Chapter 200 Thunderbolt
He Jingyao patted his arm, "Take good care of Fang Yao!"

"Ah Yao!" Fu called to him, hesitated for a moment, but he still said, "Yao Yao will come later, I didn't stop her, but don't worry, she promised me not to make trouble, and I will keep watching Follow her, don't make trouble for you!"

He Jingyao didn't seem surprised by this, "Thank you!"

But Fu was called away by the master of ceremonies, leaving He Jingyao alone in the corridor.

After smoking a cigarette, his mood eased a lot. Thinking of the upcoming wedding with Shen Zhiyi, he couldn't help curling his lips.

Just as he was about to leave, a thin figure broke into his eyes.

"Ah Yao!"

He Jingyao frowned, but still maintained a polite tone, "Well, the old master was called away by the master of ceremonies, you can go to the lobby and wait for a while, the reception is not good today, please take care of me!"

"Ah Yao, are you really looking forward to today's wedding so much?"

He Jingyao paused and turned his head to look at her, "Fang Yao, I think it's because you saved me and gave birth to a child for the He family. I don't care about what you did before, but human patience is always limited." , you can do it again and again, not again and again!"

"You misunderstood A Yao, I didn't mean to provoke you, I just didn't deserve it for you, it is clear that Shen Zhiyi is not worthy of you at all..."

"Whether it is worthy or not, only I have the right to speak, and it has nothing to do with you!"

Fang Yao was speechless by He Jingyao's words, she bit her lip, her eyes were red with grievance.

"Okay, even if this is the case, you don't need to wrong yourself like this. Even if it is to make up for her, there are many other ways. You can give her money, give her a house and a car, why do you have to choose a wedding? Ah Yao, you Will regret it!"

He Jingyao turned around. Under the light, his dark pupils were like thick black glass beads, "Who told you that I don't love her? Fang Yao, don't be so self-righteous. The person I don't love has always been you!"

Faced with the last sentence of extremely lethal veto, Fang Yao choked up, "Isn't it? I know that the most suitable ones to match a big tree with bone marrow are brothers and sisters who are related by blood, and you would rather choose Shen Zhi It means that you are unwilling to choose me for having a child, to be honest, I am very hurt, anyway, we have been... But at the same time, I am also very relieved, at least you are so different from Shen Zhiyi because of this!"

"A while ago, I heard from a public relations servant that Shen Zhiyi had a miscarriage. You must be very disappointed, right? Seeing that the only hope of saving Dashu has also been shattered, Ah Yao, Dashu is already very satisfied with a father like you. , I thank you for Dashu, but at the same time, I also hope that you can face your marriage correctly, she is not the only woman who can bear children for you, and I can do it too, Ah Yao!"

"Shut up!" He Jingyao shouted lowly, with some kind of anger at being exposed the truth surged in his eyes.

"Am I wrong? You deliberately made Shen Zhiyi pregnant, so that the child in her belly could be a match for Dashu. I think Shen Zhiyi might not know it? If she knew How sad it must be for you to use her like this, I feel sorry for her, until the moment she walked on the wedding red carpet, she was still encouraged by you!"

"Ayao, since you don't love her, why do you keep her by your side? Ayao, since there is a big tree between us, why can't our family of three be together? There are so many people donating bone marrow every day, there is always One can successfully match with Dashu, let's work hard together, shall we?"

He Jingyao took two steps forward and slammed on her wrist, his face somber as if he was about to bleed, "Fang Yao, I really doubt if you are Dashu's biological mother. Now he is in danger, and he only has a year to find a suitable one." Bone marrow can last life, and you are jealous and disregarding his life? There is one more thing I need to correct, I keep Shen Zhiyi by my side, not because of what you said to use, but because I only have her in my eyes, you understand ?"

Fang Yao seemed to have been drained of all the strength in his body, and staggered two steps backwards with an unstable center of gravity...

Shen Zhiyi didn't know how he left, and bumped into the person in charge of the wedding on the way.

"Miss Shen, where are you going, the wedding will start in 5 minutes..."

Shen Zhiyi seemed to be deaf, she couldn't hear anything, her mind was filled with buzzing sounds.

She ran out of the hotel with her skirt in her hand, ran out of the street, and ran in a direction without destination.

[You deliberately made Shen Zhiyi pregnant, the purpose is to make the child in her stomach a match for Dashu, I think Shen Zhiyi may not know it yet, right?How heartbroken she would be if she knew that you used her like this. I really pity her. Until the moment she walked on the wedding red carpet, she was still kept in the dark by you! 】

Listen, how ridiculous, foolishly, she thought that He Jingyao really loved her, really wanted to give her a perfect wedding, really wanted to spend the rest of her life with her.

It turned out that she was dreaming from beginning to end.

Now that she woke up from the dream, reality gave her a painful blow.

In He Jingyao's eyes, she was just a reproductive tool for him to save his own child.

No wonder he did it so often before, no wonder he said before that he wanted a child that belonged to them.

It turned out that under his seemingly affectionate mask was an extremely ugly face due to calculations.

This man is terrible, he plots against her and uses her all the time!

Thinking of the child she lost in Li country, Shen Zhiyi laughed at herself.

She thought that He Jingyao was really sad because of losing his child, but it turned out he was not, he was just sad because he lost his uncle's medicine primer!

Shen Zhiyi, wake up, He Jingyao never said that he loves you from the beginning to the end, how can you be so naive to think that you will have a future!
The sky was still clear just now, and it started to rain in a blink of an eye.

As soon as He Jingyao returned to the lounge, the person in charge of the wedding hurriedly opened the door and came in, "Mr. He, Ms. Shen is gone!"

Yin Xingze and Fu stood up at the same time.

Yin Xingze, "You have to be responsible for saying this. You are so polite. How could sister Zhizhi disappear? What a joke!"

"I don't dare to make fun of Mr. He. Ms. Shen went to the bathroom just now. On the way, I saw that her expression was not right, and I told her that the wedding will start immediately. She didn't look back. She didn't worry about it at the time. I haven't seen her all over the place..."

"Then what are you doing here? Hurry up and find someone. There's something wrong with the wedding, so you can ask me!" Yin Xingze impatiently dropped his cigarette and arranged the scene for He Jingyao.

"Ah Yao, Ah Yao? My daughter-in-law is gone, what are you thinking here, don't you hurry up and look for it?" Seeing He Jingyao's calm expression, Yin Xingze jumped up and down anxiously.

Fu patted him on the shoulder, "I'll take someone to look outside the hotel, and I'll leave it to you, Ah Yao!"

(End of this chapter)

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