Chapter 201 Keeping it is a kind of irony

"5 minutes ago, I was talking to Fang Yao in the corridor. According to the time calculation, Shen Zhiyi must have passed by there and saw us!" He Jingyao murmured.

Yin Xingze put his ear close to him, "What are you talking about?"

He Jingyao leaned back, leaned his head up on the backrest, covered his eyes with one hand, and said hoarsely, "Xingze, she probably knows everything!"

Yin Xingze was stunned for a moment, and immediately fell to sit beside him, "That's over, A Yao, don't blame brother for not reminding you, you chose this path yourself!"

That's right, he chose it himself, and he has to finish it no matter what...

On the sidewalk, a woman in white gauze shuffled aimlessly.

The rain wetted her skirt and it became heavier, and the place where it dragged the ground turned from white to black, which was horrible.

A naughty child broke away from the adults, ran happily in the drizzle, and bumped into Shen Zhiyi.

The powerless Shen Zhiyi was knocked to the ground unexpectedly.

The child was so frightened that he burst into tears. When the parents heard the sound, they could not hide the horror in their eyes when they saw Shen Zhiyi. They immediately picked up the child and ran away. He could be heard complaining from a distance. One sentence, "It's really unlucky, you will encounter mental illness when you go out!"

His wife comforted him, "Okay, okay, she is so pitiful, she looks so good-looking, maybe she has received some kind of mental stimulation!"

That's right, just now when Shen Zhiyi fell so badly, the sewage splashed all over her face, she lost the diamond crown on her head, and her hair was loose on her shoulders. After being wet by the rain, it was tightly attached to her scalp, and the white gauze on her body was long gone. Clear the original color.

She looked like a lunatic in the eyes of passers-by.

Enduring the pain of her palm being scratched, she gritted her teeth and got up from the ground. She wanted to leave, and she didn't want to be found by He Jingyao, let alone see him again.

The rain kept falling, without stopping.

The sky is gray, making people feel even more depressed.

Shen Zhiyi stood at the crossroads blankly, but didn't know where her next stop was.

As if she had been abandoned by the world, she was wandering and helpless.

beep beep—

"Let it go, let it go!"

A motorcycle was approaching, Shen Zhiyi couldn't dodge in time, was scratched, and when his body was about to fall over, he was dragged by an arm.

"Made! You scared me to death, you crazy!" the delivery boy cursed.

Shen Zhiyi slowly opened her eyes, and a pair of cold faces came into her eyes.

He has a pair of amber eyes, which make him impersonal.

"Do you need my help?" he asked.

Shen Zhiyi pursed her lips, without talking nonsense, and pushed him with both hands.

Without a support point, she swayed and looked about to collapse from exhaustion, He Qingyan supported her again.

"I'll give you two options. One, take you back to the hotel, or two, follow me."

Half-moon bend apartment area.

"Master, we persuaded you several times, but Miss Shen still doesn't want to drink!"

The servant brought out the ginger soup intact, with a helpless expression on his face.

He Jingyao waved, "Give me ginger soup, you guys go down!"


In the bedroom, Shen Zhiyi hugged her knees and curled up on the sofa. Even though she was wrapped in a blanket, she was still shivering from the cold.

In front of her, hung the white gauze she was wearing half an hour ago.

Although the white gauze is out of shape, it is not difficult to see its exquisite workmanship and its nobility and grace.

Shen Zhiyi remembered how stunning she was when she put it on. Song Jiaojiao said that she was like a queen, and Xiaomei said that she was the most beautiful bride.

It was the first time she wore a wedding dress, and He Jingyao personally selected it for her.

But all these good things turned out to be just a conspiracy, a joke.

From the beginning to the end, she was played by He Jingyao between applause, she is so stupid!
She stared at the wedding dress, only feeling that it was a kind of irony to herself.

"I didn't bring you back to let you recall the past!"

He Qingyan opened the curtains to let in some light, at least the room would not look so dull.

The rain has stopped, and under the window, the green plants washed by the rain are dazzling.

Shen Zhiyi withdrew her gaze, slammed her chin on her knees, and curled herself into a ball.

He Qingyan took her back for so long, she didn't say a word, the maid almost thought she was dumb.

"Auntie has boiled the ginger soup for a long time, drink it while it's hot!" He Qingyan squeezed the spoon and stirred it, then scooped up a spoon and gave it to her lips.

Shen Zhiyi tilted her head to resist.

He Qingyan's expression remained unchanged, "Your appearance will only make me think that you still miss your bridegroom wholeheartedly. If that's the case, why should you be so? I'll send you back!"

As soon as the words were finished, Shen Zhiyi suddenly grabbed the bowl in his hand, and drank it down in one gulp without losing his breath.

She showed him the empty bowl, wiped the corners of her mouth with her sleeve, but didn't speak.

He Qingyan twitched the corners of his lips in satisfaction, "Your groom, oh, He Jingyao from the He Group, is now sending people to look for you everywhere! If you don't want to see him, you can stay with me and wait for this turmoil." Let's talk about it!"

"No, I have a place to live!"

"You are finally willing to speak!" He Qingyan tilted his head, looking at her playfully.

Shen Zhiyi was uncomfortable seeing his serious eyes, and turned her body, "I just don't want to say it!"

"Then it doesn't seem like you particularly hate me!"

"At least for now!" Shen Zhiyi said, taking off the blanket on her body, "Thank you for bringing me back and lending me clean clothes, I should go!"

"I send you!"

"Need not!"

As if he didn't hear it, "Your wedding dress..."

Shen Zhiyi turned her head, and took one last look at the white gauze on which she entrusted her sweet dreams, "Throw it away!"

Keeping it is just a sarcasm.

He mansion.

Yin Xingze, "I searched all over Marriott, but I didn't see Sister Zhizhi either!"

Fu Que, "I've checked, after Ms. Shen came out of the bathroom, she left the hotel and walked west along Wenchang Road. Because of the rain, there was a problem with the monitoring equipment lines along the street, so I didn't take any pictures of value for the time being." Information."

Ah Shen: "My wife is not at the Shen family's villa either. Mister, maybe my wife just hid there on impulse. She will come back when her anger subsides. Don't push too hard!"

"Yes, yes, women. When you are angry, you always like to be found. Maybe she just wants you to admit a mistake to her. Sister Zhizhi is so considerate and loves Dashu so much. Using her to give birth to a child to do bone marrow matching for Dashu, she will definitely forgive..."

Fu Que elbowed him.

The former rubbed his nose and coughed twice, "Ah Yao, it's getting late, you have a busy day and rest first, so as not to worry the elders, my people will continue to help you find it, don't worry too much!"

After leaving the He mansion, Yin Xingze couldn't hold back anymore, "What did you bump into me just now? Is it hard to hit me?"

(End of this chapter)

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