Chapter 198
Ella nodded her forehead, "Oh, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me, within three years, the company is not allowed to terminate the contract with you, or you will have to pay liquidated damages, but my Jiaojiao, you may have missed something, within three years , you can’t take any private work, you said, if a small internet celebrity doesn’t have any tasks, how long can she live?”

Song Jiaojiao: "..."


After He Jingyao's wound was almost healed, Shen Zhiyi went to work in the hotel as usual.

For two consecutive days, when she came home, she could always see his leisurely figure.

Shen Zhiyi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and asked him, "The stocks of the He Group have fallen like that, can you still sit at home?"

As an outsider, she was extremely anxious, but her abilities were limited.

Only then did He Jingyao lift his eyes from the magazine, "What should I do?"

"Of course I went to the company to deal with it, hold a meeting, come up with an emergency plan or something!"

He Jingyao put the book aside, picked up the water glass and moistened his throat, "It's really as simple as you said, anyone can be the president of the He Corporation, and it will take a process to make up for it!"

Shen Zhiyi was in a hurry, "Then what should we do now? You can't just sit and watch, can you? Didn't Grandpa put pressure on you?"

He Jingyao hooked his index finger at Shen Zhiyi, and the latter put his ear closer suspiciously.

"There is only one safest, simplest and effective stop loss method!"

Shen Zhiyi: "???"

"our wedding!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."


"Sister Zhiyi, that handsome guy who is prettier than a woman is here again!"

Hearing what Xiaomei said, Shen Zhiyi felt a headache. In her eyes, it seemed that as long as a decent man could be called a handsome guy.

She has heard several handsome guys from Xiaomei's mouth, and she has been foolishly unable to tell who is who.

Seeing that Shen Zhiyi was confused, Xiaomei added, "It's just that charming and handsome man with pink hair and a floral shirt. Oh, he's in the dining area right now. He just ordered a glass of lemonade and didn't know what he wanted to do. Sister Yi, do you think he came to look for you?"

Before Xiaomei could finish speaking, Shen Zhiyi put down her work and went straight to the dining area.

Bang bang bang!
Someone knocked on the table, Fang Huaizhou raised his eyes obediently, saw the person in front of him, and sat up straight.

"How did you know I was here?"

Shen Zhiyi pointed to her hair, "With your blinking hair color, all the female staff in the hotel know that you are here, and I just don't want to hear it!"

"Am I so welcome?"

Shen Zhiyi gave him a free look, "Are you being merciful?"

Fang Huaizhou frowned, and explained solemnly, "That's an illusion, have you ever heard that the more affectionate a man is, the more dedicated he is in his bones, I belong to this type, if you follow me, you will know how affectionate I am one of them!"

Shen Zhiyi curled her lips, "Tsk tsk, I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it, I only saw you teasing girls everywhere with my own eyes!"

"That's an illusion!"


"Actually, it's just to hide my weakness. I don't like being hurt in my relationship, especially when I treat someone I like. I don't even have the courage to confess. I'm afraid of being rejected. You can call me a coward, but I just can't accept it." That frustration!"

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyebrows, "It's quite hypocritical!"

The atmosphere was suddenly silent for a few seconds.

Fang Huaizhou twirled the cup with his fingers, "I heard that you are going to have a wedding with He Jingyao soon?"

"Well, this month's NO.20, there are three days left!"

"You..." Fang Huaizhou bit his lower lip, hesitant to speak.

He already had red lips and white teeth, but with such a bite, his lips were so charming and charming, which made his pink hair even more sinister and unruly.

"I won't delay your work, this glass of lemonade is your treat, let's go!"

After drinking in one gulp, Fang Huaizhou got up and left.

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

This person is so strange, come and talk, talk and go!
When she got off work, there was a brightly colored Lamborghini parked in front of the hotel.

The car door opened, and a handsome man jumped out of it and waved at her, "Get in the car, I'll see you off!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled dryly, "No need, your car is too coquettish, and I'm low-key, I don't match it!"

"It's not looking for a spouse, you don't care if it's worthy or not!" Fang Huaizhou grabbed Shen Zhiyi's wrist and stuffed it into the seat.

Then he kicked the accelerator, and the car rushed out with a whoosh.

When he was in the urban area, Fang Huaizhou drove fairly well. As soon as he left the urban area, he acted like a genius, racing like crazy.

Shen Zhi realized later, "Where are you taking me?"

"Don't worry, I'm reluctant to betray you, you'll know when we get there!" He said, speeding up even faster.

The car body seemed to have wings and flew up. Shen Zhiyi held the handle above his head and held his breath.

The wind was blowing in through the half-open car window, and Shen Zhiyi's hair was blown wantonly.

"Fang Huaizhou, can you slow down, you want to die, I want to live two more years!"

Fang Huaizhou laughed happily, "I thought you could hold your breath all the time, so please beg me, beg me, I will slow down!"

Shen Zhiyi tilted her head and gouged him hard, thinking that her own life was more important, and she couldn't care less about anything else.

"I beg you, slow down!"

"OK!" The next second, Fang Huaizhou really slowed down the car.

Shen Zhiyi: "..." This person really has something wrong with his mind.

Why does she feel that none of the men around her is normal?

The car stopped, Fang Huaizhou got out of the car first, walked around to the side and opened the door for Shen Zhiyi, "Here we are, are your legs weak? Do you want me to carry you down!"

As soon as Shen Zhiyi's feet landed on the ground, he raised his leg and kicked Fang Huaizhou's calf bone.

But the latter dodged it cunningly, "It's easy for a girl to get old when she loses her temper. That would be unbeautiful!"

"Who said I lost my temper, I'm happy!" Shen Zhiyi kicked back at the car.

Suddenly, an obvious indentation appeared on the smooth body.

Fang Huaizhou was stunned, and laughed angrily in the next second, "Okay, as long as you are happy, as long as you are happy!"

This is the Bund of Hangzhou, located outside the West District of Hangzhou.

Not far away is the endless coastline. Layers of waves beat on the beach one after another. The air is full of the smell of sea water, and even the wind is full of beauty.

Some families come here for picnics, and some young couples are taking wedding photos.

Shen Zhiyi hadn't seen the sea for a long time, and was completely fascinated. With a flick of her shoes, Sa Yazi ran towards the sea.

Fang Huaizhou shook his head with a smile, and picked up her crumbling high-heeled shoes.

Shen Zhiyi came back satisfied after having had enough fun and filming.

The two sat on the spot, and Fang Huaizhou conjured two cans of beer as if by magic.

He opened it for Shen Zhiyi.

Seeing Shen Zhiyi's hesitation, he smiled, his pink hair looked extraordinarily gentle under the golden sunlight, making his skin translucent white.

(End of this chapter)

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