning. He was clearly trying to vent his anger for himself, and he said he was helping me by stealing so many boats from me. That's all. We still have to rely on him, just to clear up the relationship in advance! How is the He Group doing now?"

"Back to Master, since He Jingyao was attacked that night, he hasn't been out of the He mansion for three or four days, let alone the He Group. Now the stock of He Group has fallen sharply, and the whole company is in panic. The old man is angry about this. It's not easy, I'm looking for Master He Jingyao Xingxing to question my crime, master, everything is going according to your plan!"

He Zhenxuan closed his eyes and hummed, then asked again, "Where's the young master?"

"Master he..."

"What's wrong with him, tell me!"

"Master, he didn't let us follow, and he said harshly that he would never be merciless to anyone who wanted to follow, so we don't know what the master has been doing recently. Oh, by the way, he stayed in the hotel for a few days a while ago, I think It's kind of weird!"

He Zhenxuan opened his eyes, probably due to long-term frailty, his eyes were dull, "What hotel?"

"What's your name, Marriott!"

In the past few days, except for her live broadcast, Song Jiaojiao stayed at the company the rest of the time.

Seeing that the time limit for her to sign a contract with a certain skin care brand is approaching, but the company has not yet arranged a new job for her, she has no idea, so she decides to ask Ella.

She has been doing pretty well recently, and has grown from a rookie anchor with tens of thousands of fans to a super powerful anchor with more than 100 million fans.

A while ago, the company planned to let her develop into an actor, and first take a web drama to test the waters.

But now that she said nothing, she said nothing, she was a little uncertain.

A colleague: "Hey Jiaojiao, why don't you go to Sister Ella? She is busy now, and a newcomer is talking about work with Sister Ella!"


"Anyway, it's a fresh face, and it's good-looking, but it's a pity that there are too many traces of medical beauty. I just overheard that Sister Ella is going to give her the role of the second female role in a web drama, tsk tsk! You know our small network How difficult it is for Hong to get a chance to develop into an actor, and the newcomer said that he has no background, so the devil would believe it, hum, it's really unfair!"

The colleague was still chattering, and Song Jiaojiao was no longer in the mood to listen, so she pushed her away and headed towards Ella's office.

She wanted to see what this newcomer looked like. Why did Ella give her the chance she had worked so hard for so long?
She stooped, and quietly pushed open a crack to look in, when the door suddenly opened from the inside.

She met the eyes of the person who came out, and her smile froze instantly.

"Shen Yichun?"

Shen Yichun raised her chin and looked at her, "Do you have any objections?"

"Oh! It turns out that the newcomer they were talking about is you. Why, it's not easy to make money outside, so you come here to be an anchor? Although an anchor is not a high-end profession, it's not something that anyone can do if they want. You are an ignorant person. , people with high eyesight and low hands want to come to the entertainment circle, I advise you to save money, for you, a sugar daddy is more suitable!"

"You!" Shen Yichun bit her back teeth, and in the next second, a sinister smile appeared on her face full of technology and ruthlessness, "Speaking of sugar daddy, I'm ashamed to compare you to Song Jiaojiao. , But it’s a pity, in the end you were abandoned by an old man after playing badly, hey! Let me tell you, the threshold for the Internet celebrity circle is really low today, and any scumbag can jump in!”

Her contemptuous eyes passed over Song Jiaojiao, and she turned to Liu Xiang who was beside her and said, "Mom, let's go, I thought it was some high-end entertainment company, a company that anyone who could be a cat or a dog could join. I, Shen Yichun, are not rare!"

Song Jiaojiao, who was poked in the sore spot, burst into anger, "Shen Yichun, you mention that man every now and then. Is he your father or your husband? Do you need to talk about it? If you envy me and hate you, just Let’s be honest, who hasn’t overturned a car in front of a man? Speaking of which, you were abandoned by Yu Lin at the wedding? Hmph! I don’t want to care about you if I don’t expose your scars. You, an abandoned woman, are still addicted to me? "

"You, tell me again?" Shen Yichun was so angry that every hair trembled.

"I just said, you are an abandoned woman. Fortunately, Lin Yu saw through your plot and stopped the loss in time, otherwise you would have succeeded. You are such an insidious woman, no wonder Lin Yu despises you. You deserve it!"

"Song Jiaojiao, see if I don't tear your mouth apart!" Shen Yichun suffered from Song Jiaojiao several times, and she made a joke about the wedding this time. It popped out of my chest all of a sudden.

Song Jiaojiao is not a weak girl either, so the two started sex on the spot.

Liu Xiang wanted to intervene to help Shen Yichun, but he couldn't.

There was a commotion outside the office.

Shen Yichun grabbed Song Jiaojiao's hair, and Song Jiaojiao slapped Shen Yichun on the ground.

"What are you doing? Stop it!" Ella growled.

Later, Song Jiaojiao was called to the office by Ella.

"Sister Aila, you can't blame me. You don't know that Shen Yichun, who has [-] minds and is extremely insidious. A person like her must never stay in our company!"

"She can't stay, can you stay?"

Song Jiaojiao blinked her eyelashes, "Sister Ella, what do you mean?"

"I just want to tell you that in our company, it doesn't matter whether you have the ability or not. The most important thing is to be obedient. Shen Yichun is very obedient, so the company signed her and is going to let her take over the web drama that was left for you before. If she behaves well , our company is going to package her wholeheartedly, and it is not impossible to make her a first-line star!"

"No, Sister Ella, she is a money-digger who has never acted and never been in the Internet celebrity circle. Why should she?"

Ella smiled coldly, with red lips and exaggerated high eyeliner, her aura was arrogant, "Why? Just because she is obedient, if I tell her to go east, she won't go west. If I tell her to go west, she won't go west." Dong, do you understand?"

"Do you think the matter of leaving the brand side half way is over? Song Jiaojiao, listen to me clearly. If I didn't wipe your ass for this matter, do you think you can still stand here? Prettier than you There are too many hard-working and talented girls. What do you think the company is supporting you for? Didn’t it let you create value for the company? Who is the value? The brand is the value. You have offended the God of Wealth for you. Why should I assign tasks to you!"

Song Jiaojiao took two steps back unsteadily, and she was stunned for a while before she spoke, "Okay, I know, I just think I ruined your good deed, so punish me, I, Song Jiaojiao, admit it, but you don't even think about it." What to do with me, I was forgotten, we signed the contract!"

(End of this chapter)

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