Chapter 226
The man stepped on it and slipped, rolling down the stairs like a rubber ball.

Xiao Bao pinched his waist and giggled loudly, "I told you not to mess with me long ago, but I don't believe it, it's okay now?"

"Let's go!" Shen Zhiyi was not as playful as she was, grabbed the little girl's hand and ran away.

The man in black chased after him closely, Xiaobao had an idea, and repeated the trick, grabbed a handful of soybeans from his messenger bag and sprinkled them on the steps of the stairs.

"one two Three……"



A burst of mourning sounded one after another.

Several men in black fell on their backs on the stairs, it was very miserable.

The moment Shen Zhiyi pulled Xiao Bao to open the gate of the yard and rushed out, she was completely dumbfounded.

There were only a few private cars parked in front of them, and a whole row of men in black stood majestically in front of the cars, blocking the gate tightly.

They can't escape...

5 minute later.

Song Jiaojiao and Lin Yu rushed into the Shen family's villa.

Seeing the mess in the room, Song Jiaojiao stomped her feet regretfully, "It seems we are late, what should we do?"

An hour ago, she received a call from He Jingyao. He Jingyao told her that Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao would be in danger at night, and asked her to go to Shen's villa to pick them up immediately.

Song Jiaojiao called Lin Yu to rush over without stopping, but it turned out that she was still a step late.

Lin Yu was still calm, "Don't worry, you inform Mr. He immediately, let's drive out here to find someone!"

"Yes, yes, inform He Jingyao!" Song Jiaojiao pressed the number with trembling hands, and the phone went through, "Mr. He, it's me, we are late, Zhizhi and Xiaobao have already..."

He Jingyao's hand holding the phone gradually tightened until the veins popped out. After a moment of silence, he said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, I will bring them back unscathed!"

At the same time, Shen Zhiyi slowly woke up in a burst of coldness.

Yes, she was knocked out with a palm, and she is still dizzy now.

"Little Treasure, Little Treasure..." When she regained her consciousness, she immediately went to look for Little Treasure.

"Shen Zhiyi, I'm here!" Xiao Bao bumped her arm.

Seeing the little girl tied up beside her, Shen Zhiyi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The surroundings were dark and cold, as if summer had suddenly turned into winter.

Strangely, this kind of temperature contrast does not appear in Hangcheng.

Shen Zhiyi was a little worried, where were they taken?

There was movement in the ear, someone was coming, two strong lights hit straight, extremely dazzling, Shen Zhiyi couldn't adapt, subconsciously tilted his head and closed his eyes.

Someone kicked her leg, "Second Lord, I'm still fine, I won't freeze to death at this temperature!"

Then, several bright lights converged on Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao. When she heard the name "Second Master", she subconsciously looked at the person who came.

I saw a thin man gradually walking in the path that the man in black made way for.

From the outline, he is wearing a top hat and a long robe, with a cane in his hand, walking slowly and with weak steps.

As the person got closer, his sick face gradually became clearer.

Shen Zhiyi laughed, "Second Uncle, what are you doing? Is this the way of hospitality now?"

He Zhenxuan squatted down slowly, looked back and forth between Xiaobao and Shen Zhiyi with his deep sunken and slightly cloudy eyes, and then smiled slowly.

"Miss Shen, don't be alarmed. I invited you here just to meet A Yao. If he was willing to give me this chance, I wouldn't have to go through so much trouble, would I? But before that, I have to invite you." Miss Shen cooperate with me!"

Shen Zhiyi stared at him, "What do you want to do?"

He Zhenxuan smiled without saying a word, got up and waved his hand, and two men in black stepped forward and searched Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao.

"Second master, no!"

"The little girl doesn't have any!"

He Zhenxuan narrowed his eyes, "Give me 'invite' Mr. He!"


"Second Master He!" Shen Zhiyi didn't even bother to shout to his second uncle, "Maybe you don't know yet, He Jingyao and I have separated and will go through divorce procedures soon. He has no feelings for me. Do you think he will?" Did you come here for me? I’m afraid it will make you work for nothing!"

Shen Zhiyi wasn't quite sure what He Zhenxuan's purpose was to meet He Jingyao, but what she knew was that the Second Master He in front of him was actually a ruthless character despite his sickly appearance.

Who knows how He Zhenxuan will deal with him?
Shen Zhiyi didn't want He Jingyao to show up in his heart, so he just thought about it for the sake of the couple.

He Zhenxuan laughed twice, his peripheral vision was reflected on his face from bottom to top, his sickly face looked particularly terrifying.

"Maybe Miss Shen doesn't know yet? This is an icehouse. I have set the temperature and timer function. Every 3 minutes, the temperature will drop by one degree. The current temperature is ten degrees above zero. That is to say, my nephew is only half I am afraid that you mother and daughter will not be able to bear the thought and action of the hour. Of course, he can also be entangled and hesitant, but... you may be frozen into statues, Miss Shen, you are still asking for blessings Bar!"

Hearing that the door of the cold storage was closed again, Shen Zhiyi collapsed.

Xiao Bao was already sobbing in fright, "Shen Zhiyi, we, will we die here? I don't want to be frozen to death!"

Shen Zhiyi comforted her with a forced smile, "No, the handsome uncle will definitely rescue us, and we will be fine, don't be afraid, Xiaobao!"

"But I'm cold!"

"You'll get warm when you squeeze into my side. By the way, it's rare for us to be so leisurely. You can teach me how to read fortune-telling. In the future, when you're not by my side and I don't have the ability to work, I can still rely on handicrafts for a living." no?"

This idea was rejected by Xiaobao, "Cut! This depends on talent, okay? Are you sure you can do it?"

"Don't forget, I'm your mother. Without my excellent mother, would there be such an excellent you?"

Shen Zhiyi deliberately teased the little girl to divert her attention.

On the other side, in front of the French windows, He Jingyao stood with his hands behind his back.

All night, he didn't sleep for a second, and he was still wearing the formal clothes he attended the press conference yesterday.

A beam of light leaked in from the slit in the curtain, dividing his top-notch face into two areas, light and dark.

Last night when Song Jiaojiao received a call for help, he did not send anyone to look for Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao, but sat at home very calmly.

He was too careless, thinking that He Zhenxuan could only do something with the He Group at the press conference, but unexpectedly, he aimed at Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao.

At this time, the mobile phone on the table rang, and the sound broke the silence of the night.

He Jingyao tilted his head, his eyes fixed on the mobile phone.

He finally found it.


The other party: "Mr. He, our Mr. He would like to invite you over for a cup of tea. Oh, by the way, Mrs. He and Qianqian Ling are also here, but you know, our second master is ill, so it is inconvenient to wait for you for too long. Please arrive within half an hour, otherwise Mrs. He and Ling Qianjin may have objections!"

The other party's tone was full of threats, He Jingyao pursed his lips tightly, suppressing the chill all over his body, "Send me the address!"

(End of this chapter)

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