Chapter 219

The waiter sneered, with a disdainful expression on his face, "I've seen a lot of customers like you who want to eat a king's meal, please, can you find a more advanced excuse? Is it okay to say that you forgot to bring your wallet? Come on, don't try to deal with me anymore, you fell into my hands today, you are not good enough, go, follow me to the police station, if you have something to say, go to the police!"

The young master pulled out his arms, without any sign of being frightened, "I admit that it was my fault for forgetting to bring my wallet, but it is your fault if you slander me. Also, as a service industry, shouldn't you Do you think about the guests? Openly speaking insultingly to the guests is the biggest failure of your work. I said that my friends will send money, so I will definitely come here. Don’t judge me with your eyes of judging others!"

"Heh! What a sharp mouth! Can you please type up a draft before telling a lie? Since you don't bring your wallet, you can pay with your mobile phone, right?"

The young man coughed and stammered unnaturally, "I...I don't know how to pay by mobile phone!"

The waiter burst into laughter, "Let everyone listen, there are still people who don't know how to pay with mobile phones these days? It's ridiculous. I don't think it's not because they don't know how to pay, but because there is no money in the mobile phone. If you don't have money, tell me earlier, and I will treat it like that." Poor you will give you a piece of food, but you want to eat the overlord's meal, but it's not so easy, you really don't look like a person, and you look so clean, you don't do human affairs!"

"I'll listen to you curse again!" The young man was enraged all of a sudden, he grabbed the waiter's neckline violently, and his raised fist was controlled in a daze.

The waiter was so frightened that he held his head and yelled, "I hit someone. If you want to eat a king's meal, don't say it. If you want to beat someone after being exposed, is there any law? You don't want to go to the police station, right? OK, take me to the police Is it okay?"

Just as the waiter was about to take out his mobile phone, he was held down by a hand.

"How much, I'll give it for him!"

This is probably the most handsome and righteous appearance in Song Jiaojiao's life history.

Even Shen Zhiyi couldn't help applauding for her.

The young master turned his head when he heard the sound, his beautiful and fair face gave people a different kind of visual impact.

"Huh? Why is it you?" Song Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment, then suddenly asked in surprise.

The young master stared at her and frowned, "We... know each other?"

Song Jiaojiao rolled her eyes speechlessly, and she was about to burst out with foul words, "Stinky boy, are you a noble person who forgets things too much, or am I just a popular face? It's only been a few days, and you don't recognize me? The ability to humiliate me back then Where did the energy go? Huh?"

Shen Zhiyi tugged at her arm and exclaimed, "Okay, when did you change your taste? Uh, actually, my brother is not bad either!"

"Fuck you, what is it!" Song Jiaojiao rolled her eyes, then turned her head and stared at the young man again, "What are you looking at? I don't want to recognize it. Think I just farted!"

"Ah! So you are the older sister at the reception? But now you... this..." The young man stretched out his fingers and gestured on his face, his expression should not be too incredible.

Song Jiaojiao realized later and died of embarrassment.

The last time I saw him, he bumped into her dress and opened the zipper. This time when I saw him, her face was horrific. Anyway, she was always in such a mess every time.

It's really embarrassing to let her have no momentum in front of the little kid.

Song Jiaojiao decided to pull back. Immediately, she straightened her rocker and raised her chin, "Please beg me, I will pay for you!"


Shen Zhiyi: "..."

"Jiaojiao, this child looks kind-hearted, so don't make things difficult for him!" Shen Zhiyi whispered in Song Jiaojiao's ear.

Song Jiaojiao snorted, "He's kind? Then you haven't seen his bad side, this kid has a bad heart! He must bow to me today!"

As she said that, she raised her chin at the young man, "Hey, do you want it or not?"

"Sister, are you too forceful? Didn't you take the initiative to pay for me? Why do you ask me to beg you?"

"I..." Song Jiaojiao carried the bullshit to the end, "Anyway, you choose yourself, either wait for the police to come, or you beg me, I'll pay, it's as simple as that!"

People talk.

"I thought this girl was really helping others, but it turned out she was teasing people, how abominable!"

"Such a cute and fair brother, he doesn't look like someone who eats Bawang's meal at all, how can this restaurant treat him like this!"

"Brother, don't be afraid, sister will borrow your money to buy the bill first, don't ask others!"

Shen Zhiyi kept blinking at Song Jiaojiao, signaling her not to embarrass this younger brother anymore, you see, so many guests were looking at them, it made them seem like nothing.

First things first, this was Song Jiaojiao's idea, she Shen Zhiyi did not participate in the whole process.

"What's none of your business? Mind your own business!" Song Jiaojiao yelled at the crowd, then turned to look at the boy, "How is it? Have you thought about it? I don't have that much time to wait for you. Of course, you can also let me Others will pay for you, but they will look at you more like a foster kid!"

"I'm not a badass!" The young master hurriedly retorted, he glanced around, bit his lower lip and had a mental struggle, and finally weighed, and said with difficulty, "Please, pay for me, I will pay you back the money! "

Song Jiaojiao was addicted, "Who are you begging for?"


"who am I?"

"You are……"

Song Jiaojiao: "Call my sister!"

The young master's blushing face, clear eyes, fair skin, harmless to humans and animals made people want to protect, "Sister, please pay for me, I will pay you back the money!"

"Hahaha..." Song Jiaojiao was overjoyed, "My brother is so good!"

The bill was asked to leave by the young man. Before leaving, he said with an awkward face, "Miss Song, I will pay you back three times the money!"

Miss Song?Song Jiaojiao was taken aback. "Hey, wait a minute, how do you know my surname is Song..."

The young master has disappeared into the crowd.

Shen Zhiyi forced a confession with his eyes, Song Jiaojiao had no choice but to do so.

"The last time I went to a reception with you, he actually yelled in front of everyone that the zipper of my dress was undone, making me ashamed and thrown home!"

"So you took the opportunity to get revenge on him?"

"My sister will teach him a lesson, won't you?"

"You, you just can't take advantage of it. Look, you are forcing my younger brother, you beast!" Shen Zhiyi turned his face and thought, "But, I seem to have seen this younger brother somewhere..."

Song Jiaojiao bumped her with her upturned buttocks, and sneered, "What? Are you tired of elite men like He Jingyao, and want to have some dicks to try? It's okay, you Shen Zhiyi, you're so boring!"

Before she finished speaking, Shen Zhiyi raised her hand and gave her a shudder, "Why are you thinking so dirty, you!"


Shen Zhiyi has minimized the time to return to He He's mansion as much as possible.

She and He Jingyao were still in the cold war period. This time, she was determined not to compromise so vaguely, otherwise, when would their marriage end?
Everything is paving the way for the final ending. As long as her original intention remains the same, the result will not change.

(End of this chapter)

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