"He Jingyao, come out and don't give us an explanation today. Believe it or not, I'll call the police right now? What happened to President He? What happened to the grandson of He's parents? Can you trample on other people's feelings casually?"

Song Jiaojiao stood outside the gate of He Mansion and shouted louder and louder.

She is willing to go all out for Shen Zhiyi today, regardless of whether the other party is He Jingyao or Zhang Jingyao!
Sister-in-law Wang is really in trouble. It's not right to let people in, and it's not right not to let them in, "Miss Song, I told you that my wife is not at home, but you don't believe me. Our husband is still looking for her everywhere, so don't shout here. If you are heard by my husband... Hey, you should go back quickly, I will notify you as soon as there is news about my wife!"

"Sister-in-law Wang, I know that your husband threatened you not to tell Zhizhi's whereabouts. Don't worry, you secretly tell me where Zhizhi is hidden. I promise to kill anyone and never tell!"

Mrs. Wang blushed, "Miss Song, I swear, I really don't know!"

Song Jiaojiao hehe, "You really don't know, your husband may not be sure!"

After finishing speaking, he continued to knock on the door and shouted, "He Jingyao, come out!"

"Song Jiaojiao, save your energy, use your brain to think about it, and you know that Shen Zhiyi won't be here!" Fang Huaizhou couldn't stand it anymore, so he nodded his head to remind him.

Song Jiaojiao glared at him, "You men don't have a good thing. You used to like our Zhizhi, but now that she's gone, you not only don't help find her, but you are still talking sarcastic here, bah! Heartbroken, Scumbag!"

Fang Huaizhou pointed to his nose with a puzzled expression on his face.

He kindly drove this woman over to find someone, but he didn't say thank you, but instead he was labeled as a heartless man and a scumbag.

What the hell is this?
What kind of woman is this?
"Sister-in-law Wang, let them in!" On the second floor, He Jingyao was standing there tall and straight in elegant white home clothes.

Song Jiaojiao stomped into the living room in high-heeled shoes without any image, and Fang Huaizhou followed behind.

Who knows what earth-shattering things this reckless woman will do, he came with her, so he has to take this responsibility, otherwise how can he explain to Shen Zhiyi in the future?

She was still full of anger at first, but she was expecting to explode when she saw He Jingyao, but Song Jiaojiao suddenly lost her momentum when facing the deity.

"Mr. He, you... Where did you hide our Zhizhi? We Zhizhi are timid, don't scare her, let's sit down and talk slowly about something, it's all your fault, you , It's useless for you to quibble!"

He Jingyao held on to the railing with one hand, and stepped down step by step, "Sorry, I didn't see Shen Zhiyi, if you know her whereabouts, please let me know, and I will reward you with a lot of money!"

Song Jiaojiao's expression changed, "Mr. He, you are boring like this, didn't you and your Bai Yueguang kiss me at the wedding scene and I was caught by Zhizhi, so she ran away in anger? "

"No!" He Jingyao's jawline stretched straight.

Song Jiaojiao waved her hand, "Okay, don't pretend to be in front of me, thankfully I kept praising you in front of Zhizhi before, now it seems that I am really blind to think you are Zhizhi A man who can be trusted for life!"

Fang Huaizhou tugged at her sleeve and reminded in a low voice, "So you still have a habit of scolding yourself!"

Song Jiaojiao thought about it in a daze, then covered her mouth suddenly, ah!She seems to be really scolding herself!
After thinking about it, she continued to curse, "You must be afraid that Zhizhi will reveal the things you stole, which will affect your reputation and the reputation of the entire He family, so you keep doing nothing, so you hide Zhizhi. Am I right? Since ancient times, this has been your favorite thing to do!"

Fang Huaizhou raised his forehead, do all women have as rich imaginations as hers?
He Jingyao did not lift his head and eyes, drinking tea calmly and calmly, "I want to ask, if I really hid Shen Zhiyi, then am I going to hide her for the rest of my life? You really think highly of me, He Yes, you just said I ate it secretly? I want to ask Ms. Song, do you have evidence? Meals can be eaten indiscriminately, but words must not be spoken indiscriminately!"

"I... have been seen by others, and others know it, but you still want to deny it?"

"Who saw it? Who are the others referring to? Tell me, and I'll confront them one by one!" He Jingyao spoke sharply, with a cold and arrogant tone, without any sense of guilt for doing something wrong.


"I still have things to deal with, excuse me!" He Jingyao got up and left.

"He Jingyao, you haven't finished talking yet, don't leave..."

Suddenly, the world spun, and she was thrown on the shoulder.

"Song Jiaojiao, enough is enough, He Jingyao is already being polite to you today!"

Fang Huaizhou carried Song Jiaojiao all the way out of the He mansion, allowing her to kick and struggle.

"Fang Huaizhou, did you make a mistake? The person who had the accident was Zhizhi. Don't you like her very much? Now that your favorite woman is hidden by the surname He, you don't even dare to fart, right? a man?"

Fang Huaizhou gestured and put his hands on the belt buckle, "Am I a man, why don't I show you?"

"Ah! You pervert!" Song Jiaojiao covered her eyes nervously.

"Song Jiaojiao, the more I look at you, the more I feel that you have big breasts and no brains. I said, Shen Zhi doesn't care about this, so don't waste any more time!"

"Oh! You can tell me where she is?"

Fang Huaizhou brushed his hair, "I don't know!"

"Hahaha, it's so funny, you also said that I have no brains, half a catty, let's not talk about anyone else!"

Fang Huaizhou: "..."

the other side.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that Shen Zhiyi ran away at the wedding. It was said that He Jingyao and her old friend were reminiscing about each other when Shen Zhiyi bumped into him and ran away because he couldn't accept it for a while. Also, when the old lover meets, there is no guarantee that they will resurface. It’s nice to say it’s reminiscing about the past, but it’s ugly to say it, maybe what you’re doing, Shen Zhiyi will also be cuckolded one day, what a joy!”

Shen Yichun excitedly told Liu Xiang about this incident, wanting to laugh out loud for three days and three nights.

Finally, Shen Zhiyi also came to such a tragic end.

"Hmph! Just like her short-lived mother, why are you pretending to be noble! I don't know how many men have slept with you behind your back!" Liu Xiang said contemptuously.

"That's right, it's already a kind of charity for Mr. He to give her an identity. She deserves it for being shameless! I think she just wants to come back this time, and the He family will not want her anymore. When the time comes, What's the difference between her and her best friend Song Jiaojiao, they are both abandoned wives that no one wants!" Shen Yichun's eyes gradually became vicious, and she wished to cut Shen Zhiyi and Song Jiaojiao into pieces.

Her cell phone rang.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Oh, it's you. I'm sorry. I've been busy recently and I don't have time! Let's talk about it another day!"

When she hung up the phone, Liu Xiang asked her who called.

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