"Xiaobao, let me count one, two, three, shall we turn around and run?"

Xiao Bao gave her a look of contempt from God, "Shen Zhiyi, can't you handle all of these? Are you too weak?"

"Is this something about weak chickens? I'm afraid they will take you under the knife. Who will be responsible for your injuries?"

"Then what are you waiting for, run!" The little girl suddenly let go of her hand and ran back.

Shen Zhiyi: "..." How do you feel abandoned by your own daughter?

The mother and daughter ran all the way to the other side of the alley, but in the end, they were still blocked by their people.

Shen Zhiyi felt that this alley was an urn, and they were like two turtles, helpless, just waiting to be slaughtered.

Bodyguard: "Ma'am, I'm offended!"

Ever since, the mother and daughter were "invited" into the car by them.

Shen Zhiyi's brain cells are constantly functioning, and she has to find a way to escape as soon as possible. If He Jingyao catches her back again, she will only appear to be useless. After working hard for so long, she can only turn over a small splash, how ridiculous ?
After driving for half an hour, Shen Zhiyi noticed something was wrong.

"You have gone wrong, this is not the direction of Huihe mansion."

Bodyguard: "Ma'am, please be safe, you will know when we arrive!"

Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao looked at each other, she didn't know what kind of medicine He Jingyao was selling in this gourd.

After all, Xiaobao has experienced big scenes before. Facing this kind of situation, he didn't have the slightest fear. On the contrary, he found it very exciting and fresh.

From time to time, she chatted with the bodyguard, but the bodyguard thought she was annoying, so he pretended to be deaf.

At this time, the sky outside was gloomy, and within a few minutes, water droplets hit the car glass, and the vision outside the car was suddenly blurred.

I don't know if it's because of the rain, or because the cold wind blows too hard, Shen Zhiyi suddenly feels a little cold.

After about 10 minutes, the car stopped steadily.

"Madam, Miss Xiaobao, we are here, please get out of the car!" Although the bodyguard was respectful, he just felt that something was wrong.

After Shen Zhiyi stepped out of the car, these doubts were answered.

In the sight of the continuous rain, there is a turbulent river. It is like a beast with a bloody mouth, roaring and roaring in the wind, and it looks like it can tear its prey apart in the next second.

Shen Zhiyi shook her head and asked the bodyguard, "What are you going to do?"

The leading bodyguard gave him a wink, and the two bodyguards clasped Shen Zhiyi's shoulders tied Shen Zhiyi's and Xiaobao's arms behind their backs with a rope.

The lead bodyguard: "I'm sorry ma'am, Miss Xiaobao, this is the master's idea, we as subordinates can only follow orders, please don't blame us!"

Shen Zhiyi fell straight into the ice cave with her heart, her body swayed, and she almost fell.

"Impossible, Uncle Shuai is not willing to hurt us. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will let Uncle Shuai pull out your tongues. Shen Zhiyi, don't trust them!" Xiaobao jumped out and vowed to defend He Jingyao to the death.

The lead bodyguard pulled out a tie out of nowhere, "I believe my wife can recognize this tie, right?"

I recognize it, why doesn't Shen Zhiyi recognize it?She bought it for He Jingyao.

"Sir asked me to hand this over to you, and said, from now on, you will be separated!"

Shen Zhiyi smiled, "Since there is a clean break, why should we be put to death?"

"You have to ask this question yourself, sir, but it's a pity, I'm afraid you won't have this chance again!" The lead bodyguard stuffed the tie into Shen Zhiyi's pocket, then raised his hand at the younger brother, "Do it!"

Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes, her heart ashamed.

Xiaobao struggled fiercely, "Big villain, let me go, I will let the police uncle arrest you all!"

The leading bodyguard bowed deeply at ninety degrees to Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao, "Madam, Miss Xiaobao, have a good journey!"

"Shen Zhiyi, save me quickly, woo woo woo, I, Shen Jiabao, are not yet five years old, I don't want to die, I still want to grow up happily with Dashu, and pass on my ability to predict the future through fortune telling Give it to others, save me quickly..."

Xiaobao was struggling emotionally, but the little one couldn't make any waves in the hands of the five big and three thick bodyguards.

How could Shen Zhiyi be willing to let her precious daughter have something to do?
She must be saved!
The two silver needles pierced the acupuncture points of the two bodyguards beside him with incomparable precision. Their bodies were startled suddenly, and then they both knelt on the ground.

Seeing this, the other bodyguards rushed towards her.

Shen Zhi intended to use one-to-many and not gain the upper hand. Fortunately, she was well prepared.


Once the anti-wolf artifact is shot, it will definitely fall down.

The bodyguards covered their eyes and howled in pain, Shen Zhiyi kicked one of them away to save Xiaobao.

Before it was her turn to make a move, Xiaobao gave the bodyguard an unforgettable experience with his sharp teeth.

The bitten bodyguard became furious and threw the little girl far away.

Shen Zhiyi picked up a wooden stick from the ground and pressed it hard on the back of the bodyguard's head.

He didn't have a chance to look back at all, he swayed and fell down.

Shen Zhiyi stabbed his stomach in disgust, and the remaining bodyguard, who was alive and kicking, took a few steps back in fear when he saw her so fierce.

Shen Zhiyi didn't have time to deal with him, seeing the bodyguard who was about to slow down after being scorched by the anti-wolf artifact, she pulled Xiaobao up from the ground and ran away.

"The man is running away, hurry up and chase after him!" The voice of the bodyguard came from behind him.

Xiaobao's leg was blocked by a stone just now, and it hurts when he ran, "Shen Zhiyi, why don't you run first, I'll hide, otherwise we both have to finish playing, I don't want to be thrown into the river by them to feed the fish! "

"No, if you are discovered, they will have to use you to force me to show up. Don't hold me back!"

Xiaobao: "..." So that's it!Is this still my mother?
Shen Zhiyi didn't care so much, so he squatted down and carried Xiaobao on his back, "I saved you today, remember to earn more money for me in the future!"

"Don't talk about it, as long as I can leave alive today, I will make money from you, Shen Zhiyi!"

"Okay, a gentleman!"

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

The rain became more and more urgent and heavy, and it took some effort to open his eyes. Before he knew it, Shen Zhiyi went up the mountain with Xiaobao on his back.

The mountains are densely wooded and the grass is lush, making it easier to hide.

The bodyguards chased him very closely, and the sound of footsteps seemed to be right next to his ears.

The road on the mountain is muddy and slippery, and beside the one-meter-wide path is a steep slope that cannot be seen at a glance.

It was dark and frightening.

"Here, chase!"

"Shen Zhiyi, they are chasing us, what should we do?" Hearing the bodyguard's voice, Xiao Bao was in a hurry.

Shen Zhiyi wiped off what was sweat or rain on his face, "Don't be afraid, Xiaobao, at worst we will fight them!"


"I'm joking with you, look over here, I'll count one, two, three, let's jump from here!"

Xiaobao trembled all over, "Shen Zhiyi, your brain is broken!"

"Then you choose, be thrown into the river by them to feed the fish, or jump down with me!"

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