Chapter 216 Yellow Rose

Fu Que has been a bit busy recently, besides his own work, he visits Fang Yao from time to time.

Last time, Fang Yao gave him a spare key so that he could send things in conveniently.

In fact, Fang Yao just didn't want to meet him face to face, and Fu Que's feelings for her were obvious, but she couldn't give Fu Que anything.

However, she didn't want to make her words so clear. After all, there was a licking dog who stayed by her side loyally. When it was always useful, it was definitely more insurance than that crazy Du Ye.

After opening the door and entering, Fu Que discovered that Fang Yao was at home, she seemed to be on the phone, and didn't notice anyone coming in.

"Second Master He, I really doubt the ability of your subordinates to handle affairs. You can't even catch a woman. What's the point of spending a lot of money to support them?"

"I did not hesitate to betray A Yao and stole He's confidential documents for you, isn't my sincerity not enough?"

"Okay, I believe Second Master He won't let me down!"

After cutting off the phone, Fang Yao rubbed his forehead, and when he turned around, his whole body froze.

"Fu Que, you, when did you come?"

"Is what you just said true? You stole He's project and gave it to his second uncle? You also encouraged him to chase and kill Shen Zhiyi?"

"No, I didn't, I just... Fu Que, where are you going, you stop!" Seeing that Fu Que was about to leave, Fang Yao grabbed his arm in a panic.

Fu stared at her in disbelief, "Yaoyao, I will tell Ah Yao about this anyway, how could you do this?"

"No, I can't let Ah Yao know, otherwise he will hate me to death!" Fang Yao shook his head, "Fu Que, don't you like me? So you will help me hide it, right?"

"Yao Yao you..."

"Fu Que, I beg you, don't tell Ah Yao, okay? Otherwise, you will kill me. I just did this on impulse. Don't you also hope that Ah Yao will dump Shen Zhiyi and let me get back to you?" Back to him?"

Seeing that Fu Ke was struggling, Fang Yao posted it, leaned into his arms, and used a beauty trick, "Didn't you say you want to take me to see a psychiatrist? I happen to be free today, can you take me there?" ?”

Fu, however, seemed to be possessed by a Gu, and his thoughts were completely out of his control. No matter what Fang Yao said, he would nod dully.

Very good, that's it! Fang Yao showed a satisfied smile that no one else could see.


An hour later, Fang Yao came out of the psychological consultation room.

The psychiatrist looked at Fu Que, but Fu Que asked Fang Yao to wait for him in the car first.

Doctor: "Mr. Fu, I'll tell you straight up that Ms. Fang's condition is a little serious..."


Shen Zhiyi received the flower, a yellow rose.

Someone sent it directly to the hotel, but there was no card in it, and she didn't know who it was.

"Manager Shen, your husband is so romantic. If I had such a husband, I would have to sleep happily!"

"Manager Shen, when will Mr. He show up, so that we good-looking girls can enjoy our eyes!"

"Manager Shen, I really don't understand. Your husband is so rich, why do you have to work hard every day in the hotel? Isn't it nice to be Mrs. He at home?"

Everyone said something to each other, Shen Zhiyi just smiled.

She touched her chin and looked at the bouquet piled in the corner, thinking hard, but she didn't know who sent it.

He Jingyao?
In the first pass, he is simply a romantic insulator.

Lin Yu?

This guy hasn't given up on her yet?
Fang Huaizhou?
This handsome man does have this kind of sweeping operation, but, according to his peeing nature, he will never be low-key, and he will never hold a bouquet in his hands with great fanfare, and pass through many employees to deliver it to her. He is sorry for his pink hair.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyi immediately called Fang Huaizhou.

Fang Huaizhou on the other end just woke up, and when he saw the words flashing on the phone screen, he thought it was his eyes that were dazzled, so he rubbed it again and again.

By the time he realized it was true, the voice had stopped.

He excitedly pressed the call back button.

"Hello, Shen Zhiyi? Is that you?"

Shen Zhiyi rolled her eyes, "Nonsense, who am I?"

"Where have you been during this time? Song Jiaojiao is going crazy looking for you, what happened, you woman just disappeared, you..."

"Did you send that bouquet of yellow roses in the store?" Shen Zhiyi interrupted him impatiently.

Why didn't Fang Huaizhou nag like this before.

"No, I'm not that low!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

All right, send flowers without leaving a name, whoever you love, maybe it's someone's prank.

He Group.

"Sir, I checked and found that there is indeed another group of people who are also arresting my wife and Miss Xiaobao, and as my wife said, they are using your name to throw them into the river. Fortunately, my wife resisted fiercely. No..."

Speaking of this, Ah Shen didn't continue because he saw He Jingyao's fire-breathing eyes.

This group of people is really daring, even their wife and Miss Xiaobao dare to touch, no wonder the husband is so angry.

He Jingyao suppressed the anger in his heart, "Whose person did you find out?"

Ah Shen was ashamed, "Not yet, they were very careful in their work and didn't leave any clues, but overall, I think it has something to do with the second master!"

He Jingyao stood up from the swivel chair and walked to the French windows, holding the glass with one hand and resting on his hips with the other, his thick eyebrows were full of coldness.

What Ah Shen thought was also what he thought.

In the huge circle of shopping malls, where there is competition, there will be hatred. He has made the He Group what it is today, and naturally offended many people.

But there are not many who really dare to challenge him.

Last time, Master Cheng was just his old opponent. Even a few years ago, Master Cheng's younger brother brought people to the He Group to make trouble for He Jingyao, and He Jingyao broke a finger.

Master Cheng loved his brother as much as his life. From then on, he and He Jingyao formed a relationship.

The unexpected incident at the last reception was just a greeting from him.

The second is He Zhenxuan. His purpose of coming back this time is very clear, to take away the glory of the He Group, establish his own business empire in Hangzhou, and establish his majesty and status in the He family.

So apart from them, He Jingyao couldn't think of anyone else who would make Shen Zhiyi's idea.

Of course, this also means that danger is coming.

Secretary Linda knocked on the door and came in, "Mr. He, the press conference of the 'Xinke Project' has been arranged, please take a look!"

He Jingyao flipped through the folders, but he had no opinion, "Let's go like this!"

"Alright Mr. He!"

As soon as Linda went out, Ashin suggested, "Sir, you have been working overtime for so long for the 'Xinke Project', and now it's over, you can go back and have a good rest, and leave the rest to me!"

He Jingyao thought of Shen Zhiyi, so he said hello, he looked down at the time, "Ah Shen, book a restaurant for me..."

After Shen Zhiyi got off work, she was coaxed and tricked by the bodyguards of He Mansion to the "Ye Yi" restaurant on the top floor of the tallest building in Hangzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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