Chapter 227 Asking for help requires a begging attitude
The address is a temporarily closed meat processing factory at the foot of Ningshan Mountain.

From the urban area to Ningshan, it would take an hour at the fastest, but the second half of the other party's sentence clearly reminded He Jingyao that if the speed was slow, Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao would be in danger.

And the other party finally reminded that only He Jingyao is allowed to come alone, otherwise their second master will be unhappy.

This is destined to be a catastrophe that cannot be avoided!

"Sir, I will accompany you. He Zhenxuan has made sufficient preparations this time, and he will not let go easily!" Ashen said worriedly.

He Jingyao drank the wine in the glass in one breath, then took out a Swiss Army knife from the drawer and put it on his waist, "My second uncle is such a shrewd person, he must have sent many people to watch me along the way, I don't want to Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao are in danger!"

When the master spoke, the subordinates dared not disobey, Ah Shen could only watch helplessly as his husband drove away...

Before He Jingyao set off, he called the top person in charge of the Ministry of Communications.

A few minutes later, from here, the main road of Duning Mountain was under traffic control, and vehicles and pedestrians were not allowed to pass.

He Jingyao specially drove the dusty sports car, increasing the speed to [-] mph all the way. The body seemed to have wings, and the speed of light was soaring. Dust was everywhere.

Because he was driving too fast and too fast, he made sharp turns several times, and the car almost lost control and hit the guardrail, but was turned around by He Jingyao.

The veins on the backs of the two hands holding the steering wheel were bulging, and He Jingyao was staring straight ahead, with a sharp knife line stretching out from the corner of his jaw.

Shen Zhiyi, Xiaobao, wait for me!
Watching the time pass by, He Jingyao was so anxious that his forehead was covered with sweat. He didn't know what kind of pain Shen Zhiyi and Xiaobao would suffer in places he couldn't see.

One second of delay, maybe they will suffer and suffer for one more second.

At nearly four and ten minutes, He Jingyao's badly hit sports car finally rushed into the processing plant.

Before the car came to a complete stop, He Jingyao jumped off, like a king from hell, and rushed straight inside with a snarl of hostility.

"Second Master, He Jingyao is here!" Someone informed He Zhenxuan.

He Zhenxuan was sitting on a grand teacher's chair, still drinking tea in a comfortable posture, looking up at the person coming against the light, he chuckled, "It's a little later than I expected, but it's a miracle, Mr. He is indeed Mr. He In short, the ability is beyond the reach of ordinary people!"

He was shocked by He Jingyao's sharp eyes. For a few seconds, he even felt that his nephew was going to kill him in the next second.

He Jingyao looked around, too lazy to talk nonsense to him, "What about them?"

"Don't worry, since you're here, I won't make things difficult for them!" He Zhenxuan motioned to his subordinates, "Come here, take Mrs. He and Ling Qianjin out of the freezer!"


He Jingyao stood up in a huff, and grabbed He Zhenxuan's neckline across the table, "You actually put my wife and child in the freezer?"

He Zhenxuan chuckled again, "Otherwise, how could you come here obediently? Now it seems that I got it right!"

"He Zhenxuan, those are two lives. You can do whatever you want with me. Why do you implicate innocent people?"

He Zhenxuan patted He Jingyao's arm, and then slowly wiped away his hand, "We are a family, I can't find you, so naturally I have to look for them, look, if you were so obedient before, there will be no one behind Is something wrong?"

He Jingyao stood condescendingly and stared at her, with overwhelming danger surging in his eyes, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Aren't you the clearest what I want to do? Where's the chip?" He Zhenxuan's expression changed, and his sunken eye sockets looked cold.

He Jingyao said calmly, "Such confidential things are naturally in a safe place, Second Uncle, when did you learn to steal the fruits of labor from other companies?"

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense!" As soon as He Zhenxuan showed his composure, two men in black came out and searched He Jingyao.

"Second Lord!" The man in black handed the Swiss Army Knife he had found to He Zhenxuan.

He Zhenxuan rolled his eyes, and threw it on the table with a bang, "Ah Yao, it seems that you don't want to share the good things with your second uncle. If that's the case, there's no need for me to be polite!"

clap clap!

He raised his hand and clapped his hands twice, and when the sound fell, he saw the dark curtain on the side that reached to the top slowly opened.

Shen Zhiyi's hands and feet were bound, and she was suspended in mid-air. Directly below her was a square glass container that could accommodate one person, filled with water.

"Shen Zhiyi, how are you doing?" He Jingyao wanted to rush over, but was stopped by He Zhenxuan's bodyguards.

Shen Zhiyi raised his head with difficulty, and squeezed out a smile, "You were tied up like this and hung up, see if you're okay?"

"Second Uncle, this is a matter between us, you let her go!" He Jingyao looked at He Zhenxuan furiously, the words were clearly pleading, but he uttered a threat.

He Zhenxuan smiled darkly, and the teacup was held in his hand and turned leisurely, "Let it go? Let me, He Zhenxuan, release someone first. It's not such a light thing. Don't worry, there are still things I haven't shown you!"

"Ah!" With Shen Zhiyi's scream, the rope on her body was loosened suddenly, and she fell straight into the water.

Water splashed everywhere, and countless liquids occupied her throat, nostrils, and even her internal organs.

"You are not allowed to touch her, you are not allowed to touch her!" He Jingyao yelled violently, and threw the table in front of He Zhenxuan, "Tell them to stop!"

He Zhenxuan smiled, raised his hand, and the next second, Shen Zhiyi was hoisted up by the rope again, she was wet all over, and after a sharp cough, she seemed to come back to life.

"I want to ask you one last time, where are the things?" He Zhenxuan repeated impatiently.

"Does Second Uncle have a problem with his ears? He told me he's not here, otherwise, if you're in a hurry, I'll ask my subordinates to bring it over!"

"Hmph, you're still young if you want to play tricks on me. If that's the case, then I don't need to be polite to you!"

Following He Zhenxuan's words, Shen Zhiyi suddenly fell into the water again.

Her hands and feet were tied, and she didn't even have a chance to struggle. Through the glass, He Jingyao could see her face contorted with suffocation.

He Jingyao creaked with his hands clasped behind his back.

He didn't dare to block it anymore, he was afraid that he would regret it.

"Second Uncle, Shen Zhiyi and I are already divorced. What do you want an outsider to do? Don't you just want a chip? Let her go, let's talk slowly!"

"Ah Yao, you have to have a begging attitude when you ask for help. What are you doing?"

Just when Shen Zhiyi was on the verge of death, the rope pulled her up again.

She has been tortured to the point of collapse, with her head drooping, almost dying.

He Jingyao tilted his head, and shot a sharp gaze at He Zhenxuan, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes bursting out of anger, "What do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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