Xiaobao hummed, "Shen Zhiyi, you really want to kill me, then, that's fine, I'll dance with you, if you want to die, die together, if you want to live, live together, let's say yes first, I will, eh Hey, I haven't finished explaining the funeral..."

Shen Zhiyi jumped with her back behind her back.

The voice behind was broken by the rain in the empty valley.


He Jingyao sat up from the bed abruptly, under the palm of his hand was a throbbing heart.

He had a dream just now, dreaming that something happened to Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao.

After breathing heavily, he was going to call Ah Shen and arrange for his men to protect Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao.

As soon as his hand touched the phone, the screen suddenly lit up, it was Ah Shen.

He Jingyao brushed his hair back and pressed the answer button.

Ah Shen: "Sir, something happened to Mrs. and Miss Xiaobao!"


After more than an hour, He Jingyao got out of the car.

"Sir, according to the police, this is where my wife and Miss Xiaobao fell!" Ah Shen pointed to the steep slope beside the narrow road, and said regretfully, "I observed the terrain ahead, and although there are many stones at the bottom of the steep slope , but weeds are overgrown, and people fall from here, if you have a strong sense of self-protection, you shouldn't have any major problems!"

He Jingyao stood there without saying a word, as tall as a giant tower, as tall and straight as a pine tree, the wind after the rain caught the raindrops that rolled down from the tree, and fell on the man's head, the hair strands were strung with crystal clear diamond.

He has a deep outline, his eyes are like a frozen abyss, and he looks down the steep slope without blinking.

"Do you know the reason why my wife fell down the steep slope?" When the man opened his mouth, his voice seemed hoarse as if it had been suppressed for a long time.

Ah Shen leaned over, "The specific results haven't come out yet, and our people are already investigating! But there are several versions, some say that the wife was robbed, some say that the wife offended someone in the village in the city, and some say, It's my wife who can't think about it for a while!"

He Jingyao didn't believe any of these unconvincing reasons.

Seeing He Jingyao take off his coat, Ah Shen stopped him, "Sir, the situation down there is unknown, it's not suitable for you to go down, I have already sent someone to look for my wife and Miss Xiaobao, and I will report to you as soon as there is any situation!"

"Ah Shen, am I already so weak in your heart?"

Ash felt guilty, "I didn't mean that, it's just that you..."

He Jingyao pushed him away, and led the people along the path on the steep slope.

He has to go to Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao himself to rest assured that they must not let any accident happen again.

Song Jiaojiao had been hiding from He Jingyao for more than a week. Seeing that nothing had happened, she just showed her head.

As soon as the phone was turned on, there was a series of calls from the assistants, and she immediately returned them.

The little assistant came to her and complained that all the resources originally belonged to Song Jiaojiao were given to the newcomer Shen Yichun.

With Song Jiaojiao's temper, how could she bear it, let others forget it, but she was snatched away by Shen Yichun, she couldn't swallow anything, so she went to the company to ask Ella to understand.

The reason given by Ella is, "Thinking of all aspects, I feel that the newcomer Shen Yichun is more in line with the company's development needs, and the company is also preparing to vigorously train her. Moreover, you are not in a good state recently, and the delivery volume of several live broadcast projects is not even the most basic tasks. If you can't finish it, the company will naturally not leave so many good resources to you, Jiaojiao, you have to understand a truth, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, understand?"

Song Jiaojiao laughed, and hugged her shoulders, "What is survival of the fittest, what is the law of the jungle, Sister Ella, just tell me, are you trying to hide me?"

Ella casually picked her bangs, "Jiaojiao, you are a smart person, since you guessed it, don't worry about it anymore, there is no way, who made you offend the brand before, and the company lost a big List, and you are arrogant, don't listen to the company's arrangements, don't resent me, I also work for others, if you want to find it, go to the boss!"

Song Jiaojiao clenched her fists and said word by word, "At any rate, I have earned so much for the company, but now I'm hiding because of the brand, hmph, Xingcan Entertainment Company, I think they are all pimps behind their backs. business?"


"I don't care about me, I don't care about you, do you really think that Xuezang can make me bow my head? Let me tell you, I, Song Jiaojiao, are not afraid. Whenever I bow my head first, I will not be called Song Jiaojiao!"

Song Jiaojiao tore off the work card around her neck, slapped it on the table, shook her head and walked away, her high-heeled shoes rattling.

Behind her, Ella's provocative voice floated over, "Okay, let's wait and see!"

Just wait and see, I don't believe you can't live without me, Song Jiaojiao!Song Jiaojiao raised her head higher and her chest straightened up.

The elevator entrance happened to meet Shen Yichun chatting with her manager, Song Jiaojiao was annoyed at seeing that, as if venting her anger, she squeezed hard between them.

Shen Yichun's high heels were unsteady and she almost fell down. The manager hurriedly supported her, "Are you okay?"

"Song Jiaojiao, stop!" Shen Yichun was about to chase her, but her manager stopped her and shook her head.

"Forget it, Song Jiaojiao is now in the state of being hidden by the company. She must be in a bad mood. Let her go crazy and bite people. Anyway, she is also a grasshopper after autumn, and she won't be able to jump for a few days!"

Shen Yichun was surprised, what?Song Jiaojiao was hidden by the company?
It really deserves it!

Along the way, Song Jiaojiao drove her miniature golf out of the speed of a racing car, and when she realized it, she realized that she had run through several red lights.

She was so remorseful that she wished she could slap herself twice.

You can't get along with anyone, you can't get along with money, you can't do anything, you have to run a red light, one is two hundred, three is six hundred.

Song Jiaojiao looked sad when she thought about the days of being hidden in the snow without getting any money.

After buying a few cans of beer downstairs and fried skewers, she went upstairs dejectedly.

Just as she turned the door lock, a sudden force pushed the door open one step at a time, and before she could react, a figure slipped into her home.

Song Jiaojiao was stunned for a few seconds, and then rushed in angrily. As soon as she dropped the takeaway bag, she grabbed the satchel and threw it at the people who came in.

He smashed and scolded, "Bold thief, you stole everything from your aunt's head. You are unlucky today, and your aunt is in a bad mood. If I don't beat you to pieces today, I won't be called Song Jiaojiao!"

"It's not Song Jiaojiao, so what's your name?" The other party stopped her waving wrist and asked playfully.

Song Jiaojiao was slightly taken aback, wait, this voice...

He flicked on the headlights, and his vision suddenly became clear.

"Fang Huaizhou? Why are you?"

Fang Huaizhou shrugged her off and straightened her messy hairstyle and clothes.

Song Jiaojiao curled her lips in disgust, why does a big man look so beautiful like a little girl?
No wonder she looks so good-looking and doesn't have a girlfriend, huh?Don't be a crooked one, right?

As soon as this idea came out, Song Jiaojiao startled herself.

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