When the elevator arrived at the first floor, Huang Runian turned her head to chat with He Jingyao and then walked out, accidentally bumping into an employee passing by in a hurry.

Huang Runian leaned back, and she was about to fall. In desperation, He Jingyao supported her back with one hand, and then pushed her upright with skillful force.

"Are you all right?"

"No, it's okay!" Huang Runian was dizzy, her face was flushed, her heart was beating fast, and she didn't dare to look directly at He Jingyao.

At that moment just now, she was so happy that pink bubbles filled the sky.

Brother Jing Yao must have feelings for her, right?

This scene fell into the eyes of Shen Zhiyi, and it became the daily sweetness of handsome men and beautiful women.

The overturned vinegar bottle in my heart seemed to be continuously smoked by a hot flame, and the sour taste kept rushing up from the soles of the feet along the spine.

He still scolded her for being so eager to find a man, so what about him?Are you in a hurry to find a woman?
This is still in the company, so I can't wait to flirt with others, where is the majesty of the president?
Seeing the two of them walking this way, they were about to collide with her, their eyes met, new couple and old lover, that scene was so embarrassing.

No, to be precise, only Shen Zhiyi was embarrassed.

How good He Jingyao's market is, she has long wanted to know, but just witnessing this moment with her own eyes, she still feels strange in her heart.

"Sorry Mr. He, did I disturb your good business? I'm leaving now!" Shen Zhiyi turned and left.

He Jingyao tilted his head, and pressed it against her ear, "My ex was so miserable, what do you think others think of me?"

For a moment, He Jingyao wanted to impulsively press this little woman under him and train her severely.

Shen Zhiyi looked at He Jingyao with raised eyebrows, "Here comes the person who saw me off!"

Shen Zhiyi pretended to think for a moment, and hit the nail on the head, "Mr. He won't have any more affection for me, will he?"

He Jingyao's expression remained unchanged, "I'll see you off!"

There is one thing to say, Shen Zhiyi thinks that this girl named Ru Nian is beautiful in her heart.

He Jingyao's eyes darkened suddenly, "What did you say?"

This is what He Jingyao taught!

Let her do it!
"Guess?" he asked back.

The man lowered his eyes, and the little woman's black eyes were looking up at him, her smile was sly and charming, and the colorful light and shadow cast on her face, she was like a little fairy, seducing him to fall step by step.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhiyi turned around and hid.

"A Shen, send Miss Ru Nian back!"

As soon as the words were finished, a Rolls Royce stopped beside them.

It had been a long time since they had been in such close contact, the familiar fragrance of a woman suddenly lingered on the tip of his nose, floating into his body like a soft silk ribbon, flirting on the tip of his heart intentionally or unintentionally.

Huang Runian glanced back and forth between Shen Zhiyi and He Jingyao, then said to He Jingyao with a smile in her eyes, "Brother Jingyao, go ahead and we'll talk next time!"

Shen Zhiyi raised his chin and looked at him for a few seconds, then suddenly laughed, "I still remember what Mr. He said before, saying that I was in a hurry to find a man, that I brought the wild man home Isn't it the same for Mr. He? The company flirts with Xin Ai in public, and Mr. He is so impatient, can't he find a hotel to tangle with?"

Moreover, she is still present in the He Group, and everyone knows who she is looking for in the He Group. If everyone misunderstands that she has no more love for He Jingyao, and she comes here alone at night to seek reunion, then she will just jump into it. The Yellow River can't wash it clean either.

"Miss Shen, why are you here? Are you here to see Mr.?"

"Of course not, I'll ask Mr. He!" Shen Zhiyi moved closer, breathing closer, entangled with each other, "You said you divorced me, why do you help me with Cathay Pacific?"

"Let go!"

"You also said something good about disturbing me, so you just walk away, isn't it unreasonable?" He Jingyao stared at her coldly, as if he wanted to poke a hole in her body.

"Have you said enough?" He Jingyao was on the verge of running out of patience.

Shen Zhiyi still smiled lazily, "Don't pretend, I know that men have needs in this regard, but Mr. He can set an example, otherwise how will you educate me next time? But, I am very knowledgeable about current affairs, Mr. He You can find as many women as you want, play as you want, it has nothing to do with me, and I will never interfere or ask."

Shen Zhiyi closed her eyes and gasped, Ah Shen, are you trying to make things difficult for me?Can your voice be louder?
Immediately afterwards, she felt a pair of eyes locked on her straight from behind.


His voice paused, his eyes and tone turned cold, "I just hope that Mr. He won't break into my world again. I'm living a good life now. What you're doing will only interfere with my life. If Mr. He is really full of sympathy , then go and help the children in the orphanage more, otherwise you will only make me feel very vulgar!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Zhiyi waved his hands and was about to leave, but after trying several times, he couldn't break free from the man's palm.

After adjusting her expression, Shen Zhiyi talked to Ah Shen, "Why? I was just passing by!" She didn't believe it herself.

After walking a few steps, a big hand grabbed her wrist, and the other party exerted a force, and she was turned 180 degrees.

Shen Zhiyi's face twitched, wanting to beat Ah Shen to death.

The car window was lowered, and He Qingyan's face that was [-]% similar to He Jingyao was revealed, "Does Miss Shen need my help?"

Shen Zhiyi spread her hands, "How is it? Am I very interesting?"

Shen Zhiyi moved her chin up and down, "It makes sense, and I also thank Mr. He for his pity, but..."

She has short Korean-style hair, and she likes to bend her eyebrows when she speaks, which adds a bit of sweetness and cuteness to her. When a woman looks at a woman, she usually sees more than just her appearance. Just based on the way this girl looked at He Jingyao just now, Shen Zhiyi dared to look at her. Guaranteed, the girl likes her ex-husband.

Ah Shen has gone out of her way today, and he, who has always been rigid, has learned to block her, "But Miss Shen is passing by, so she shouldn't pass by the entrance of our hall!"

Shen Zhiyi's lips were stretched straight, when did this person become so considerate?And let Ah Shen send it, which shows the importance of this girl.

Got it!
Can't hide now!

He Jingyao watched helplessly as Shen Zhiyi got into another man's car, and she didn't look at him again until the car drove away.

It was as if she had really let go of him, and the only one who struggled was himself.

The hands in the trouser pockets gradually closed, and in the evening wind, he stood upright on the steps, his shadow stretched by the shadow above his head, and in the moonlight, he looked so lonely...

He Qingyan has always disliked interfering in other people's private affairs, after the car drove a certain distance, he freed up one hand to turn on the music.

Suddenly, the extremely silent and heavy carriage came alive with the music.

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