Chapter 268 This Child Must Be Abolished

Fang Huaizhou went around for five days, and after the Fang family's affairs were settled, he took the earliest flight back to Hangzhou without taking a breath.

Fang's father was already in poor health. A few days ago, his family suddenly called Fang Huaizhou. Fang's father's condition worsened and he was sent to the ICU. He had not yet passed the critical period, so Fang Huaizhou was asked to come back quickly.

Strange to say, after he rushed back overnight, Father Fang woke up suddenly, held his son's hand and kept opening his mouth, but only one sound came out.

Later, he asked someone to bring a pen and paper, and wrote down what he wanted to say word by word.

The first half can be understood as he felt that he couldn’t do it anymore, and wanted to take advantage of everyone’s arrangements for the funeral. Before the word “Huaizhou” was finished, his stepmother, Fang Yao’s biological mother, jumped out and interrupted Fang’s father. Then she kicked everyone out on the grounds that Fang's father needed to rest, and she stayed to accompany her.

As a result, the next day, Father Fang fell into a coma again.

The stepmother immediately pointed the finger at Fang Huaizhou, saying that he was the disaster star of the Fang family, and that as soon as he came back, Fang's father's condition would deteriorate.

The other elders of the Fang family who could speak were also afraid of this mistress. After Fang's father was bedridden, many decision-making powers were in the hands of the mistress, so none of them dared to say anything.

Fang Huaizhou smiled and said nothing, but his heart was clear.

On the fourth day, he flew back to Hangzhou, saving an extra day, and some people would be restless.

Then again, it's not his stuff, he doesn't want it, it's his stuff, others can't take it away even if they want to, his mother has been cowardly and weak all her life, he absolutely can't back down step by step like her, otherwise he will just let others slaughter.

If the woman dares to play with his idea, try it!
He took out the key and was about to open the door, when he suddenly sensed someone behind him, he turned around and wanted to grab the other person, but the other party twisted his arm even faster.

As soon as the man tried his best, Fang Huaizhou was pushed against the wall.

The man was about to drink too much, but he heard a mocking female voice, "Master Fang is not good at this skill, I suggest you practice more in the future if you have nothing to do, it's useless to look good!"

Fang Huaizhou paused, turned his head to look over, "Shen Zhiyi?"

Shen Zhiyi let go, and patted the dust on his hands, "I'm serious, you're so tall and big, you can't even catch a single move from me, no wonder Song Jiaojiao said you..."

"She still said me? What did she say about me?" Fang Huaizhou was eager to know.

Shen Zhiyi pressed her fist to her lips and coughed lightly, "Say you're a bit of a bitch!"

Fang Huaizhou: "..."

It seems that the woman forgot how he tormented her in the hotel that night, he needs to help her remember.

"You didn't come to see me, did you? Fang Huaizhou opened the door and invited Shen Zhiyi in.

This is the second time for Shen Zhiyi to come here, she didn't change her slippers, she just stood at the door, "I'll just ask you a few questions, and I'll leave after I finish!"

Fang Huaizhou was extremely thirsty, and drank wildly while holding the water glass, motioning for Shen Zhiyi to start asking.

"Is the child in Jiaojiao's belly yours?"

Shen Zhiyi asked too directly, Fang Huaizhou felt guilty, his body trembled, and the cup almost flew out.

But after thinking about it again, he suddenly became elated, "It seems that she is very happy to share this good news with others, and she is very willing to care about me, but she has to pretend to be indifferent, which makes me worry for a long time!"

"So, that's what you did?"

Fang Huaizhou was not happy to hear this, he explained aggrievedly, "What do you mean I did a good job? This matter can't be slapped..."

He told what happened that night in a few words, the time, place and various details were pretty much the same as Song Jiaojiao's, it seemed that he wasn't lying.

Shen Zhiyi leaned on the shoe cabinet with her shoulders crossed, and tilted her head, "So, what are you going to do now?"

"Of course we have to give her a status. If she wants to get married, then get married. If she doesn't want to get married, then leave the child behind. I will cover all the expenses for her and the child in the future!"

Shen Zhiyi pursed her lips, "It's quite responsible, but I'm afraid not, the child in Song Jiaojiao's stomach must be abolished!"

"Why?" Fang Huaizhou frowned, a little annoyed.

Shen Zhiyi shrugged, "I have been married once and divorced once, and I know the consequences of this relationship brought about by the great disparity in status. You are the young master of the Fang family. There are several houses and cars, and shares in the company. Even if you don’t work in this life, you still have enough money to spend. Song Jiaojiao is different from you. There is a younger brother who goes to school. To put it bluntly, she is now a small Internet celebrity. To put it bluntly, she is a part-time job based on people’s faces. If the leader is unhappy, she may lose her job. Although Song Jiaojiao’s family is not good, she is very strong. You Do you think she will accept you?"

Fang Huaizhou was silent for a while, and said firmly, "I can persuade her, or not get married, it won't be too stressful, right?"

Shen Zhiyi smiled again, "You don't give pressure, but what about your parents? You can accept it, can they accept it? In the future, you may also inherit your father's company? Make sure no one comes out to stop you and Jiaojiao?"

"I..." Fang Huaizhou was speechless when asked, his light brown hair was particularly eye-catching under the warm lighting.

When Shen Zhiyi questioned about the relationship between Song Jiaojiao and Fang Huaizhou before, she saw a touch of affection in Song Jiaojiao's eyes, but this silly girl herself did not admit it at all.

She thought, with Fang Huaizhou's handsome appearance, any girl might not be able to resist until she fell.

As Song Jiaojiao's best friend, she must prevent her from sinking further. She has suffered in this regard, and she can't bear to see Song Jiaojiao go the same way as her.

Shen Zhiyi straightened up, patted Fang Huaizhou on the shoulder, and said with a deep sigh, "Think about it carefully, if you can overcome what I just said, then it won't be too late for you to talk to Jiaojiao by then , if it can’t be done, I will drag her to kill the child!”

Shen Zhiyi left, and Fang Huaizhou sat on the sofa alone for a while. After drinking two glasses of whiskey, he wanted to call Song Jiaojiao. He hadn't seen her for four days, and he didn't know about her and the meatball in his stomach. What's the matter, besides, he really wants to hear her voice now.

Fang Huaizhou does not admit that this is liking, but responsibility.

Shen Zhiyi returned to He Qingyan's second-floor building. On the sofa, Xiaobao was holding a bucket of fried chicken and eating with relish, with a ring of secret sauce on his lips.

"You're back, Shen Zhiyi? I'm so hungry, I left you a fried bun in the frying pan, and there's also fried chicken here!"

Shen Zhiyi: "..." She was clearly taken care of.

Immediately, I felt that I was a bit of a failure as a mother. Every time I came home late, I had to prepare meals for her. This girl must be a good wife and mother when she grows up.

After filling her stomach, Xiaobao went into the room to sleep, and Shen Zhiyi went to take a shower. She was used to bringing her mobile phone in and playing some music, which was more conducive to relaxation.

He was listening comfortably, but was disturbed by a string of Arabic numerals.

(End of this chapter)

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