Chapter 228 Rescue

"I'm your elder. It's not too much to kneel down and beg me, right?"

The gazes of Shen Zhiyi and He Jingyao met in the air, Shen Zhiyi bit her lip and shook her head, before she could say anything to stop her, she saw He Jingyao bowed down, and the next second, he knelt on the ground with hardly a moment of hesitation .

When his other leg was about to fall, He Zhenxuan suddenly interrupted, "Wait!"

"Suddenly I feel boring again, how about this, let's play something exciting!" He threw the gleaming saber in front of He Jingyao.

He Jingyao picked up the saber and slowly stood up straight, the cold light reflected by the blade was reflected on his face, and his red eyes burst out with a shocking force that could destroy heaven and earth.

What a proud, cold and omnipotent man, but at this moment he had to suppress all his anger.

He fiddled with the blade with his fingertips, his expression indifferent as if there was no ups and downs in plain water.

"He Jingyao, don't be stupid, even if you hurt yourself, he won't let me go! I don't want to owe you favors, so go away!"

Facing Shen Zhiyi's hasty refusal, He Jingyao remained indifferent. He fell down and gripped the handle of the knife tightly, and with all his might, the tip of the knife plunged into his palm.

With a muffled snort, blood gushed out from his palm and dripped all over the floor.

Shen Zhiyi was dumbfounded. No matter what, she didn't believe that He Jingyao would do anything to hurt herself for her.

Doesn't he dislike her?

Hasn't he been plotting against her?

But what is it now?
Seeing this, He Zhenxuan turned his head up and laughed loudly, "Hahaha... Ms. Shen is really blessed to make my nephew sacrifice himself like this!"

"Second uncle keeps his word, so I can take her away now, right?" He Jingyao's heroic face turned pale due to blood loss, and even his lips became pale.

He covered his injured hand with his bare hands, and a steady stream of blood oozed out from between his fingers, soaking his sleeve along his arm.

"Of course you can, but one hand only changes one person, Ling Qianjin..."

A subordinate hurried over, "Second Master, someone broke into the back area and rescued that girl!"

"What?" He Zhenxuan was surprised.

Over there, He Jingyao had already kicked over the bodyguard controlling Shen Zhiyi's rope. When the rope was loosened, Shen Zhiyi fell from above, and He Jingyao caught her firmly.

"Shen Zhiyi, don't sleep, I'll take you home right away!"

He Zhenxuan wanted to order someone to stop them, but on second thought, he pushed He Jingyao into a hurry, which would be very bad for them, so he stopped blocking them.

Although I didn't get the chip this time, there were unexpected gains.

It turns out that his nephew is not without weakness, as long as he controls this woman, Shen Zhiyi, is he afraid that he won't get the chip?Are you afraid you won't be able to suppress him?

"Who saved that girl?" He Zhenxuan asked coldly.

Lowering his head, he hesitated and said, "Yes, it's the young master!"

He Zhenxuan threw a cup angrily, "Speed ​​up and let that Nizi come to see me!"

He Jingyao drove Shen Zhiyi all the way down the mountain. Seeing Shen Zhiyi trembling with his arms around his shoulders, the man slammed on the brakes, took off his coat and wrapped it around her, and continued to let the car go wild.

"Shen Zhiyi, hold on, you still owe me a favor, I won't just let it go!"

Shen Zhiyi opened his eyes weakly, and forced a smile, "I'm not dead yet, can't you keep your voice down?"

"Okay, I'll keep my voice down, as long as you're okay, I'll do whatever you want me to do!"

These words made Shen Zhiyi take a breath, she turned her head to read this man quietly, feeling a turmoil in her heart.

This was the first time she heard He Jingyao say such heartwarming and affectionate words, and she couldn't even tell whether she was in a dream or reality at this moment.

The He Jingyao she knew was not like this.

At this moment, her cell phone rang.

Seeing the caller ID, she couldn't help frowning.

She had an impression of this special string of numbers, from Mr. Y in [-].

Who knew that when it was connected, it was grandma's voice, "Shen Zhiyi is me, I am Xiaobao!"

Shen Zhiyi was shocked, "Xiaobao, where are you? How could you follow..."

Xiaobao's mobile phone was taken by the person next to him, "Don't worry, she is safe, we are waiting for you at the foot of Ningshan Mountain!"

Shen Zhiyi hung up the phone and notified He Jingyao, "Xiaobao is at the foot of the mountain now!"

At the foot of Ningshan Mountain.

Beside a private car, one big and one small are in staring mode.

"Uncle, can you stop keeping a poker face, you look so cold, you might be more handsome if you smile, come on, smile!" Xiaobao showed He Qingyan with his head tilted and grinning.

He Qingyan looked down at her, and only responded with two words, "No!"

Xiaobao couldn't help but want to send him a blank stare, "Okay! If I didn't say anything, then what should I call you?"


"Then can you give me one of my uncle's contact information? Shen Zhiyi said that the kindness of a drop of water will be repaid by the spring. Uncle saved me, and I will return this great favor to uncle!"

"No need!"

Xiaobao held his forehead, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Uncle probably doesn't have a girlfriend yet, right? Girls don't like it if you talk so little, but it doesn't matter. Shen Zhiyi knows a lot of beautiful aunts. When I go back, I will let Shen Zhiyi introduce you !"

He Qingyan's face darkened, and he warned coldly, "Don't call Shen Zhiyi, she is your mother!"

Xiaobao: "..." Well, I know someone who is meddling, and looks more difficult than a handsome uncle!
"Wow! It's Shen Zhiyi!"

He Qingyan looked in the direction of the little girl's finger, and saw a sports car running handsomely, then parked steadily in front of them.

"Shen Zhiyi!" Xiaobao couldn't wait to run towards Shen Zhiyi, who opened his arms to welcome her.

At this moment, she didn't say anything, she just hugged the little girl tightly in her arms, feeling her presence.

On the side, the two men looked at each other from the air, the smoke was everywhere, and the dark tide was surging.

"Why help us?" He Jingyao went straight to the point.

He Qingyan's eyes fell on Shen Zhiyi, "You misunderstood, I'm not helping you!"

He Jingyao clenched his fists and sneered, "Oh! Let me remind you, if you want to work hard on Shen Zhiyi, then you may be as disappointed as Second Uncle! She is not a character you can use!"

"Then you misunderstood again. I never wanted to use her, and brother, you are too confident. You are not the only man in the world who is devoted to love. Shen Zhiyi's following you may not be the most correct choice!"

After saying this, He Qingyan turned around and got into the car.

When Shen Zhiyi came back to his senses, he only saw the shadow of the car that was about to sink into the dust.

She...hasn't said a word of thanks yet.

Why did he save Xiaobao, and how did he know that their mother and daughter were here?

There must be many secrets hidden in this Mr. Y!
"What did you just say?" Shen Zhiyi wanted to get some information from He Jingyao.

(End of this chapter)

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