Song Jiaojiao was stunned for a few seconds, "Well, don't be angry, I, my phone is turned off, so I didn't deliberately not answer your call!"

"Now, tell me, where are you?" Fang Huaizhou bit every word hard.

"Don't look for me, or you will be discovered by He Jingyao. If I am caught by him, it will be over!"

Fang Huaizhou: "???" What the hell?

"Song Jiaojiao, tell me, you..."


Fang Huaizhou: "!!!"

Actually hung up his phone!

The silver Bentley slowly drove into the entrance of the He Group's underground parking garage. At this moment, a yellow supercar popped out of nowhere.

With a whoosh, it was inserted obliquely in front of the Bentley.

Fortunately, Lao Chen was skilled in the car and braked in time, otherwise the rear-end collision would be minor and the people in the car would be injured.

He Jingyao was shrugged and frowned, "What's going on?"

"Sir, I'll go down and have a look!"

"No need, I'll take care of it!" He Jingyao saw Fang Huaizhou through the rearview mirror.

The two got out of the car together and walked towards each other.

One of them has a strong aura, and the other has cold eyes.

"I have heard Mr. He is an elegant and personable gentleman. I didn't expect you to treat ladies like this. If you say it, you are not afraid of being laughed at by everyone and tarnishing the reputation of your He Group!" Fang Huaizhou raised one lip and hung it on both sides His hands gradually retracted.

He Jingyao raised his eyebrows, "I'm confused by Fang Er's words, if you have any questions, you might as well speak up!"

Fang Huaizhou stretched out his hand to pick up his collar, Lao Chen and Ah Shen were about to rush over when they saw this, but He Jingyao waved his hand to stop them.

"What terrible thing did you do to Song Jiaojiao?"

He Jingyao chuckled, "Then you should ask, what did Ms. Song do to me?"

Fang Huaizhou: "..."

He Jingyao slowly wiped away Fang Huaizhou's hand, straightened his neckline slowly, gave Fang Huaizhou a contemptuous look, and walked away.

Fang Huaizhou fell into deep thought, Song Jiaojiao... what did she do?
Shen Zhiyi was very patient, and took Xiaobao without leaving the rental house for ten consecutive days.

As long as we get through this month, as long as He Jingyao loses interest and patience with them, it will be over.

But No. 11 days, Xiaobao fell ill.

In desperation, Shen Zhiyi put on a disguise, until she couldn't bear herself in the mirror at all, and then went out to buy medicine.

What Shen Zhiyi never imagined was that just a few minutes after she walked out of this dilapidated building, her every move was clearly reflected in the eyes of the man on the other side of the camera.

"Sir, there is news about my wife!" Ah Shen brought important news.

He opened the notebook and turned the screen to He Jingyao.

What is presented here is a dilapidated urban village with a worrying environment.

A familiar figure quickly entered He Jingyao's field of vision. Even though Shen Zhiyi put on a disguise with great care, He Jingyao recognized him at a glance.

He narrowed his eyes.

On the screen, Shen Zhiyi hurried into a small clinic and came out a few minutes later.

She looked around, and from her eyes, He Jingyao saw caution and prudence.

After confirming that there was nothing abnormal, she seemed relieved.

"Sir, do you need to bring your wife back now?" Ashen asked.

He Jingyao raised his hand, saying that he didn't need it for the time being, he wanted to see how she was struggling, and also wanted her to really suffer.

When she can't hold on anymore, she will come back obediently.

This is much better than the coercion and lure he tried to do.

After bargaining with the small vendors, Shen Zhiyi bought a lot of vegetables and fruits and went home. Xiaobao suffered from vomiting and diarrhea because of the unacceptable water and soil. She started to have a fever again this morning. As soon as Shen Zhiyi went back, she took medicine for her.

The little girl was completely exhausted, lying listlessly on the bed, her round face was also thinner, she looked very pitiful.

The fever went away that day, and as soon as I was refreshed, I jumped out of bed and started making noises.

Shen Zhiyi cooked the rice porridge and saw the little girl lying on the window looking up at the sky.

"Xiaobao, what are you looking at?"

Xiaobao said seriously, "It will rain tomorrow!"

"When did you learn to read the weather?"

"You are really unqualified to be a mother. I, Shen Jiabao, know astronomy first, but geography second, okay?" Xiaobao turned his head, with a disgusted expression on his face.

Shen Zhiyi has long been used to it, and it's strange to say that the little girl has been interested in fortune-telling since she was a child. It can be said that she is self-taught, and she even has the ability to predict the future.

The skill completely turned her mother into a scum in seconds.

In order not to make herself feel disgusted, Shen Zhiyi praised Xiaobao fiercely. She didn't try so hard to coax Song Jiaojiao.

The little girl drank a bowl of porridge in one go, and suddenly felt alive and kicking again.

She looked at Shen Zhiyi tidying up the bed, and hesitated to speak.

How should I tell her family, Shen Zhiyi?

If she told Shen Zhiyi, she had already calculated the fate of her and the handsome uncle, and the result was that the handsome uncle would be Shen Zhiyi's calamity all his life, would Shen Zhiyi go crazy?

Forget it, it's better not to let Shen Zhiyi get upset, and wait until she finds time to break through this calamity.

Boom boom boom!
In the afternoon, the two of them were busy washing the sheets when they heard someone knock on the door.

The two looked at each other, and Shen Zhiyi's alarm was instantly full.

She made some vocal gestures to Xiaobao, and quietly pressed the door panel herself.

The knock on the door continued.

"Who?" Shen Zhiyi probed.

"Ma'am, we are here to pick you up!"

Shen Zhiyi's eyebrows twitched, she was finally found by He Jingyao.

Back quickly, she lowered her voice and urged Xiaobao, "Hurry up, Xiaobao, let's jump from here!"

Xiaobao glanced under the window on tiptoe, his eyes stared straight, "Shen Zhiyi, don't you think I will drag you back, are you going to get rid of me?"

Shen Zhiyi took the time to roll her eyes, and the child's brain didn't know who followed him.

"You child, your old lady, am I that vicious?" While speaking, she swiftly tied the sheets that had been thrown off just now, fixed one end on the bed leg, and threw the other end downstairs, "Hurry up, it's too late! "

Boom boom boom!
"Madam, please open the door!"

Excuse your sister, want to catch me back, there is no window and no door!Shen Zhi picked up her lips disdainfully, and went down the window.

Then, she heard the violent sound of those people jumping over the wall and kicking the door open.

Xiaobao's body was light, and he fell slightly. When he was still a long way from the ground, Shen Zhiyi jumped down, picked up Xiaobao and ran away.

"Quick, they ran away, chase them!"

A group of people chased immediately.

Shen Zhiyi led Xiaobao to run wildly all the way, and the little girl was really strong, although her legs were short, she was very fast.

Seeing that he was about to run out of this alley, it would be easy to just blend in with the crowd.

However, fate always likes to play tricks on people, and suddenly several bodyguards in black suits blocked the alley.

Like a wolf waiting for a rabbit, waiting for their sheep to come to the tiger's mouth.

Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao came to a sudden stop, and one big and one small held hands and slowly backed away.

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