Chapter 267

"Hello miss, is there anything I can help you with?"

Shen Zhiyi was straightforward, "Where are the pregnancy test strips?"

"Here, please follow me!" The pharmacy staff led Shen Zhiyi to a row of shelves, "These are test strips of different brands, and the prices are also different..."

Shen Zhiyi didn't listen to the crackling introduction of the salesperson, so he just took one.

"The test will only be effective after one week of the menstrual holiday. If you don't understand anything, you can read the instructions in the back, or call us under the receipt!"

"Okay, thank you!" Shen Zhiyi paid and left.

In the next second, a head poked out from behind another row of shelves.

"Yingxue? Yingxue, what are you doing, are you listening to me?" My friend patted He Yingxue on the shoulder, and the latter was dazed.

"Ah? What did you just say?"

"I said, you can just take this vitamin C. My aunt eats this. It's all natural and the effect is good. It seems that she is still doing activities!"

He Yingxue picked up two bottles absently, "Then this one!"

"Aren't you going to pick and choose?"

"Didn't you just say that this one is good?" He Yingxue paid the money and handed the bought things to a friend, "You wait for me in the car first, and I'll buy some cold medicine and keep it at home!"

As soon as her friend left, she walked to the cashier and said, "The Vitamin C I bought just now, give me two more sets!"

The pharmacy salesperson was very excited, "Okay, I'll pack it for you!"

"By the way, can you type me a copy of the lady's purchase order just now?"

A few minutes later, He Yingxue came out of the pharmacy with a purchase slip.

There is only one product on record, pregnancy test strips.

After Shen Zhiyi went back, she handed the pregnancy test paper to Song Jiaojiao, "Go to the bathroom and try it!"

Song Jiaojiao took a deep breath, and went into the bathroom with a death-defying attitude.

Shen Zhiyi walked around outside with her shoulders in her arms, feeling more nervous than her.

With a cry of surprise, Song Jiaojiao walked out from inside with a dejected look on her face.

Shen Zhiyi rushed over immediately, "How is it?"

"Accidentally dropped the test strip in the toilet!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

After all, it was the first time to buy this thing. When the salesman asked her how many she wanted, she didn't even want one.

Well now, buy it for nothing!
"Jiaojiao, tell me the truth, who does this child belong to?" She tapped Song Jiaojiao's shoulder with a serious face.

Seeing Song Jiaojiao hesitated to speak, with a difficult expression on her face, Shen Zhiyi couldn't hold back anymore, "You don't even know whose child it is, do you? You..."

"No way, of course I know, it's just... Fang Huaizhou's!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..."

He's old house.

He Jingyao drank a lot of alcohol after returning home last night, so when Qiu Wanqing called him over, his head still hurt.

He propped his arms on the armrest of the sofa and rubbed his forehead vigorously. After waiting for a while, Qiu Wanqing came down from the stairs.

She was holding a wooden box in her arms. The lid was hand-carved with exquisite patterns. When she opened it, there was a green ruyi lying in it.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

Qiu Wanqing glanced at him, "You forgot, tomorrow is your Uncle Huang's birthday. Your father was saved by him when he was young. We will never forget this kindness. It just so happened that you and Ru Nian met again. A reunion can be said to be a joy on top of happiness, and giving a gift can also be regarded as bringing the relationship between the two closer!"

He Jingyao felt even more headache than before, "You can just send it over by yourself, I don't have time!"

"Stinky boy, what do I want to say? It's most suitable for the younger generation to give it to you, and it will only take up half an hour for you. That's fine, I'll leave this matter to you!"

He Jingyao: "..."

"Wan Qing, where did you put my blue silk scarf? I can't find it no matter how hard I look!" The old lady came down from the stairs.

"Mom, you've been wearing that silk scarf for more than ten years. I think the style is old and faded, so I put it away for you. I'll buy some new ones with you tomorrow!"

It was Qiu Wanqing who put it away, it was clearly when she was tidying up the old lady's closet, she accidentally clicked and pulled it.

This silk scarf is the treasure of the old lady. If the old lady finds out, she will be sad and have to blame her for telling a lie.

The old lady didn't appreciate it, "I don't want a new silk scarf, I want mine, give it to me quickly!"


"Grandma!" He Jingyao stood up.

When the old lady saw him, she was so happy that she was about to speak when she suddenly realized that something was wrong, she immediately lowered her face and swung her arms, "Hmph, don't call me grandma, I don't have such a disobedient grandson like you!"

After finishing speaking, he left He Jingyao with a back.

Qiu Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately her son interrupted her, otherwise how would she explain the silk scarf?

"Let me just say that Shen Zhiyi knows Gu skills, I don't know what kind of Gu technique you put on your grandma to make your grandma like her so much, and she is still angry with you because of Shen Zhiyi, Ah Yao, Don't worry, your grandma is old and confused, but she will be fine in a few days!"

He Jingyao lowered his eyelashes, thoughtful.

After Qiu Wanqing answered the phone, she said to her son, "Mom is going to play poker, don't leave today, and have a good meal with your father and the others to calm them down, huh?"

After giving the instructions, she hurried away.

He Jingyao didn't intend to stay, otherwise he would have to accept the "trial" regarding the divorce with Shen Zhiyi.

"Ah Yao, you just came here and are leaving?" He Yingxue came out of the room with a mask on her face.

"Well, the company still has something to do!"

He Yingxue carefully observed the surroundings, and said in a low voice, "I heard that your mother stuffed Huang Runian into your company?"


"Oh! The idea of ​​trying to match you up seems to be true!"

He Jingyao ignored him, put on his coat and prepared to leave.

He Yingxue quickly asked again, "Then what do you think about Huang Runian? I've met that girl a few times. She has a pretty face and is quite polite, but standing with you, she doesn't seem to be a good match!"

He Jingyao closed his eyes, and said with restraint, "So, Auntie, you are also here to introduce me to a blind date?"

"I would like to, but you don't have that kind of thought, do you? You have an old relationship with your aunt, do you still want to rekindle your old relationship with Shen Zhiyi?"

He Jingyao bowed his head and buttoned his clothes, three parts joking and seven parts serious, "What if I say yes?"

"Then you are miserable, maybe she is about to give birth to another man!"

He Jingyao froze.

He Yingxue handed him the purchase order from the pharmacy, "You have to take a good look at what she bought, I saw it in the pharmacy with my own eyes!"

After patting He Jingyao's arm, He Yingxue left.

(End of this chapter)

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