"Old Fu, this is between Ah Yao and Fang Yao, so don't meddle in it, let's go out and smoke a cigarette to calm down!"

But Fu couldn't resist, so he had to leave with Yin Xingze. Before leaving, he asked He Jingyao, "For my sake, don't hurt her!"

It might really be due to severe anemia, Fang Yao's face was frighteningly pale under the light.

Hearing the movement, she tiredly opened her eyes.

When the handsome and tall He Jingyao appeared in sight, Fang Yao's face burst into joy. If she hadn't had a needle in one hand, she would have jumped down in excitement.

"Ah Yao, are you here? I'm sorry to make you worry, am I ugly now, or wait a minute, I'll fix my makeup..."

"I'm asking you something, and you have to answer me truthfully!"

He Jingyao's serious tone made Fang Yao's breath tight, she looked at him with a smile, her brows and eyes were tender, "Okay, you ask!"

"Is the big tree your child?"

Fang Yao's blood stagnated suddenly, only she knew how fast her heart was beating at this moment.

She quietly clenched her hands under the thin quilt, and she stared at He Jingyao calmly, with the same smile, "Look at what you asked, Dashu is my son, of course I was born in October of my pregnancy, ah!"

Before she finished speaking, He Jingyao grabbed her wrist, "Look into my eyes, and I'll ask you again, is Dashu your child?"

"I..." Fang Yao shivered involuntarily when he met those cold eyes, like sharp ice skates on a snow mountain.

Reason told her that she couldn't surrender at this time, otherwise she would take advantage of that woman Shen Zhiyi.

She has worked so hard for so long, how can she make wedding dresses for others in the end?
"Ah Yao, what's wrong with you? Did something happen? You doubt me, I'm so sad!"

He Jingyao sneered and nodded, "Really? Then tell me, how did a mother with panda blood give birth to a son with type A blood? Don't tell me it's a matter of probability, even if it's a medical miracle, it's impossible Such a problem arises!"

Fang Yao held back, "What type A panda blood, what are you talking about, I can't understand!"

"Okay, you don't understand this, but you should understand this paternity test report, right?"

He Jingyao threw a document on Fang Yao's face.

Fang Yao picked it up with trembling hands, and his emotions gradually broke down.

"What else do you have to say now?" He Jingyao looked down at her condescendingly, his dark eyes seemed like a vast abyss, waiting for the atoner to fall into it.

Fang Yao gritted her back teeth secretly, she knew that no matter what, this time the fire could not be covered with paper.

So when she looked up again, her face was full of sympathetic remorse and guilt.

"Ah Yao, listen to me, I know I'm wrong about this matter, I shouldn't hide it from you, deceive you, but I can't help it, when I gave birth in the countryside, because the medical environment was not good, my child He died at birth, and my aunt was afraid that I would not be able to accept it, so she brought a newborn fetus and said it was my son. Later, I accidentally discovered that Dashu was related to you by blood. I asked my aunt, and she said that she would go to celebrate that day The mansion is looking for you, and wants to inform you to visit me in the hospital, but there is a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes on the steps of the gate, I think, maybe Dashu's biological mother doesn't want to have anything to do with you!"

"Ah Yao, I'm sorry, I lied to you, but I didn't do it on purpose, can you forgive me?"

Fang Yao hugged He Jingyao's arm tightly, crying pear blossoms with rain, so pitiful.

In order to become Mrs. He and He Jingyao's woman, she did not hesitate to put in so much effort, but she did not expect to stumble at this moment.

Now that the amulet is gone, He Jingyao won't even talk to her.

Thinking of this, Fang Yao was in despair.

Sure enough, He Jingyao pulled out his arm mercilessly, his drooping eyes were so cold that there was no warmth at all, "Fang Yao, will you believe what you say?"

"I didn't, I swear, what I just said is true!" Fang Yao shook his head, tears covered his face.

As long as she refuses to admit it to death, this matter will not be thought of by Shen Zhiyi.

It is impossible for her to take advantage of Shen Zhiyi.

"Do you think I can't do anything if you don't tell the truth? Listen to what this is?"

Immediately afterwards, He Jingyao played a recording.

Fang Yao immediately recognized that it was her aunt's voice.

[...Don't worry about Yaoyao, it's guaranteed to be safe, take a look, this child seems to look a lot like you, you, just raise him as your own son, as long as I don't tell you, you don't tell me, she doesn't tell , no one knew that this child was born to He Jingyao and another woman. As for that woman, hahaha... I was so foolish as to think that I had given birth to dragon and phoenix twins, and one of them died. Look, this is fate, we rumored Rumor was born to be a wealthy family, that woman can only be secretly unlucky...]

Fang Yao's hand holding the bed sheet gradually tightened, and the bed sheet was covered with wrinkles.

The recording was still going on, she couldn't listen any more, and rushed forward to grab the phone, but He Jingyao deftly dodged like a prophet.

Ah Shen's work efficiency was very high, and he found such an important clue in less than two hours.

At this moment, flames surged in He Jingyao's eyes, and even his voice revealed extreme forbearance, "So, who is that woman? Where is she?"

really!He Jingyao really cared about that woman's news!
Fang Yao was like a punctured balloon, and she was deflated all of a sudden. Her head was drooping, her messy hair covered her face, and she looked like a broken jar.

"I don't know, I don't know anything!"

"Do you think I won't be able to find you if you don't tell me?"

"Ah Yao, don't go!" Seeing that He Jingyao was about to leave, Fang Yao tried to persuade him to stay regardless of her weakness, and accidentally fell off the bed. Regardless of the pain in her body, she crawled forward and hugged He Jingyao's leg tightly.

"I lied to you, but the child is indeed yours. I only temporarily replaced his biological mother, and I have always treated him as my own child, so you have nothing to lose, A Yao, we Just pretend that none of this happened, okay? Let me still be the uncle's mother, and I will love him even more!"

He Jingyao pulled her hand away without hesitation, "Of course I am Dashu's father, and you are just a woman who stole his mother's place and ruined their mother-child reunion. What you steal is what you steal, and you will never get married." Belongs to you, and you will never be able to replace that woman!"

"Ah Yao, don't go!"

The door slammed, and He Jingyao resolutely left without giving her a single look.

"Yaoyao, are you okay?" The next second, Fu Que ran in worriedly. He picked Fang Yao up from the ground and put her on the bed, and tucked her in the cup.

As soon as the water glass was handed to Fang Yao, she pushed it irritably, patter!The water glass shattered on the ground.

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