Shen Zhiyi's irritated emotions gradually calmed down. She leaned her head against the car window and stared at the endless road ahead without blinking...


A whistle sound awakened Shen Zhiyi from her deep sleep.

She opened her eyes and looked around blankly. After her thoughts came back, she turned around and wiped her saliva, "Sorry, I fell asleep just now!"

He Qingyan was amused by her small gesture, he pretended not to see anything, "Um, yes, you fell asleep after such a short distance, I didn't have the heart to call you, but someone woke me up! "

Shen Zhiyi unbuttoned her seat belt, and said to the people in the car before getting out of the car, "Thank you for taking me here, have a good trip!"

The lathe was slowly closed, blocking He Qingyan's cold and handsome face, and then the car turned around and left.

Shen Zhiyi looked up at the window of Song Jiaojiao's house, and seeing that it was still dark, she knew she hadn't come back.

A few minutes later, a supercar drove into the community.

"I told you that you don't need to give it away, you have to give it away. If my colleagues in the company see it, what do you think they will arrange for me?" Song Jiaojiao muttered all the way, but Fang Huaizhou was extremely patient.

Song Jiaojiao almost didn't stand up, "How dare you, what's the relationship between us? We're clearly okay, okay? Don't talk nonsense, don't think you can do anything if I'm pregnant with your child. Let me tell you, it was just an accident !"

The two entered the door laughing and laughing.

Shen Zhiyi poked her temple heavily, "What are you thinking in your head? He Qingyan is a monk who doesn't have emotions and desires. I have never seen him look at a woman more than me? How is it possible!"

For the sake of her being pregnant with his own child, Fang Huaizhou didn't argue with her, so as not to get pregnant, as long as it wasn't too much, she would do whatever she wanted.

Fang Huaizhou shrugged, "The luggage has been brought here, what do you think? Don't look at me like that, I just want to take care of you, this is the responsibility of the child's father!"

"Song Jiaojiao, what do you mean? Why don't you appreciate my good intentions for you?" Fang Huaizhou also got out of the car, no matter what he did, he stuck behind Song Jiaojiao anyway.

No no no!

Shen Zhiyi squinted at her from the corner of his eyes, "How can one leg work? At least two legs!"

Depend on!
Isn't that weaving?

Fang Huaizhou raised his breath and wanted to say something, but in the end he hesitated to say anything, okay, for the sake of her pregnancy, he doesn't care about her.

"Zhizhi is here, hurry up, don't let her find you, or I'll hit the ball in my stomach!" Song Jiaojiao hurriedly stuffed Fang Huaizhou into the car, and then slammed the door shut.

"It's not what it used to be. I'm the heroine now. How can the heroine leave so early? I can't show myself well in front of the director?"

"Do you still have the traditional Chinese medicine for stomach discomfort that I prepared for you last time? If not, I will deliver some to you tomorrow. Even if you are alone at home, remember to eat breakfast. Don't always eat those greasy and heavy-tasting medicines on the set. It’s always right to have a lighter diet!”

"That's right, but I'm curious, how did you, a former little anchor who was hidden in the snow, become the company's key training target? Could it be that... you have unspoken rules for the boss!" Shen Zhiyi pretended to cover her mouth in surprise.

Shen Zhiyi glanced at her suspiciously, then laughed at her, "Cut, hypocritical!"


"You are so concerned, are you interested? Hey! No, you just heard about him from me. When did you meet?" Shen Zhiyi narrowed her eyes, trying to find a breakthrough from her.


Shen Zhiyi tapped the phone on the phone, pretending to be angry, "What time is it, why are you back so late?"

Song Jiaojiao touched her arm and leaned her head on her shoulder, "You are the best for me!"

"Let them do the choreography. At worst, I will announce our relationship to the public. Who will dare to look down on you in the future!"

ah!She was only focused on dealing with this guy, and completely forgot to ask Zhizhi to come to the house. If she saw herself and Fang Huaizhou...

The casual words made Song Jiaojiao's eyebrows twitch, and she punched Shen Zhiyi with an unnatural expression, "Sister is just this in your eyes, Zhizhi, you have become dirty..."

"Huh? Why do you have men's slippers at home?" Shen Zhiyi discovered by accident when she was changing her shoes.

Song Jiaojiao stopped and closed her eyes helplessly, "Fang Huaizhou, why are you still following me? I..."

Pregnant women can't drink alcohol, otherwise it will affect the fetus, she still knows this common sense.

Originally, there was still room to discuss this matter, but upon hearing this, Song Jiaojiao became inexplicably annoyed, "I have hands and feet, and I don't need you to take care of them, so move your luggage away, I can't live in men, lonely men and widows, What is this like?"

Song Jiaojiao was surprised, and helped her chin that was about to fall, "He, monk? No, he is so handsome, has such a good temperament, and is so tall. If you say he is curvy, I may still accept it. Without the seven emotions and six desires, isn't this mother reckless?"

Song Jiaojiao waved her hand guiltily, covered her stomach and said, "I don't want to drink, my stomach feels uncomfortable these days!"

"Ah, I was just talking nonsense with you, and I almost forgot about the business!" Song Jiaojiao sat up straight, her smiling eyes swiveled on Shen Zhiyi, "Zhizhi, tell me the truth, you and that He Qingyan...does she have an affair?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't take it to heart either. It was like her own home here, she dragged a few cans of beer from the refrigerator, and popped open two cans.

Song Jiaojiao hastily kicked the pair of slippers in, "The supermarket is full of free gifts, only men's slippers are left, don't waste it!"

"It's too late, let's stop cooking, I ordered takeaway, I'll make up for you!"

As long as you have a thick skin, there is nothing you can't do.

"Are you really planning to stay overnight?"

"Hey, come here!" Shen Zhi put his finger on her forehead in disgust, and pushed her away, "By the way, why did you come to me?"

Seeing his car completely disappear in the community, Song Jiaojiao breathed a sigh of relief, straightened her expression and walked towards the unit building.

Sarcasm is sarcasm, between friends, when you lose, you lose towards death, when you love, you love towards death.

Song Jiaojiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and waved her hands, "What and what, I told you that I don't want to have a relationship, didn't it be that He Qingyan who took the initiative to find me?"

Shen Zhiyi tilted her head and stared at her, motioning for her to continue talking.

"Actually, it's nothing. He wanted me to spend more time with you. He said that you have been in a bad mood recently, probably because he was afraid that you wouldn't think about it!" Song Jiaojiao drank saliva and moistened her throat. You, you came all the way to ask me, this is like a boyfriend's operation, I was so moved at the time, how many men can do what he does?"

Shen Zhiyi just listened quietly and did not speak.

"Zhizhi, He Qingyan's feelings for you are too obvious. Didn't his cousin, your ex-husband He Jingyao abandon you..."

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