Very poetic name.

Located on the rooftop, there are several dining areas with different styles.

One of them, the top of the head is a transparent arched glass, with a dozen neon lights, gorgeous and colorful, just like a dream.

The other one is with a parasol, which seems to form a small independent space, which is very suitable for young couples.

There is another kind, directly open to the sky, and when you look up, you will see the endless sky, the cold moon, and the stars shining like diamonds.

It's very quiet here, and when one speaks, the wind takes away the sound, leaving only a faint tail sound.

This restaurant is difficult to make reservations, and it implements a membership system, so those who can eat here are of unusual status.

He Jingyao was born with a halo, even if the surroundings are dark, he can still be as dazzling as the sun.

With a slender figure and dignified demeanor, it is difficult to ignore him.

He seemed to have just come down from an important meeting, and he was still wearing a serious business suit, neat and straight, crisp and streamlined.

There was a female guest beside him looking at him and whispering, the admiration and admiration in his eyes were about to overflow.

Shen Zhiyi coughed lightly, as if to remind the women who coveted He Jingyao that the heroine has appeared.

"You asked someone to trick me here just to have a meal?"

He Jingyao turned around and saw her, raised the end of his eyes, and thoughtfully pulled out a chair for her, "Such a good night, don't you really want to enjoy it?"

Reminded by him, Shen Zhiyi looked up and couldn't help being shocked by the sultry night.

Then she withdrew her gaze and squinted at He Jingyao, "What exactly do you want?"

"I said I want to sleep with you now, will you?"

Shen Zhiyi's old face flushed, ashamed and angry.

With so many people around him, he can speak so unscrupulously, doesn't he lose his face?

He Jingyao didn't ask her what to eat, and ordered a few meals on her own, and then ordered a bottle of red wine.

Shen Zhiyi originally wanted to leave directly, she didn't intend to live in peace with him, but when she saw the meal served, her eyes lit up and she changed her mind.

It's also good to taste the craftsmanship of other people's homes.

While she was eating with her head down, a waiter came over, holding a large bouquet of yellow roses in her arms, and walked up to Shen Zhiyi, "Hi, Miss Shen, please give me your flowers!"

Shen Zhiyi froze, looked at the bouquet of yellow roses, then at He Jingyao, what's going on?
"Miss Shen?" the waiter reminded.

Shen Zhi refused to accept his opinion, but he insisted on holding it, so he was embarrassed and had to hug it.

"He Jingyao, you gave me the bouquet of yellow roses during the day, right? What on earth do you want to do?" Shen Zhiyi glanced around, lowered her voice, and asked through gritted teeth.

He Jingyao still had that slow, leisurely look, no matter what he faced, he never seemed to be moved.

He swapped the sliced ​​steak with Shen Zhiyi's, "As you can see on the surface, is it strange that the husband sent his wife flowers?"

"You weren't like this before!"

"It's not too late to start now!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

He Jingyao not only sent flowers, but also fed her food and wiped her mouth, so he almost gave her mouth to mouth to drink.

Shen Zhiyi got goosebumps all over her body because of him, and she always felt weird.

"He Jingyao, if I did something wrong, can you just tell me? Don't do this, I don't know what to do!" Shen Zhiyi couldn't take it anymore, and threw the tableware away, wanting to cry without tears.

He Jingyao leaned back and wiped his fingers one by one with a towel. Under the night, his eyes were still bright, and the shadows of Shen Zhiyi were all reflected in his pupils.

"Do you not like it?"

"I don't like it, and it seems that you are fake!" Shen Zhiyi said mercilessly.

"But what should I do? Others have to look at it. Remember what I told you before. The most effective and direct way to save He's stock is for us to hold a wedding. Now that you are a runaway bride, I have become a The groom you abandoned, everyone is watching my jokes and the He family's jokes, Shen Zhiyi, tell me, how can I make up for this loss?"

"I..." Shen Zhiyi's mouth moved, but he couldn't say a word.

It was indeed her fault that she ran away at the wedding, but there was a reason for it, if He Jingyao hadn't plotted against her, how could she do such an irresponsible thing.

"Don't worry, the opportunity to make up for it is right in front of you?" He Jingyao's extremely handsome face suddenly approached, causing Shen Zhiyi's breath to skip a beat. Then, he held her hand and bowed his head in front of her. A kiss fell gently on the back of the hand, pious and gentle.

He Jingyao raised his head, and used his other hand to pull back the broken hair around her ear. The overly doting eyes made Shen Zhiyi have irregular heartbeat, respiratory distress, and short-circuited brain.

Although He Jingyao occasionally does not take an unusual path, he is not so unlimited, so what is he going to play?
Someone was clapping wildly at them.

"This handsome guy seems to be the boss of the suitable group!"

"Be confident, remove the word "like!"

"My God, real people are even more fascinating than those on TV. How do you look like it?"

"The one next to him must be Mrs. He, God! They are so kind and sweet. I also want to have dinner with He. What should I do? Wait online!"

For a moment, Shen Zhiyi felt that he and He Jingyao were surrounded by many people like aliens.

She smiled dryly at everyone, without moving her mouth or tongue, "He Jingyao, is this what you did?"

An arm stretched out from her waist, and with a slight force, she was hooked into the man's arms.

There was a burst of shouts from around, and some people booed and asked for a kiss.

"Kiss one!"

"Kiss one!"

"Kiss one!"

The scene was suddenly out of control.

He Jingyao held Shen Zhiyi tightly, and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "See, you have a chance to make up for our He family!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

She wanted to ask, could she push him away?
Not only that, but I don't know if He Jingyao did it on purpose, kissing her face for a while, hugging her waist for a while, acting like no one else, going his own way, and his kindness is incomparable.

Shen Zhiyi wondered, how on earth could he be so shameless and still be so natural and calm?

If it weren't for so many pairs of eyes staring at him, Shen Zhiyi would definitely blow his head off.

These onlookers are real, do they just like to see people kissing me so much?

Back at the He mansion, Shen Zhiyi deliberately walked fast, leaving He Jingyao behind.

After entering the guest room, before she had time to close the door, she was forced in by that fellow He Jingyao.

"Who let you in? Get out!"

He Jingyao was automatically deaf, and began to take off his clothes and take a shower in front of her.

Shen Zhiyi's blood rushed to the top of his head, but it was difficult to follow him into the bathroom, so he could only get angry outside.

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