Fu was stunned, didn't say anything, and silently squatted down to clean up.

"You also came to see my jokes, right?" Fang Yao was weak.

"Yaoyao, calm down, I..."

"Get out, I don't need any sympathy from you, get out, get out!"

Faced with Fang Yao's sudden hysteria, Fu Que sighed helplessly, then got up and left, before closing the door, he said, "I have hired a nurse to take care of you, if you need it, you can call me anytime!"

After Fu Que left, Fang Yao took a crazy look and smashed everything within reach.

It wasn't until the doctors and nurses arrived and gave her a sedative that she calmed down...

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of Mr. He's [-]th birthday.

The birthday banquet was held at the He family's old house. Coincidentally, the press conference of He's Group's "New Science Project" was also held on this day.

Fortunately, one at noon and one in the afternoon, the time is staggered, so He Jingyao will not be too busy.

On this day, the He family's old house was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the red carpet was ten miles away, so it was very lively.

According to the previous agreement, Shen Zhiyi will appear as a family of four with He Jingyao, Dashu, and Xiaobao on this day, breaking the rumors that the media reported that He's grandson and grandson's daughter-in-law are not on good terms.

Facing He's elders again, Shen Zhiyi was inevitably embarrassed.

After all, as the granddaughter-in-law of He's parents, she ran away from the wedding without saying hello last time, leaving a mess for the He family.

But the strange thing is, all the elders of He's family came to her to question her.

Rather, this is the case.

Mr. He: "Daughter-in-law, what happened this time is because of A Yao's inappropriate behavior, I have already reprimanded him, please be generous and don't care about him.

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Mrs. He took Shen Zhiyi's hand, "Zhizhi, you are wronged, that brat did such a thing, just wait, I will take it out for you!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

He Yingxue looked sympathetic: "Although my nephew is a little messy sometimes, I can see that he really loves you. Man, how can there be no mistakes? If you want me to tell you, just turn a blind eye and close one eye." All right!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

Qiu Wanqing was impatient: "Okay, okay, A Yao has already promised us, you, don't put on airs anymore, to be honest, even if we A Yao feel sorry for you, it is only human nature, after all, we are better than you. You have too many excellent girls, and you can't even hold your husband's heart, so you can only blame yourself for your incompetence!"

Father He scolded her, "That's enough, what do you call that? It's because of your education method that Ah Yao did such shameless things!"

Shen Zhiyi was in a daze, so what was He Jingyao doing that was so rebellious that it caused public outrage?
Who will tell her, wait online!
Her eyes collided with He Jingyao's from the air. The former was confused, while the latter raised his glass to her leisurely, with an expression on his face, as if he was celebrating something triumphantly.

Shen Zhiyi always felt that she was plotted by him again.

The birthday banquet was a success, and Shen Zhiyi also sent her a congratulatory gift, spending a huge sum of money to buy a Hansheng writing brush for the old man, which also expressed their care for her for the past year.

In the hall, the guests were still lively, the birthday banquet was still going on, and the He family was still busy entertaining the guests, everything was so harmonious.

Shen Zhiyi took one last look here, then pulled Xiaobao back out quietly.

"Shen Zhiyi, are we leaving now? But we haven't greeted our great-grandmother and great-grandfather yet!"

Xiao Bao looked back at the lively hall, his bright eyes were full of reluctance and hesitation.

For nearly a year, apart from Qiu Wanqing, the He family treated Xiaobao as if they were their own.

Little Treasure has experienced some kind of family affection since she was a child, and when Shen Zhiyi was stupid, she was bullied by many people. The mother and daughter have been living together for so many years, which has already made the little girl precocious.

It wasn't until she got in touch with the He family, especially Dashu, that she realized that this is how it feels to be valued and liked by others.

But there is no way, the He family is not her family after all!
Shen Zhiyi became ruthless, and walked out of the house without looking back, holding Xiaobao's hand, "Don't worry, I left them a letter, Xiaobao, from now on, our mother and I will continue to depend on each other!"

The little girl rolled her eyes, and said something that spoiled the atmosphere, "Who wants to depend on you for life, you should take care of me!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

After leaving the gate, the mother and daughter were stunned.

He Jingyao's car was parked at the main entrance, and he himself was leaning against the car door to smoke, taking one puff after another, and dropped several cigarette butts at his feet.

He was dressed in a formal suit, tall and straight, the only thing that didn't match him was his tie that was torn apart.

Turning his head to see them coming out, he crushed the cigarette butt and stood up.

"Going now?" he asked.

Shen Zhiyi nodded, somehow, she didn't dare to meet his eyes.

He Jingyao opened the car door, "I'll see you off!"

"No need, I called a car to come over, the old house is still busy, you..."

Where would He Jingyao be willing to listen?Right now, the car has started.

Shen Zhiyi: "..." Okay, this man is always going his own way.

The car was very quiet, and I don't know when the two of them even stopped talking about the most basic topics.

Back at the He mansion, Shen Zhiyi began to pack her and Xiaobao's things.

One big and one small, the two of them didn't have many things, so they packed three boxes.

Little Treasure disappeared and ran to coax the tree.

Dashu couldn't stop crying when he learned that they were leaving He Mansion and would never come back again.

"Xiaobao, don't you like me? I can be very good. From now on, I will listen to you and be your younger brother. I won't grab things from you. Don't leave, okay?"

Xiaobao wiped his tears with a tissue, and forced a smile like a little adult, "Man, why are you crying, don't lose me!"

"Okay, okay, then I won't cry, I will listen to you, and you won't leave, okay?"

Little Treasure bit his lips to hold back his tears, "Dashu, I also miss you, but Shen Zhiyi and Uncle Shuai... Hey! You see, we have tried our best, but adults have to decide for themselves, maybe Is it because we have no fate, although I have left, I am still in Hangzhou, I will come back to play with you when I have time, and, by then, maybe you will have a new friend!"

"No, I don't want you to go!" Dashu cried and shook his head, looking at the person with a small appearance in distress.

"I see. Did Dad treat Aunt Zhizhi badly, and he bullied her again? Wait, I'll go find Dad right now!"

"Hey big tree..." The big tree ran too fast, Xiaobao couldn't stop it even if he wanted to.

The door of the warehouse room was ajar, and several servants were chatting.

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