After answering a few questions from the reporter, Ah Shen hurriedly came up from the side stage and lowered his head to report to He Jingyao, "Sir, something happened at the company!"

He Jingyao tensed his jawline calmly, with dark clouds rolling in his eyes, then he raised his head and announced to everyone, "I'm sorry everyone, because something went wrong with the 'Xinke Project', the press conference has been postponed, I hope you understand!"


As soon as the voice fell, there was a loud noise, and everyone looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw that the big glass table at the entrance was knocked on with a stick, and the glass table burst instantly, and countless glass shards splashed all over the floor.

Among the confused and flustered crowd, several bodyguards in uniforms and black masks suddenly poured in.

He Jingyao's gaze locked on them all of a sudden.

He squinted his eyes, feeling an uncontrollable coldness all over his body.

Ah Shen reminded him, "Sir, I'll handle it here, you go back to the company first!"

After finishing speaking, he led his men into the chaotic crowd.

When He Jingyao led his people back to He's Group, the company lobby, administrative area, and the president's office were all brutally destroyed by the other party, and they were destroyed badly.

Hearing He Jingyao's call, Linda came out from under the table tremblingly with her head in her hands.

"He... Mr. He, you're finally here! I'm scared to death, they're so fierce!"

As she spoke, Linda couldn't help crying, her nose drooping all over the floor.

He Jingyao pinched his forehead in disgust, "Shut up, or you won't come tomorrow!"

This trick really worked, Linda held back instantly.

"Tap on the number of injuries, and also, collect all the monitoring data about this incident!"

"Yes, yes, I'll go!"

He Jingyao put his hands on his hips and walked around the messy office twice. The next second, he made a phone call.

"Miss Song, I want to ask you something!"


In a hidden place outside a certain hotel, an extended Lincoln is parked.

An older man was sitting in the back seat, wearing a black top hat, and a modified dark gray tunic suit, buttoned to the top, clasping a cane with his hands folded.

Entering the high temperature warning, the short clothes and shorts of the pedestrians outside are in stark contrast to him in the car. They seem to be people from different worlds.

Even though the light flooded into the compartment, there was a cold and sick look on his face.

One of his men came out of the hotel and trotted to the car.

The car window lowered slowly, revealing the sunken eyes of the occupants.

"Second Master, I searched all over, but I didn't find the chip!"

He Zhenxuan raised his hand to dismiss his subordinates, and when he squinted, the crow's feet in the corners of his eyes became more dense.

"Hmph! I knew this kid was on guard. Since you refused to give it to me, I have no choice but to find your woman to try!"


Late at night, people are quiet.

All things have entered a time of dormancy.

Xiaobao fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow, but Shen Zhiyi's mental head was like clockwork, and he was determined not to fall asleep until the moment it was exhausted.

She held the necklace that He Jingyao gave her in her palm and looked at it for a long time. She always felt that this necklace was different from before.

Borrowing the cold moonlight, she observed it several times, but couldn't find any results.

Forget it, everyone is gone, the marriage is about to be divorced, why does she still care about this?
A movement outside caught her attention.

She subconsciously hung the necklace around her neck again, then kicked her shoes out of the room.

I looked around and found nothing unusual.

Shen Zhiyi shook his head and went to the water platform to fetch water.

However, something creepy happened.

Reflected on the glass case in front of her, a dark figure was crawling through the window behind her.

The alarm goes off!

Shen Zhiyi turned around abruptly, flung his hands and flew, the glass hit the figure, and the man fell out of the window before he could come in.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, two more black shadows came in from other windows.

"Who are you? Hurry up, or I'll call the police!" Shen Zhiyi's threat was useless, she quickly took out a feather duster from home, and started a fight with the other party.

Xiaobao who was woken up yawned, "Shen Zhiyi, you are so noisy, let no one sleep...Ah! What kind of thrilling scene is this?"

Xiaobao's drowsiness disappeared in an instant, and with a lift of his sleeve, he picked up a broom and hit the man in black who was fighting with Shen Zhiyi on the back of the head.

One, two, three...

It seems to be useless!
The man in black turned around slowly, with a ferocious look that scared Xiao Bao back again and again.

She remembered Shen Zhiyi's brave and powerful appearance, and decided that as her own daughter, she must not lose face.

So she imitated the heroes in the movie, posed a pose that she thought was very handsome, and then clasped the broom tightly with both hands, and slashed at the man in black who was approaching every step of the way.

"Ah! Die!"

However, the effect was completely different from what the little girl had imagined. The man in black grabbed the broom she had dropped, snatched it with a click, and broke it in two with his bare hands.

Little Treasure blinked his eyelashes. Oops, what should I do if I underestimated my opponent?
"Hey, I'm warning you not to touch me, or you will suffer bloodshed!"

The man in black pressed forward step by step while grinning, "In this world, I only have my mother's words!"

"Xiaobao, run, leave me alone!" Shen Zhiyi was besieged by other men in black, and took the time to shout to this side.

Xiaobao was smart this time, so he turned around and ran away.

She can no longer pretend to be smart, otherwise it will hinder Shen Zhiyi.

With a muffled sound, the little girl bumped into a fleshy wall, "Woooooooh, my nose hurts!"

The little girl raised her head and glared angrily at the man in black, but because of her chubby face, she couldn't feel her anger at all, but because of her grandma's appearance, she couldn't help but want to pinch her face twice.

"You big villain, hit my nose, I will fight you!"

The man in black fixed the little girl's head with a palm, and the little girl's fists hit empty one by one, unable to reach the opponent at all, which looked very funny.

Immediately afterwards, the man in black picked up her back by the collar, "Smelly girl, are you tired of working?"

Xiao Bao's appearance of struggling in the air made the man in black laugh out loud, "You are the only one who still wants to pick up girls, practice for a few more years!"

The little girl gave a "bah".

Something just fell into the man in black's open mouth, and the man in black swallowed it inadvertently, "Damn, what is it?"

Xiaobao was overjoyed, "It's the gum I chewed!"


The man in black was furious, and threw Xiaobao out at once. Shen Zhiyi, who had thrown off the man in black, rushed to catch her, and held her daughter firmly in his arms, "Are you alright, Xiaobao?"

Xiaobao shook his head, "Shen Zhiyi, let's run, if we don't run, we will die!"

"Quick, catch them!" The man in black who broke off Xiaobao's broom was the first to react, and rushed towards them with all his teeth and claws.

Xiaobao picked up a bottle and threw it at his feet.

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