He Jingyao clamped tightly, the muscles in his cheeks stretched out in a sharp straight line, and Shen Zhiyi struggled several times without breaking free.

"He Jingyao, let go!"

"I said, this is your home, you can't go anywhere!"

"Our game is over, are you still addicted to acting? Let go!" Shen Zhiyi was furious, and bit the back of his hand with such force that she wished to expel all her grievances and anger Let it out all at once.

He Jingyao frowned, "Come here, send your wife to the room to rest!"

"He Jingyao, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry ma'am, don't make it difficult for us!" Two servants came over, helped Shen Zhiyi and dragged her upstairs.

"It's illegal for you to do this, I'll call the police now!" Shen Zhiyi took out his mobile phone and dialed out, only to find that there was no signal.

She glared at He Jingyao.

The latter straightened his cuffs slowly, "The network was cut off before you entered the door!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Hehe, dog man, it's really good!She admits it!

"Madam, just stay here obediently, sir loves you so much, I will lock you up for a few days at most, and it won't hurt you!" The servant kindly persuaded you before closing the door.

The door is closed.

After Shen Zhiyi and others left, he tried to pull, but it was the old trick, locking the door from the outside, maybe there were two bodyguards standing at the door!
"He Jingyao, shut me up at every turn, what kind of man are you, I want to sue you!"

Shen Zhiyi knocked on the door and shouted.


"Sir, Madam is so stubborn, what should I do if I go on a hunger strike?" The servant was a little worried.

He Jingyao swore, "Don't worry, she won't!"

He seemed to understand Shen Zhiyi thoroughly, and his guess was extremely accurate.

Shen Zhiyi ate all the meals brought into the room by the servants, even fruits.

She is not a child, and she threatened to skip meals, but He Jingyao would not eat this, and she had to take care of her body and spirit so that she would have the strength to get out of here.

Close her?

Yes, she wanted to see how long he could keep her locked up, and who of the two of them could beat the other.

For two consecutive days, Shen Zhi kept asking to see He Jingyao.

"I want to see Mr. He, call him over!"

Maid: "Ma'am, sir is busy with work recently, and has been working overtime in the company!"

"Lend me the phone, can I say a few words to him?"

That doggy man He Jingyao not only blocked the Internet of He Mansion, but also had her cell phone taken away.

Not really personal!
Servant: "Madam wants to say something, why don't I convey it for you!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." The dog man's family education is really strict.

He Jingyao's side only listened to the servant's call to report, "Sir, my wife asked me to pass the message on her behalf. You can lock her up for the first year of junior high school, but not her fifteenth year. , just let her go!"

He Jingyao had a headache and pressed his bulging temple, "Go back to her, as long as you can lock her up now, we'll talk about it later!"

After picking up the phone, his body sank, and he sank into the leather seat, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Sir, do you really want to lock up your wife like this all the time? This is not a solution. You have to tie the bell to untie the bell. I think it's better for you to communicate with your wife. I believe she will understand you!"

He Jingyao waved his hand, "No, it's different this time, I blame her!"

He glanced at the time, "You preside over the meeting at four o'clock, I'll go back and have a look!"


At this time, Yin Xingze's call came in.

He Jingyao pressed the speakerphone and threw it on the table. Ashen told him to put on his coat.

"Ah Yao, when are you going to leave? I will start at 05:30. Old Fu and the others are all here, waiting for you!"

It was only then that He Jingyao remembered that today was the opening day of Yin Xingze's new clubhouse, and he had notified a group of friends a while ago, but he forgot about it because of Shen Zhiyi's matter.

But even thinking about it now, he couldn't lift his spirits.

"I have something to do, the flower basket and red envelope will be delivered to you!"

"I'm going! I heard it right, you let me go, let me go? You, why are you so cruel, all your friends are waiting...Hello? Hello?"

He Jingyao thought it was noisy, so he pinched it impatiently.

Only ghosts could hear Yin Xingze wailing over there.

He mansion.

Taking advantage of the maid Ah Zhen coming in to deliver food, Shen Zhiyi held her hand, "Ah Zhen, how do I treat you normally?"

"Huh? Oh, my wife is very kind to Ah Zhen!"

"Really? Now that I'm like this, shouldn't you help me?"

Ah Zhen opened her palm and saw that there was a necklace lying on it. She was so frightened that she was at a loss, "Oh, madam, what are you doing? It's too precious, I really can't accept it!"

"Ah Zhen, as long as you can help me escape, this necklace will be yours. In addition, I will give you a sum of money. Don't worry, only you know this secret. I will not tell anyone that you helped me escape." Mine, okay?"

Ah Zhen immediately backed away a few meters away, "No, no, madam, don't embarrass me, Mr. treats me well, if he finds out, I...how can I explain, I really can't have this necklace!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

in the study.

"...That's how things are, how dare I want my wife's things!" Ah Zhen told He Jingyao exactly what happened.

He Jingyao said he understood, "You have done a good job, and I will settle your salary for one year this month!"

Ah Zhen was terrified, "Thank you sir, thank you sir!"

Ah Shen on the side lowered his head and touched the tip of his nose. If his wife knew about this, she would definitely be pissed off.


Song Jiaojiao had already reported to the police, and the police filed a case, but there was no news.

Lin Yu's uncle worked at the police station, and he also went to his uncle every day to ask for news, but the result was the same as Song Jiaojiao's, no news.

Shen Zhiyi seemed to have evaporated from the world.

When Shen Yichun drove past the gate of a certain police station, she slammed on the brakes.

Look, who did she see?

"Hey, isn't this Brother Lin Yu? If I'm right, you're here to ask about Shen Zhiyi's disappearance?"

Lin Yu was about to call Song Jiaojiao to explain the situation here when a pair of wine red high heels caught in his eyes.

He frowned, "Shen Yichun?"

"Long time no see, Brother Lin Yu seems to be handsome again!"

"Nothing to do with you!"

Lin Yu was about to leave, but Shen Yichun stopped him, she took off her sunglasses, "It's going to be a good time for us, why don't you want to see me that much?"

"Shen Yichun, you are in this situation because of yourself!"

Shen Yichun maintained the smile on his face, "So what if I made it myself? Did you force me? I like you so much, but you treat me like that. I'm not worthy of forgiveness. Are you a gentleman?"

Lin Yu stopped talking, and he didn't feel that he and Shen Yichun had anything to say.

Shen Yichun turned back to the topic, "Brother Lin Yu, maybe... I know what Shen Zhi's intentions are!"

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