Shen Yichun said impatiently, "It's the one who accidentally hit his car two days ago, why did he want to buy me a cup of coffee, hmph! It's just that he has other ideas about me. The toad wants to eat swan meat. It's a beautiful idea!"

A few days ago, Shen Yichun rear-ended a car worth more than 300 million yuan, and the repair cost was 10,000+.

Unfortunately, because Shen Yichun's money is tight recently, she just didn't buy car insurance this year, so she was worried in place.

Who knew that the owner of the car didn't let her pay any compensation, and let her go after leaving her phone number.

"You said, the car cost more than 300 million?" Liu Xiang asked along the way.

Shen Yichun nodded, "That's it, oh, by the way, his handbag seems to be... a limited edition of Hermès, heck, the men who are businessmen are much better than him, I really thought that I would be able to see it if I showed off." Get it?"

The big money of her little sisters all start at 500 million. They were not as good as her before, but now they are all better than her.

Thinking about it is bitter tears!
Liu Xiang's eyeballs moved, and an idea came to her mind again. She took Shen Yichun's hand, "Daughter, we are in Hangzhou now, and we really need a backer. Next time, a man with such good conditions will ask you out. You just go for a meeting, and you won’t lose a finger. Maybe the other party is a low-key rich man. This person should keep expanding his network of contacts. Who may be useful someday, so just say This time, let's enter Canxing Entertainment, because we don't have a strong backer, so we will only arrange a second female role for you!"

Speaking of the second female lead, Shen Yichun was quite dissatisfied, "Mom, the second female lead is a big villain, and she doesn't appear in many scenes. If she doesn't survive half of her life, she has to receive a box lunch. The first female lead is not as good-looking as me, and her temperament is not good enough." Hello, why should she be the heroine? The most important thing is, I have worked so hard, and finally only got 10 yuan in salary, Mom, I don’t even want to go, I can’t even buy a bag with all the money!”

Liu Xiang scolded her, "What do you know? How many small Internet celebrities in your company are staring at you without this opportunity. If it weren't for me and the leaders of your company being a little hypocritical, do you think you can get in? No one wants to be the front desk, so don't worry about it." How much is the salary, let’s get familiar with each other first, and then wait until you have a reputation in the circle. Now the female star has married into a wealthy family, and she doesn’t have to worry about food and clothing, and wears gold and silver, as my mother told you before Yes, today's rich people like to look for female stars, this is called class, you don't care what you want, you just have a face, at most you can compete with the lady of the club!"

Shen Yichun lost all self-esteem after being scolded, "I know mom, I will do as you said!"


The He mansion has been very peaceful in recent days, and He Jingyao didn't send anyone to look for Shen Zhiyi.

Yin Xingze said, "You really don't want sister Zhizhi anymore? Don't regret it!"

Fu Que said, "If you are tired of each other, it means that you are really not suitable for each other!"

Mrs. Wang said, "Sir, go find your wife again, she may be waiting for you to show up!"

He Jingyao only replied to them, "She will come back to see me!"

The next day, Shen Zhiyi really came back.

"Sir, my wife is back, my wife is really back!" the servant said excitedly.

It rained again last night, and it hasn't stopped until now, just like the day of the wedding, the sky is overcast.

The temperature in Hangzhou dropped ten degrees, breaking the low temperature record for the same period in the past 50 years.

When Shen Zhiyi came, she put on a smoggy blue windbreaker. The low saturation color can easily make people's skin dull.

But it won't work on her body, the skin exposed in the air is still white and dazzling, white and luminous.

The servant took the umbrella from her, and she thanked her, then put her hands in her pockets and walked inside.

He Jingyao was waiting for her in the restaurant, as if everything was prepared, and the table was filled with Shen Zhiyi's favorite dishes.


The man acted like nothing had happened, just like before, he pulled out the chair for her very gentlemanly.

Shen Zhiyi sat down in silence, her dull eyes swept across the table, and the corners of her mouth curled into a self-mockery.

"Look at you, your hair is all wet, be careful of catching a cold!" He Jingyao took the dry towel from the servant, just stretched out his hand, Shen Zhiyi vigilantly turned his head away.

He Jingyao's hands froze in the air, his expression unchanged, he pulled them back after a while, and said with a smile, "Why are you still getting emotional like a child?"

Shen Zhiyi raised her eyelids, and gave him a dull look, "He Jingyao, can you stop pretending? This makes you look hypocritical, you know?"

The man smiled meaninglessly, holding the spoon to fill the soup.

The freshly stewed pork ribs soup is delicious, with white smoke, but it does not arouse any interest.

He Jingyao put the bowl full of soup in front of Shen Zhiyi, "Sister-in-law Wang is not here, so I don't know if the chef's cooking suits your taste!"

"I'm talking about divorce with you today about the child!"

He Jingyao didn't seem to have heard what she said, and pointed to the leisurely introduction of other dishes, "This dish is called Creamy Mushroom Soup, this glass green dish, this..."

"Enough!" Shen Zhiyi slapped the table and stood up, "Enough He Jingyao, I'm not here for dinner today, I'm going to divorce, do you hear me clearly?"

A contract was placed in front of He Jingyao, and the word "divorce agreement" on it was extremely glaring.

He Jingyao didn't even take it, he stared straight at Shen Zhiyi, "Let's talk after dinner!"

"Sorry, you're making me sick of sitting here!"

The man put his hand on the table and shook it. He took a deep breath, "If you are angry because of that incident, I admit that I am wrong, but I can explain it!"

"Stop!" Shen Zhiyi raised her hand and gestured, "I'm here to divorce you today, not to listen to your explanation, can you understand me, Mr. He?"

She tapped on the contract, "Look at the content, we have no financial disputes, your property or something, if you are willing to give it, I will, if not, I will not fight, the common child..."

Speaking of this, Shen Zhiyi choked up, but her emotions were well controlled by her, "No, so as long as you sign it, we will separate!"

He Jingyao rolled his throat, and stared at her deeply with bloodshot eyes, "I can't tell, Shen Zhiyi, we can't tell each other in this life!"

"He Jingyao, don't go too far, I don't owe you anything, just treat me as if you let me live!" After finishing speaking, she took her bag and prepared to leave, "At eight o'clock in the morning three days later, I will wait for you at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau. Be there on time!"

Before Shen Zhiyi could walk out of the restaurant, He Jingyao grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going? This is your home!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled, and He Jingyao looked at him coldly, "My house? A house full of conspiracy and calculations? What kind of house is this? This is a trap, a cage, tightly trapped Me, squeeze out the last bit of my use value, what wedding? I almost believed it, and now I finally understand that from the beginning to the end, I was dreaming myself, I could fall into a trap instantly, and I could wake up in an instant Sorry, but I can’t help you with giving birth to a half-brother or sister with bone marrow for Dashu, you’d better hire someone else!”

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