Even though the number had been deleted from the contacts long ago, it was burnt into her mind like ashes.

Hang up directly.

It rings again.

Shen Zhiyi watched coldly, but didn't answer until the ringtone disappeared.

Wrapped in a bath towel casually and went back to the bedroom, anyway, there were only her and Xiao Bao in this small building, and He Qingyan's people had already left, so she pulled the curtains, pulled the bath towel, opened the closet and looked for home clothes .

When he looked up again, there was an extra person in the changing mirror.

Shen Zhiyi gasped, she grabbed the bath towel to wrap the spring light on her chest, and glared at him angrily, "How did you get in? Get out!"

The whole picture of the woman was flushed red, she was ashamed and angry, you must know that she was not wearing anything in the past few seconds, she was seen clean like a toy.

Why is this man like this?

"Why are you nervous? I haven't seen or touched any part of your body? You even... kissed it!"

When He Jingyao said this, Shen Zhiyi wished he could dig a hole and get in. Fortunately, there was no third person here, otherwise where would she put her face?

He did it on purpose!

Shen Zhiyi sighed, and it was funny, "He Jingyao, are you sick? You sneaked into my house late at night and didn't go home to sleep. Those who didn't know thought you were a thief. You should leave here quickly, or I will report you. Warn you to break into the house!"

He Jingyao seemed to have heard a terrible word, his eyes turned cold, "Your family? So, you are really with him, aren't you?"

"What are you talking about? Forget it, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, are you going or not?"

The two looked at each other, and He Jingyao's feet didn't move, as if there seemed to be an undercurrent surging in the eyes of a deep pool.

"Okay, you're not leaving, are you? Then don't blame me for not remembering the old love!" Shen Zhi felt ruthless, and picked up the phone to dial.

He Jingyao stepped over in two or three steps, grabbed the phone and threw it far away, pressed her shoulders and pushed her against the wall.

Shen Zhiyi's shoulder blades were painfully separated by the cold and hard wall, and he frowned and gasped. Before he had time to react, He Jingyao held his face in his hands, and before he had time to react, he was sealed with his lips.

Shen Zhiyi was stunned for a few seconds, and then struggled hard. He Jingyao easily strangled her wrists with one hand, hung upside down above her head, and suppressed her lower body with one leg with absolute advantage.

He Jingyao's kiss was crazy, rough, and merciless, even with a hint of punishment.

Shen Zhi was so angry that he bit back hard, He Jingyao hissed in pain, wiped his lips, and stuck them on without hesitation.

Shen Zhiyi bites again.

The mouths of the two were full of blood.

Sensing the strangeness, He Jingyao finally let go of her. Shen Zhiyi, who was freed, gritted his teeth and pushed him violently, and wiped his lower lip hard with the back of his hand. One stroke was not enough, two strokes, two or three strokes were not enough, until his lips became red and swollen It's amazing.

"Enough! Do you think I'm dirty?" He Jingyao couldn't stand it anymore, and pulled her hand away.

Shen Zhiyi smiled touchingly, "Isn't that right, Mr. He has kissed countless women with this mouth. I'm timid and afraid of being infected!"

The veins on the man's temples twitched, and his eyes seemed to stare at Shen Zhiyi, "So, in your eyes, only He Qingyan is the cleanest?"

Shen Zhiyi frowned, "What does this have to do with Master Yan? Can you not involve innocent people?"

He Jingyao sneered, "He is innocent? Don't you know that he was planning on you early in the morning? If you are a little gentler to you and give you some benefits, you will really sell yourself, Shen Zhiyi, why are you so worthless? You can tell me what you want, He Qingyan and I haven't seen him through for so many years, do you really think he really loves you? Don't be naive!"

"Mr. He, I don't like to hear what you say!" Shen Zhiyi originally wanted to clear up her relationship with He Qingyan, but now that He Jingyao made her very upset, it was completely unnecessary to explain.

"Why do you think that men all over the world don't know how to love like you? I'll tell you the truth. He Qingyan is gentler than you, more understanding than you, and knows how to cherish others better than you. You, he is better than you." But him, I really want to consider whether or not to follow him, it's the He family anyway!"

He Jingyao tensed his arms, his jaw line was cold and sharp, "Say it again if you have the ability!"

Shen Zhiyi took a step forward, wanting to provoke him out of retaliation, she looked up at him with the corners of her lips curled up, "I really want to think about whether to..."

Before he finished speaking, He Jingyao threw her onto the bed, and then his heavy body pressed her down.

"He Jingyao, you lunatic, what are you doing? Get up and don't touch me!"

"You'd better keep your voice down, are you going to show Xiaobao a live broadcast?"

Shen Zhiyi bit her lips and stared angrily at the sullen man, shouting angrily in a low voice, "So you are this kind of person, I really misjudged you!"

"You are also unclean. You have only divorced me for a long time, and you climbed into another man's bed. If you are revenge on me, then I tell you, your goal has been achieved. I am crazy now, and you are also forcing me!"

Shen Zhiyi couldn't understand what he was talking about at all, and kicked hard, trying to find a topic to divert his attention, "I don't understand, you already have Miss Huang, why are you still pestering me? Don't you be afraid that I will put you Tell her about it tonight?"


Shen Zhiyi: "..."

With a sudden chill, He Jingyao ripped off the bath towel.

In desperation, Shen Zhiyi blurted out, "I'm here as my aunt, I can't do it today!"

He Jingyao paused, turned over, propped himself on the bed with one hand, brushed back the broken hair on his forehead with the other hand, and smiled ironically, "Shen Zhiyi, do you think I'm stupid?"

Shen Zhiyi: "???"

"I won't do what you wish!" He Jingyao lost the sentence inexplicably, got out of bed and pulled a long windbreaker from the closet, and put it on Shen Zhiyi without saying a word.

"What are you going to do?"

"Go to the hospital!" After finishing speaking, he tapped Shen Zhiyi's wrist and dragged it out.

"What are you going to the hospital for? I'm not going, I'm not going anywhere, He Jingyao, let me go!"

"You have to go. I don't allow this child in my stomach to stay. If you want to have a child, you can only have my child, He Jingyao!"

The door slams shut and locks.

It took Shen Zhiyi a long time to digest what he just said, "What did you say? Child? What child?"

"Oh! Shen Zhiyi, how long do you want to hide from me?" He Jingyao showed the purchase order, "Believe it or not, even if one day you give birth to this child behind my back, I can still hide it from you in front of you and He Jingyao." Kill him with a flattering face!"

Shen Zhiyi snatched it over, this, isn't this her purchase record at that pharmacy yesterday?How could it be in the hands of He Jingyao.

After she thought about it, she finally understood where He Jingyao's nerves came from.

He thought she was pregnant, and she was still pregnant with He Qingyan's child.

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