Lin Yu looked at her sharply, "You know?"

"As long as you are willing to kneel down and beg me, and apologize to me for what happened before, I'll tell you, how about it? As long as you bow your head, you can change the whereabouts of the woman you like, which doesn't seem like a loss!"

Only by kneeling in front of her like a dog can the man who hurt her the most be relieved.

Lin Yu looked at Shen Yichun in disbelief, clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on his back were bumpy.

Shen Yichun raised her chin and smiled provocatively, "How is it? Kneeling or not?"

Lin Yu's cell phone rang, "Hello Uncle!"

"What? Okay, I'll go back now!"

Lin Yu stopped looking at Shen Yichun, and hurried back to the police station.

Shen Yichun was knocked sideways by her, she looked at the direction where Lin Yu disappeared with a resentful expression, and stomped her feet hard twice.

Lin Yu, let's wait and see, I will definitely avenge this revenge!

Here, Yin Xingze came to the Marriott Hotel on his own initiative in order to solve his brother's problems.

He believes that Shen Zhiyi is very likely to sneak back to the hotel while everyone relaxes their vigilance.

This is the property of the Shen family, and she is the manager of the hotel, so she won't let it go forever, right?

When he finds him, he won't have to look at his brother's stinky face anymore, and he can also ask for a reward. It's like killing two birds with one stone.

"Hi sir, do you want to book a room? How many are you?"

Yin Xingze made a comparison with Xiaomei.

"Oh, one, there is a single person here..." Xiaomei crackled and introduced, with excellent professional ability.

Gradually, she realized something was wrong.

Yin Xingze rested his chin on one hand and looked at her obsessively, "Miss Lin Xiaomei, I'm here to find someone!"

"How do you know my name?" Xiaomei was surprised.

Yin Xingze tapped her badge with his chin, "The name is cute!" The person is also cute.

Xiaomei subconsciously covered her badge, "Sir, please respect yourself!"

"You don't respect yourself just by looking at the badge? Then what do you need eyes for?" Yin Xingze smiled playfully, not at all right. "By the way, is your manager Shen here? I have something to do with her!"

"She's not here, I don't know where I went, I still want to find her!"

"You really don't know where she is?"

Caught off guard by the approaching face, Xiaomei blushed and felt overwhelmed, "I, I really don't know!"

Hey, this person looks familiar.

"Ah! You are the best man at Sister Zhiyi's wedding!"

"Finally remembered, it seems that I have left some impression in your heart!"

Yin Xingze took out his business card and stuffed it to Xiaomei, "You keep this, if your Manager Shen comes back, you must secretly notify me as soon as possible! Oh, and, as a courtesy, you should also give me a call!"


"Ah what? Phone number!" Seeing that the girl was a little dazed and reacting too slowly, Yin Xingze simply relied on his long arms to fish her phone over from across the bar, and opened it without entering a password.

After a few operations, he threw it to Xiaomei again, "Okay, I saved it for you, goodbye sister Xiaomei!"

Xiaomei who hasn't responded yet: "..."

Shen Zhiyi was imprisoned for four days in a row, except that she couldn't come out, the servants could satisfy her in everything.

At the bedroom door, under the window, at the master bedroom door, and at the main door, bodyguards were arranged to guard against death.

Not to mention that Shen Zhiyi is such a living person, even a fly may not be able to fly out.

He Jingyao is not a prisoner, this is clearly a prisoner!

Shen Zhiyi didn't yell or yell anymore, she just had to see when the dog man wanted to lock her up.

During this period, He Jingyao didn't come in to see her, not because he was heartless, but because he couldn't bear to see Shen Zhiyi's pitiful eyes, even though she was pretending.

Shen Zhiyi is about to collapse, what on earth does the dog man want to do?
"Aunt Zhizhi, Aunt Zhizhi!"

Shen Zhiyi, who was physically and mentally exhausted, accidentally fell asleep, and vaguely heard someone calling her.

"Big tree?"

"Shh! Aunt Zhizhi, be careful. I asked Uncle Ming and the others to let me in. If my father finds out that I came to see you, he will definitely lose his temper!" Dashu raised an index finger to his lips.

He Jingyao went to the forest of death, and except for his specific people, no one was allowed to come in to contact Shen Zhiyi.

But the young master was lying on the ground at the door just now and didn't get up, and threatened them that if they didn't let him in, he would tell his father that they bullied him.

Who dares to offend?He opened one eye and closed the other eye.

Shen Zhiyi carefully glanced at the door, "Dashu, thank you for coming to see me, now Auntie wants to go out, can you find a way to help Auntie?"

Dashu bit his fingertips and thought for a while, "Aunt Zhizhi is in a hurry, Dashu will definitely rescue you!"

Once a man speaks a word, it is hard to chase after him.

Coming out of Shen Zhiyi's bedroom, the little guy went to find He Jingyao.

"Sir, the young master can't stop him, he insists on seeing you!" The bodyguard felt guilty.

He Jingyao waved away the people.

"Father, why did you lock up Aunt Zhizhi? What mistake did she make?"

Dashu frowned, clenched his fists, and questioned He Jingyao fiercely.

He Jingyao closed the pen cap, walked out of the desk and squatted in front of the little guy, stroking the back of his head with his big palm, "You children don't understand the things about adults, don't worry, Dad promises you, I will never hurt Zhi Zhi." Aunt Zhi!"

The little guy broke away from him angrily, "But you shouldn't lock up Aunt Zhizhi. The teacher said that if you make mistakes, you are a good child. Why can't you give Aunt Zhizhi a chance? Dad, let her go. Dashu promises that he will listen to your words in the future, okay?"

Facing the little guy's soft and hard actions, He Jingyao was a little helpless.

His expression suddenly became serious, "Dashu, Dad asks you, if Aunt Zhizhi wants to leave us, would you be willing?"

Xiaojia blinked blankly, "Why?"

"He doesn't like us anymore!"

Hearing this, the little guy's expression became sad, "Da Shu is so good, Dad is so handsome, why don't you like us, Dad, I don't want Aunt Zhizhi to leave us, can you go and coax her?"

He Jingyao wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes for his son, "Okay, Dashu, don't be sad, Dad will definitely keep Aunt Zhizhi for you!"

Dashu left, and as soon as the door was closed, the pitiful expression just now turned evil instantly.

Dad still wants to fool me?When who is a child!
So, the little guy and Shen Zhiyi quietly set up a game in private.


"You messed up He Jingyao's wedding, are you satisfied now?"

Du Ye picked Fang Yao's chin, nose to nose with her, the atmosphere was very ambiguous.

Fang Yao didn't know how he knew the login password here, but after attending a piano exchange meeting, a person suddenly appeared at home, which startled her, thinking it was a thief, but she didn't expect it to be Du ye.

Thinking of this, Fang Yao opened his hand, "Du Ye, don't go too far, this is my home, who allows you to break in?"

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