Du Ye still smiled, "How can this be called casual? We are husband and wife, of course your home is also mine!"

He turned around in front of the coffee table, gesticulating with his hands in the air, "I never imagined that the surname He still misses your old love for you, and actually let you live in such a good apartment, no wonder you don't even like me! "

Fang Yao closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and said, "Let me correct you again, we are already divorced, if you dare to let Ah Yao know that we were married, I will never forgive you!"

Du Ye put his face in front of her, deliberately smirking, "Yo, what are you afraid of? Worried that the surname He knows your true face and doesn't want you? Ruo Yao, I didn't blame you, why do you have to live so hard, you have to know, If you tell a lie, you have to use countless lies to complete the lie, and the lie will be exposed one day, so why are you doing this!"

"You're a person who doesn't know how to love, and I won't understand it if I tell you!" Fang Yao retreated to a safe distance, pointed at the door, "Okay, if there's nothing else, you can go quickly, and if you have something to say in the future, just call!"

Du Ye glanced at her furiously, his expression more serious than ever, "How do you know I don't understand love?"

Fang Yao didn't want to waste time with him, and Fu called an hour ago to bring her some food, maybe it was almost here.

When the two of them collided, how should she explain it?

Afraid of coming, Fang Yao opened the door, and there stood Fu Que at the door who raised his hand and was about to ring the doorbell.

"You, you are here!" Fang Yao involuntarily became nervous.

Fu's eyes glanced over her shoulder, and naturally fell on the strange man. He shrank his pupils vigilantly, "This is..."

Fang Yao quickly glanced at Du Ye, and explained in a panic, "This is my friend abroad, and he is back in China for business these few days, so come and see me!"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Du Ye, "Didn't you just say you were going to leave? Let's meet again some other day!"

From an angle that Fu Ke couldn't see, she anxiously winked at the indifferent Du Ye.

Du Ye sneered, and then walked out lazily. As soon as he stepped out with one foot, Fang Yao slammed the door shut, almost hitting him.

"Fu Que, didn't I tell you? You don't have to bring me things all the time, I'm not a child, I know how to take care of myself!"

Fang Yao sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, her tone neither cold nor cold.

Fu Que stuffed everything into the refrigerator, and said, "But you can't take care of yourself. I don't worry about you being here alone!"

Fang Yao stared at his busy back, and suddenly said, "It's time for you to find a girlfriend!"

"What?" Fu Que paused, turning his head to look at her.

"I said, it's time for you to find a girlfriend, it's not appropriate to be single all the time!"

Fu Que's eyes darkened a little, and Fang Yao deliberately turned his eyes away so as not to meet his gaze.

The air was silent for a few seconds.

"It's not impossible to find a girlfriend, the premise is that you have a good home, otherwise I don't worry!"

"Fu Que..."

Fu raised his hand to interrupt, "I know what you're going to say, but you have your persistence, and I have mine too!"

His thoughts on Fang Yao, he wished that the whole world would know, everyone in the world would be moved, but only Fang Yao could not be moved.

It was as if she had eaten a stone, her heart was extremely cold and hard.

If it was said that she was soft towards He Jingyao, a few years ago she had no hesitation and left her child to go abroad with him. If it was said that she didn't like He Jingyao, now she tried every means to get this man.

But Fu couldn't figure out Fang Yao's thoughts, so he could only follow her wholeheartedly.

"Fu Que, can you stop doing this, you will only..."

"Let's not talk about this, shall we?" Fu took out a business card and handed it to Fang Yao, "Dr. Look!"

Fang Yao looked up, feeling a little agitated, "What do you mean? Do you think I have a mental problem?"

Fu squatted down in front of her, put his hands on her knees, and said in a soft voice, "Listen to me, you should face up to your own problems. You may be too tired recently, which is why your mood is unstable. I'll take it with you. Just chatting, don't get excited."

"No! I'm not sick, so I don't want to go to that kind of ghost place!" Fang Yao stood up suddenly, covered her ears, and became agitated when she was excited.

Fu quickly embraced her in his arms, stroking her back like he would a child, "Okay, okay, if you don't go, don't go, I'll listen to you!"

At the same time, there was a look of sadness and worry on his face...


This is the fifth day that Shen Zhiyi has been locked up.

Probably because she "behaved well" and received "amnesty" from He Jingyao, she was released to have dinner with He Jingyao at night.

"He Jingyao, for the sake of our husband and wife, you can tell me the truth. When will you let me go?"

How could Shen Zhiyi be interested in having dinner with him?All I want is to be free.

He Jingyao dismissed his servants and served Shen Zhiyi with soup himself.

He handed the soup bowl in front of Shen Zhiyi, as if answering what to eat tomorrow, "When you give up the idea of ​​divorce!"

"no way!"

"Negotiate with me, how sure do you think you are of victory?" He Jingyao pulled up a strand of hair for her, with a smile in his voice, but his tone was extraordinarily determined.

Shen Zhiyi's heart suddenly fell to the bottom, she narrowed her eyes and bit her lips, "Actually, I don't have to get a divorce, you know, I just lack a sense of security, after all, you designed me for the big tree, you love Dashu, and Dashu is the child of you and Miss Fang, think about it differently, if it were you, what would you think?"

He Jingyao didn't expect that she was willing to talk to him, and he was a little happy for a while, "I admit that I was wrong about this matter, but there was nothing I could do at that time. The doctor told me that this was the best solution to save Dashu. I won't tell you, just I'm afraid you'll think too much, I'm afraid you'll be sad, but if this method will cause you a little harm, I will give up, I want to save Dashu, but at the same time, I don't intend to give up on you, so you can understand?"

Shen Zhiyi sneered, "I'm sorry, Mr. He, for plotting against me, I can't forgive you, let alone deserve it!"

"Then let me ask you, if you knew about this, would you choose to save the tree?"

"I took the initiative to save him. It's my intention. It's another thing for you to plan on me saving him. It's happened already. I can't go back, Mr. He!"

He Jingyao closed his eyes, propped his forehead with one hand, and said in a weak voice, "Then what do you want me to do now?"

"Let me go!"

"Impossible!" He Jingyao said the same thing this time.

Shen Zhiyi leaned back and turned her eyes to the window, "Do you think it's useful to shut me up like this? I'll go crazy if I stay in the bedroom alone every day!"

He Jingyao gave her some vegetables, "If you are more obedient, I can allow you to go to the yard!"

"I want to listen to Jiangnan Opera, will you allow me?"

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