Chapter 249 It's Not Simple

After leaving the nursing home, Shen Zhiyi abducted to Marriott again.

The hotel's guest room department and food and beverage department have carried out strict rectification from top to bottom. She personally tested it a few times and found that there was no problem. Then she called the staff of the business management department in charge of their hotel to explain the situation, and the other party was still the same. In a word, everything waits for the superior to notify.

Shen Zhiyi was dejected, sitting on a chair with a sad face and sighing.

She planned that if the Ministry of Commerce still did not give a definite time for the hotel's normal business operation after two days, she would take the road of appeal.


"Sir, Shen Qingfeng has already been actively invited by a nursing home, we are one step too late!" Ah Shen reported standing at his desk.

He Jingyao paused at the tip of his signature pen, instead of raising his head, he looked up, "How do you say it?"

"It's Young Master Yan. I found out that he bought that nursing home directly!"

He Jingyao's hand holding the pen gradually tightened until the veins on the back of his hand were fully exposed.

It's He Qingyan again!

He was really thoughtful in thinking about Shen Zhi, and even moved faster.

As for himself, after learning that Shen Qingfeng was rejected by many nursing homes, he immediately used his contacts and finally found a nursing home with better conditions in the shortest possible time. Now that he thinks about it, his worry and help are unnecessary, Shen Zhiyi There is never a shortage of men who care about her.

Inexplicable jealousy surged up, but he couldn't change anything in his current situation. The only thing he could do was to wait, wait patiently!

"What about the Marriott Hotel?" He Jingyao put down the pen and rubbed his forehead with one hand.

"Mr. Hui, I have inquired from acquaintances that Marriott's sampling this time was indeed seriously exceeded, and just the day before, it was reported and complained to the superiors of the Commercial Management Department by mostly anonymous persons. A sample of hotel rectification in half a year, so this matter... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to handle, and everything depends on Marriott's luck!"

He Jingyao continued to rub his forehead, "If it's difficult, you have to do it. Go and make an appointment with Minister Cao of the Commercial Management Department. I want to meet him in person!"


Shen Zhiyi didn't sleep well or eat well these days, she lost a lot of weight, her small face looked haggard and dull.

Fortunately, Shen Qingfeng's matter was resolved, and the pressure on her heart was relieved.

Xiaobao was hungry, so Shen Zhiyi went to the kitchen to make a bowl of egg noodles for her, and accidentally saw He Qingyan's subordinates still patrolling the yard on duty.

"Hey, you all go back, it's fine here!" Shen Zhiyi came out of the main house and waved at them.

Their answer was, "I'm sorry Miss Shen, this is the young master's arrangement. Without his order, we may not be able to go back. If it affects your rest, we will go further!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

She called He Qingyan backhandedly.

Answering in seconds over there, it was as if holding a mobile phone and waiting for her to call at any time, it was so fast that people couldn't react.

"Miss Shen, what's the matter so late?"

"There is something, you remove your people!"

He Qingyan was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Have they affected you and Xiaobao?"

"No, it's just that it's very safe here, and that person won't come here again, thank you for having someone protect us, but I don't think it's necessary now, it's a waste of resources!"

There was silence for a few seconds before there was a voice, "Danger never distinguishes time and place. If you have an accident in my place, I will naturally be responsible. Let's wait for three days. If nothing happens, I will withdraw." people!"

Hearing He Qingyan's reasons, Shen Zhiyi felt more at ease. She seemed to have been in debt to him ever since she met He Qingyan.

Just as the phone hung up, it rang again.

I thought it was He Qingyan who had something to say, but I saw it was Song Jiaojiao's.

"What's the matter Jiaojiao, let's talk about it first, don't ask me about drinking, my little friend is not happy!"

Song Jiaojiao's crying sound came along the phone line, "Zhizhi, something happened to my brother, can you come?"

Shen Zhiyi braved the darkness and drove three hours to Song Jiaojiao's hometown.
At home, Song Jiaojiao was teaching her younger brother a lesson, "Tell me about you, you can't provoke anyone, but you want to provoke that little bully. Don't you know that his father is very powerful in our county? Now the school advises you Quit school, what do I see you do?"

Song Jiaojiao's younger brother, Song Xiaoming, reasoned hard, "Why did I provoke him? He was obviously the one who joked in front of his classmates that Dad was a vegetable, that I was an illegitimate child, and that sister, you have been doing an improper job outside for so many years. He is talking nonsense, can I bear it?"

"Yeah, but you can't beat him, it's nothing more than beating him, and you beat him internally, tell me how ruthless you are? You didn't kill anyone. If something happens to you, you let me How will you live with your mother in the future?"

Song Xiaoming was wronged, "Sister, I was just trying to scare him. I really didn't do much, so I just punched him casually. Who knew he was weak, and it's none of my business!"

"You brat, you don't admit your mistakes when you do something wrong, and you still blame others. I, I will teach you a lesson for my mother!"

Song Jiaojiao was so angry that she didn't fight anywhere, she went up and grabbed her younger brother's ear, and lifted him up high.

Song Xiaoming screamed in pain, Shen Zhiyi and Song's mother went up to stop the fight together.

"Come on, Jiaojiao, now is not the time to blame Xiaoming, let's quickly think of a way to solve it, Xiaoming will graduate next year, if he is expelled, he won't even be able to get a diploma from an ordinary university in the future. This time there is a possibility of being recorded by the police, don't you think his life will be ruined?" Song's mother became more and more excited as she spoke, she sat on the chair and started crying.

Song Jiaojiao's teeth itch with hatred, "It's all caused by him, he deserves what happens, no one can help!"

Shen Zhiyi knew something about her younger brother's situation. Song Xiaoming had been naughty and rebellious since he was a child, causing troubles constantly. Every time the Song family's parents had to wipe his ass.

After graduating from high school, the Song family, who were not wealthy, pooled their tuition to send Song Xiaoming to a private university. Song Jiaojiao paid his living expenses and tuition at school in the past few years. I don't ask him to be outstanding, but I only hope that he can go smoothly. I never thought this would happen after graduation.

Seeing that Song Jiaojiao still wanted to make a move, Song Xiaoming shrank to the corner of the wall, put his hands on his head, "Sister, this matter must not be easy, I'm really good!"

Shen Zhiyi was calmer than everyone else, and poured water for Song Jiaojiao and Song's mother, "Jiaojiao, auntie, don't get excited, let's take this matter slowly!"

She turned around and asked Song Xiaoming again, "Xiaoming, what do you mean when you said that this matter is not easy?"

Seeing that Song Jiaojiao had calmed down, Song Xiaoming got up cautiously, slid down the wall, and sat down on the stool farthest from Song Jiaojiao.

"Look, when I punched Zhao Chong, it was really a punch. I was very careful, and I only used five points of strength, and he didn't have any abnormal reaction at the time, and even punched me back. Well, My cheekbone still hurts!"

Song Xiaoming tilted his head to show everyone the profile of his face, and there was indeed a bruise on the cheekbone.

(End of this chapter)

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