After a while, he came out, looked at Shen Zhiyi who was waiting for him with arms around his shoulders, and asked knowingly, "Why aren't you asleep? Is it because I'm not used to being alone without my arms around you?"

I bother!Shen Zhi slandered.

She pointed to the door, "Mr. He also finished his shower, should we go now?"

"I'll sleep here tonight!" He Jingyao wiped his hair, and raised his chin towards the double bed beside him.

Shen Zhiyi frowned, "Didn't we agree, I'll sleep here, you sleep in the guest room, how can you play tricks?"

"That was two days ago. From now on, you have to make up for the loss of He's stock!"

Shen Zhiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What's the relationship between the two?"

"Of course, there are too many people talking, maybe the story of you and I sleeping in separate beds will spread to the outside world. I said that at present, only you and my husband and wife are loving and sweet, which can stop everyone's mouth and let the He family who has fallen all the way Stop the loss of the stock, anyway, you have cooperated with me tonight, so it’s not bad this time or twice, right?”

"What if I don't agree?"

He Jingyao shrugged, "Then you have to tell grandpa and grandma yourself!"

Shen Zhiyi tipped her tongue to her cheeks, hating the man in front of her, but couldn't kill him.

In a daze, the man quickly rolled onto her bed.

"Hey, come down for me!, I... hey you..."

The man put one arm around her slender waist, rolled over on her side, pulled the quilt, and buried them together.

"Hush! Be quiet, don't worry, I just sleep and promise not to move!"

The man's business is right in Shen Zhiyi's ears, like the sea breeze at night, blowing people's hearts and minds.

She became quiet all of a sudden...


"Dad, why did you attack Shen Zhiyi? Just because she is the eldest brother's wife?"

The young man stood in the shadows, his stern demeanor was in stark contrast to the scorching summer outside.

He Zhenxuan turned his head to look at his son, inexplicably feeling amused, "Are you questioning me?"

He Qingyan lowered his head, "I just don't want you to hurt innocent people!"

"Ah Yan, although you can have women, you must remember that they are just playthings for your entertainment. They can be thrown away and are not worthy of your sincerity. If you give them a chance to become your weakness, they will only be beaten by your opponents." Lock your throat, do you understand?"

He Zhenxuan stood up from the reclining chair with the support of his subordinates, and then his subordinates put a heavy coat on him.

"Do you still remember your mother? As soon as you were born, she abandoned our father and son and ran away with other men, so you must always be clear that women in this world only have money, material things, and themselves in their eyes!"

"Understood!" He Qingyan whispered.

He Zhenxuan fiddled with the pot of Clivia in front of the window, "He Group's 'Xinke Project' press conference is a week later, we must get that chip!"

He Qingyan frowned, "So, that's why you caught Shen Zhiyi?"

"It can also be said that now, it seems that I have underestimated the position of this woman in A Yao's heart. I thought that after these years of training, he has no desire for things like women. Who knows? ...opened my eyes!"

As he spoke, He Zhenxuan cast his eyes on He Qingyan who was listening silently, "I heard from A Biao that you have been hanging out with this Shen Zhiyi a while ago?"

"It's just a coincidence!"

"It's better if you say it like this, you know, I don't like you being so entangled with women!"

"I know!"

He Zhenxuan pressed his forehead, "If you have nothing to do, help me take care of the company's affairs. I am getting old, and my health is getting worse every day. Cough cough cough..."

As if choking on a breath of cool air, He Zhenxuan coughed until his face turned red several degrees.

He Qingyan poured him a glass of water, straightened his back, did the most filial thing, but said the most heart-wrenching words, "You know that, I don't like to meddle in your business!"


"I have to leave beforehand, take care!" He Qingyan leaned over and retreated without looking back.

He Zhenxuan was so angry that he shattered his teacup, coughing more and more violently.

I really owe that damned woman for giving him such an annoying seed!

If it weren't for his own son, he would have thrown him into the river to feed the fish.

Sitting in the car, He Qingyan's fingertips kept whirling and wandering around on the screen of the phone.

The screen turns on and off, turns off and turns on.

Finally, he told his assistant, "Go to the Marriott Hotel and book a room for me!"

Song Jiaojiao heard the news of Shen Zhiyi's return, and a phone call came over her.

Shen Zhiyi thought that she would blame him for not notifying her when she came back, but who knew that the woman burst into tears as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Wuuuuuu, Zhizhi, I'm unemployed again. A bunch of bastards only know how to bully me. I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled..."

"Don't cry, where are you, let's meet and talk!"

The two met in a dessert shop, and when Shen Zhi saw Song Jiaojiao, her face was completely covered in makeup.

If it weren't for Shen Zhiyi's strong tolerance, he would have thought that he would run away when he met a ghost.

"Zhizhi, why do you think my life is so hard? It took me a while to get better at work. Just because I didn't accompany customers, the company began to hide me. Damn it, I came to the company to be an Internet celebrity, a star Yes, why do you let me accompany the guests, woo woo woo!"

Song Jiaojiao hugged Shen Zhiyi's arm, crying so heartbroken, all the snot and tears rubbed onto Shen Zhiyi's sleeve.

Shen Zhiyi retched, pressed her head in disgust and pushed her away, and handed her a few tissues by the way.

"You wipe it first, control your emotions, and tell me slowly!"

"Why rub it? Am I ugly?" Song Jiaojiao was still not convinced, she took out the mirror from her bag and took a look, the mirror in her hand almost flew out in fright, "Damn, where is the female ghost!"

Then, while touching up her makeup, she told Shen Zhiyi the ins and outs of being hidden by the snow.

As a result, before the story was finished, he began to cry again, with a face so smudged that he could hang it on the bedside to ward off evil spirits.

Shen Zhiyi had a headache, but at the same time she felt distressed. She comforted her and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't want this kind of company, it's really not good, you follow me in the hotel industry, and I will give you a salary!"

"What can I do in a hotel? The receptionist or the receptionist? I, Song Jiaojiao, want to be a star. You're not Qu Cai, don't go!"

Shen Zhiyi spread her hands, "Then you just wait for the contract to expire in three days, at worst, you will eat your money and save some money in the past three years, and you will never starve to death!"

Song Jiaojiao slapped the table, "How can that work? I was young for three years, and I don't want to change my daughter. When I debut again, which younger brother will recognize me? Thanks to my hard work these years, if you say Xuezang, you will be Xuezang, bah! What the hell? !"

At this time, a voice next to them interrupted their conversation.

"...Sorry, I really forgot to bring my wallet, why don't you wait a while, and I'll ask my friend to bring the money over!"

A few tables away from them, a handsome-looking teenager was explaining to the waiter.

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