Chapter 248 Only This Can Help Her

Song Jiaojiao frowned and looked at him, "What do you mean?"

Fang Huaizhou flashed a USB flash drive in front of her eyes, "This is the surveillance video of the night we shared the hotel room, I watched it several times, and finally came to a conclusion!
Song Jiaojiao was already nervous, her palms were covered with sweat, she tried her best to stay calm, and the corners of her mouth twitched when she spoke, "What, what conclusion?"

Fang Huaizhou approached her face, smiling cunningly, "You've been lying!"


Fang Huaizhou stood up straight, put his hands in his pockets, looked at her agitated look, smiled even more, and became more sure of his guess, "Song Jiaojiao, don't lie to yourself anymore, I'm curious why you won't admit it ? Sleeping with me, does it embarrass you so much?"


Song Jiaojiao pushed him away, covered her mouth and flushed the toilet.

Fang Huaizhou was stunned for a moment, and chased after him in the next second.

Song Jiaojiao knelt on the ground, holding the toilet and vomited in the dark.

Fang Huaizhou patted her on the back while handing her a tissue, "What's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

"I don't know what's going on, I suddenly felt very sick just now..."

Wait, disgusting?
After the words fell, the two looked at each other in surprise.

Song Jiaojiao knew what he was thinking and hurriedly shook her head, "It's not what you think, it's just an upset stomach!"

Fang Huaizhou held her by the shoulder and did not listen to her explanation at all, "Song Jiaojiao, you are also an adult, do you still need to continue to deceive yourself? Okay, then I will take you to the hospital for an examination now!"

"I don't want to go to the hospital, I'm not going anywhere, Fang Huaizhou, let me go!"

Fang Huaizhou said very seriously, "So now you admit it? Don't worry, I will be responsible for you and the child in my stomach!"

"No, I really didn't..."

"You don't need to say anything. I know that the most important thing right now is that you take good care of yourself. Let's discuss this matter in the long run. I will arrange a more comfortable living environment for you and your child!"

Song Jiaojiao wants to cry but has no tears, what do you know, you know, how to arrange a comfortable environment, is this person crazy?

She leaned against Fang Huaizhou's chest and pushed him away, "Don't follow me again, or you will never find me!"

Song Jiaojiao was irritable and anxious, and when she got home, she threw herself on the bed and made the character "big".

How did things turn out like this?
How did Fang Huaizhou know about this?How did she get pregnant?
Ah bah bah!

The horoscope has not been written yet, no one can be sure that she is really pregnant, what if there is an oolong?

But she remembered that Fang Huaizhou had sex with her that night at the hotel without taking any contraceptive measures... and she didn't take any medicine afterwards, and it was her ovulation period, and her aunt delayed her visit by a week this time, so Speaking of...

Song Jiaojiao hugged her head and wanted to cry.

How to do?How to do?
She wanted to call Shen Zhiyi several times and ask her to give her a trick, but finally gave up.

It's too embarrassing, Zhizhi will scold her to death!
The mobile phone in the palm rang suddenly, and the caller ID was my mother.

Song Jiaojiao adjusted her mentality, "What's wrong, Mom?"

On the other side, Shen Zhiyi was still looking for a suitable nursing home for Shen Qingfeng. At this moment, she received an invitation from a nursing home in Hangzhou, "Hello, is this Miss Shen?"

"I am, you say!"

"It's like this. Our hospital has received your application for admission, and the wards are abundant now. I don't know when you will be able to bring patients to the hospital, so we can prepare in advance!"

Shen Zhiyi was stunned for a moment when he heard the news, and then responded excitedly, "Today, I can be admitted to the hospital today, thank you!"

That day, she and Shen Ying packed up their things, and then took Shen Qingfeng to this nursing home.

The location of this nursing home is very cheap. It is located on the mountainside in the suburbs, with long sunshine, good air and quiet environment, which is very suitable for patients to recuperate.

Shen Zhiyi did send an application for admission to this nursing home before, but was rejected on the same day because the ward was tight.

But now they take the initiative to invite again, which is a bit strange.

After Shen Qingfeng settled down, Shen Zhiyi decided to go to the dean to thank him in person, passing by a certain room, and a familiar face happened to come out of it.

"...The matter is arranged like this. If you have other questions, you can contact my assistant at any time!"

"Okay Mr. He, thank you for your trust in me, I will definitely not let you down!"

As soon as He Qingyan raised his head, his eyes met with Shen Zhiyi's.


"So, you bought this nursing home?" After hearing He Qingyan's explanation, Shen Zhiyi was greatly surprised.

"Don't forget, I'm also a businessman. Isn't it normal to invest in business? I thought about nursing homes a few years ago, and now the timing is right!"

He Qing said it casually, but Shen Zhiyi didn't believe it.

But since he didn't want to do it, she couldn't poke it out. For some things, it's more appropriate to cover them with a layer of window paper. In short, it's good that Shen Qingfeng's matter is resolved.

Even so, Shen Zhiyi was somewhat disappointed.

Mr. He, she thought it was He Jingyao.

But he didn't expect that it was He Qingyan, she was acting affectionate, since he has nothing to do with He Jingyao, why should he meddle in his own business?

"Well, I've been looking for a house recently, and it may take a few days. As soon as I find a suitable one, Xiao Baobao and I will move out!" Shen Zhiyi has disturbed He Qingyan for a few days, and he can't live with someone else all the time. Home, that's like what's going on.

He Qingyan turned around, staring at her with light-colored pupils, "No need, if you want, you can stay here forever, anyway, I live elsewhere, it won't cause you any inconvenience, and my people can still protect you! "

Shen Zhiyi smiled, she didn't wear a ponytail today, her slightly curly hair was hanging down, and was coated with a layer of light gold by the sun, even her smile was shining, she was very beautiful.

"Thank you, Young Master He, but this is your home after all, and... and I have been hiding and hiding is not a solution. If this person wants to trouble me, he can find it even if I hide in the ends of the world. Why don't I deal with it directly. Moreover, Mr. He and I have already divorced, I don't think there is any need for him to put revenge on someone who has nothing to do with the target of revenge, right?"

He Qingyan was speechless. After a moment of silence, he nodded, "Alright, if you need help in finding a house, you can come to me anytime!"

"it is good!"

Shen Zhiyi is a stubborn woman, and He Qingyan knew this well, so she left without forcing her.

In the car, he looked up at the nursing home through the half-lowered car window, complex lights swirled in his light-colored pupils.

While turning the steering wheel, the assistant couldn't help but say, "Master, this nursing home has suffered serious losses for the past two years, so you..."

He Qingyan interrupted with one sentence, "This is the only way to help her!"

Master Cheng threatened and intimidated all the sanatoriums in Hangzhou not to accept Shen Qingfeng, but he insisted on buying a sanatorium at the risk of enmity with Master Cheng, just to take Shen Qingfeng into the hospital smoothly and provide Shen Qingfeng with Zhiyi solves troubles.

The assistant asked him if it was worth it?
There is nothing worthwhile in the world, only what is willing, and for Shen Zhiyi, he is willing.

(End of this chapter)

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